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You Favorite Male and Female Character


Duke Vector fon Pixel
Apr 3, 2005
Which is yours favorite post- GnK Female Leader character? Male? Why? Historical Character? His portraying in Civ game? Own reasons? Nice music/Background? You think she/he is hot?

Please post here :)

Favorite Female: Dido. I love Carthage History IRL, and in game, I like background, she speaks Ancient language which i DO understand, She is cute and Civ V staff made her very well.
Favorite Male: Herald Bluetooth. He is cool, and i like how he reacts for DoW and other things. He smiles all the time, even when he is annoyed or you DoW him. His speech is soothing though, and he is just cool Viking, i sometimes pick him for SP because i just like how Civ V staff made him.
Female: Theodora because I just like the way she sits about and has a kind of laid back feel plus the scenery in the background has been well made by Firaxis.

Male: Kamehameha because he always seems really cheerful when you meet him, his language is pleasant to hear and the background I think is the best. Although I do like Montezuma and Pacal as I really like both Aztec and Mayan history and well Montezuma looks really evil and Pacal's language is so unique. (plus im reading a book at the moment about the Mayans so I find them interesting) :)
oh and actually Boudic is equal favourite for female as well she was Queen of the Iceni who came from Norfolk in England which is where I live plus the Celtic language is also very unique to hear :)
Male: Me!
Unique Ability: Fortified Architects: Forts and Citadels are 50% faster, ranged units gain 50% more :c5rangedstrength: when fortified in them.

Unique changes in bold:

Unique Unit: Preumbra Knight (replaces Lancer): Cost: 220:c5production:, 25:c5strength:, 4 :c5moves:, Starts with Formation I, No Defense Penalties, No Melee Attack, No Penalties for Attacking Cities, No Terrain Penalties, Required: Horse

Unique Building: Stonghold (replaces Castle): Cost 160:c5production: Maintenance 3:c5gold:, Defense 7:c5strength:, (+50HP, Cites can attack twice in one turn, +1 range)

In all seriousness, my favorite male character is Attila, whom makes the early war game fun (with those OP battering rams)

My favorite female character is: Elizabeth, because she is a goddess in the water.
Female:Wu Zetian
I find Chinese history very interesting and I admire Wu Zetian for her deeds. She has nice background music,my favourite.
Male:Willem van Oranje
He speaks my first language and I understand him the best,he wears funny shoes
Favorite female: Isabella of castile
One of my favorite historical figures of all time and a spaniard, one of my nationalities. I love her reserved manerisms, her accent, and the way she dresses, they're all so... Powerful. For such a frail looking person she really emits a sense of power, grace, and divine dignity. She really seems to emit a sense of divine purpose. (the only reason I didn't pick Elizibeth is because she's rude, annoying, and hates me no matter what I do to please her)
Favorite male: Nebuchadnezzar
Eh, a crazy drunkard god with a funny helmet and a cool tonge? Why not. A close second is kamehameha for similar reasons.
Female: I like boudica - she has nice music, and a nice demeanor - i would tame that wild beast.

I hate isabella. I hate her ugly dress, and i hate everything about her. I would burn her at the steak for heresy.

Male: I like Bluetooth - he wont sell me his helmet though.

I hate Sejong - i usually play him though, but i hate his ugly hat...
Male Leader- Augustus Caesar, I love Ancient Roman history and he is my favorite world leader. I love his sighed, uncaring voice and his unwillingness to make eye contact with you. He has a very cool scene and was a brilliant leader.
Female Leader- Maria Theresa, I have always loved Austria and I think they portrayed her very well, I love her annoying aristocratic voice and her mannerisms.
Honorable Mention : William, Gustavus Aldolphus, Theodora, Dido
Male- Kamehameha. I had never heard of this guy before Civ 5, and after reading his civilopedia entry, I love him. His music is wonderful and his background is beautiful.

Female- Boudica. Celtic. 'nuff said.

Least Favourites:

Male- Montezuma. His fire lags my game.

Female- Wu. She always backstabs me.
Male- Kamehameha. I had never heard of this guy before Civ 5, and after reading his civilopedia entry, I love him. His music is wonderful and his background is beautiful.

Female- Boudica. Celtic. 'nuff said.

Least Favourites:

Male- Montezuma. His fire lags my game.

Female- Wu. She always backstabs me.

Grrr; Double Post
Favourite Male: Sejong
Favourite Female: Catherine^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Favourite Female: probably Catherine. I like her Civ and she's pleasing on the eye.
Favourite Male: Harun. He always seems cool under pressure in my games, even when you nuke one of his cities.

Least Favourites:
Female: Elizabeth. I'm English, her accent sounds more like an American's idea of a proper British accent...
Boudica: She looks like an angry English rocker chick. She's an angry uptight little upstart. I go out of my way to make sure her only city is a 1 pop piece of crap in the middle of the snow. I delay winning just so I can show her what prats like her deserve.

Napoleon: I dislike him in general... Civ wise, he back stabs. I love nuking Paris.
Elizabeth. I'm English, her accent sounds more like an American's idea of a proper British accent....

I think it's probably accurate to the time period. There are a lot of things we tend to think of as Americanisms that actually come from England in the first place.

That said, if she were using the language of her time it'd be Shakespearian and almost unintelligible.
I think it's probably accurate to the time period. There are a lot of things we tend to think of as Americanisms that actually come from England in the first place.

That said, if she were using the language of her time it'd be Shakespearian and almost unintelligible.

Yeah. Shouldn't Washington have an English Accent?
Male: Ghandi - a nice guy who knows decency.
Female: Maria Theresia - I love her austrian accent. Fantastic voice acting. :)
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