Czechoslovakian president and during war exile president was Edvard Benes. I believe, that that is the name you are looking for. Im from Czech rep, so i know what im talking about. Dont put czechs from this mod please, our soldiers were betrayed by west europian countries (England and France) in 1938 in Munchen agreement, so dont betray us now, we would like to destroy nazi germans
I've been thinking about excluding them from the game in favor of some other civ, but I might keep them still. PLease come with suggestions for UU's. I'm going to include many UU's so please help me.
Can these different versions of WW2 be used with the 1.16 patch?
1.17 is a bad patch and I will not use it.
I think you have to use the 1.17 patch, so if you want to play the MOD install that.
Nice MOD...
The Russian T62 tank was probably the best tank of the war.
In my opinion better than the Tiger.
It was more reliable.
Had better range.
A diesel engine....less prone to fire and would start in adverse conditions.
Lighter, meaning it could cross European bridges.
It was immune to German antitank guns, apart from the 88.
It was cheap.
Easy to maintain and operate.
Actually if we're talking WW2 here, that would be the T-34. The T-62 was the Soviet standard for the middle part of the Cold War.
Yea I know! My first thought was to make the Soviets produce A LOT of tanks, that's why I made them
cheaper, and therefor also less good. BUT I'm currently working on adding more UU's and with those maybe 5 different types of tanks per nation!
And Then the Soviet tanks will be less good from the start maybe, and their last tank is the best in the game.
This will reflect the war a little better and make the civs very different from each other. I will try and don't make any über-civs, but in the UP-COMMIING scenario (YES, a scenario), there will be major differences in starting POWER.
Thanks for the Feedback and facts, I want more of this!

im sorry to say this but the game crashed after 10 turns... i played soviets and i played on a random made map, and after 10 turns it crashed... can u make a mod map with those same civs, but in the europe map instead in a random map? thanx... and also without crashing.. thanks again.
This was very bad to hear... has this happened to anyone else?
Could you please send me the save-file at the year the game crashes?
That would really help debugging the game.
And YES, I'm about to add a Map to the MOD. Maybe one European and one world map. With Correct
starting locations of course. (Maybe not from the start, but everything has it's time...)
Leader of Nationalist China was Chiang Kai-Shek. Title, General.
The Navy SEALs started during WW2 as Underwater Demolition Teams. I suggest a better UU for the US would be the Rangers, super infantry, or keep the Marines. For the US, certainly the Flying Fortress, B-17 is fine. Also throw in the Aircraft Carrier, they made the best use of carriers during WW2.
The Jap colour should be bright red, the Rising Sun. UUs, how about Kamikaze, sort of a weak and cheap Cruise Missile? They also had the best Battleship.
Britain, how about the Commando? Spitfire or Hurricane, absolutely, FYI, the Hurricane knocked off most of the Luftwaffe, not the Spit. Not sure how to represent the Royal Navy .... maybe the Destroyer, ultra effective against subs and can, in a pack, take on the Battleship.
Germany, the U-boat. Stormtroopers and Panzers, of course. How to fix it so that they are the first to develop Jet Fighter and Cruise Missile?
Thanks for the leader name!
I might add the Ranger too. And I will definetly add the B-17. And a better Aircraft carrier too, any tips
about any ship types and such?
Right now, the jap-color is WHite. And Polands color is Red. But I might change...
Yea I'm about to add a Kamikaze ship actually.
Right now, the britts have a better Battleship, but I had a Destroyer in the start. And yes I will try and make them lords of the Seas (Together with the Nazis, americans(aircraft) and japs(Battleship)...).
And Yes I will add the Hurricane (What's the difference between Hurricanes and Spitfires?)
Could anyone post pictures and stats of WW2 stuff? Any help would be welcomed.
Germany will deffinatly get the best U-boats. And Stormtroopers, yes.
I could give them Jet-fighters and Cruise Missiles earlier, but that would be a little to big advantage wouldn't it?
Regarding the US Marines, why not call them Marines, and call the others Commandos. UK
Commando units were particularly effective. How about a Spitfire UU triggering a GA.
I really should get round to trying out this mod.
By the way, how did you go about making a country neutral?
Ok, I have alot of feedback about the Navy Seals. Hmm, I'm not sure what to do... Maybe it's just the name that is getting to everybody?
I did not make the Neutrals "Neutral", I just made them super-unaggresive, and such...
But in the Scenario, I'll try and make it so that they won't attack. Or be in war.