This is a bitmap to civ 6 map converter made in C# (works for windows as it's an .exe).
I call it the Yet (not) Another Bit Map Converter (after some collaboration with Gedemon, the YnAMP guy, who showed me how to created maps in lua)
You create your map using Photoshop, Gimp, Paint.NET, MS Paint or any other image editing software.
Maps are saved as 24-bit bitmap files (.bmp) and then my program will convert it into a fully functional map (built the same way as the YnAMP maps).
You can also create your maps in the ingame worldbuilder (without having to place down resources, features, continents, cliffs, natural wonders or rivers
This is a map I've made myself using this program:
Spoiler :
You can download that map here
I've also made these with the tool: Middle East, Northern Europe, The World of Avatar
A download link to the program can be found here
The link is safe, but here is a link to the github page as it’s open source (Remember to use the "Master" branch as other branches are under development and can be buggy)
Here is a link to the manual/instructions
Gedemon made a good manual for the Civ 5 to Civ 6 converting process here
So far it’s in alpha, but it works really well (to the extent I've used it). Please give me feedback on how it runs, and report any bugs if you find them! And also provide feedback on the manual/instructions if you have any (as it will be expanded in the future)!
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