I want a game that's not as occidentophobic as Civilization VI or other historical 4x games.
From 45 know civs on CIV6, Western/Euro regions have 20:
(9) Western European- Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian, Roman, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish
(6) Eastern European- Georgian, Greek, Hungarian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian
(3) Anglo Colonial- American, Australian, Canadian
(2) LATAM- Brazilian, Gran Colombian
I dont see how with 4/9 of their civs CIV6 is a "occidentophobic" game.
And before anybody point to the lack of obvious options like Portugal and Byzantium we must remember that are confirmed to come some more civs and that "civilizations" like Scotland or Australia came long before them, like Zulu came long before Ethiopia or Cree long before Maya.
There's a difference between the Past (what happened) and History (the written record of what happened). I'm personally more interest in History, and classical history at that, focused as it is on Great Works. Much as I enjoy the writings of Dan Jones and Tom Holland, I've still yet to come across a modern work which surpasses Edward Gibbon's History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
This is matter of taste, plus a lot of speculation about what game mechanics would end being on Humankind. But there are some points to guess Humankind would be less about "historical importance" and more about the many histories the world could tell ous (NOTE I said MORE not MOSTLY because is obvious that appeal to the western buyers is still the priority to sell the game).
The game is named HUMANKIND and the playable factions are CULTURES, plus the many dev's comments pointing to diversity.
CIVs civs are kind of absurd when you play Canadian or Cree "civilizations", because when people hear civilization they think about more broad, long lasting and
characterized entities that share some sociopolitical, technological and cultural elements. Western (Christian+GrecoRoman), Eastern (Chinese based), Mesopotamian or Andine are true civilizations, small worlds by themselves.
There is also a traditional notion of civilization about some level of development, that includes cities, highly hierarchical society and some recording system. While culture is a more flexible and less elitist concept.
Other big hint is the lack of civ like leaders, no need for Napoleon or Gilgamesh, so no agendas or leader powers. The cult of personality is more an element from History than from Anthropology, then cultures could be more free from the acts of a specific man/woman. Devs could give each culture their bonus and mechanics based on their traditional ways of life, organization, institutions and beliefs.
The distribution of the Eras is also an interesting point. CIV6 have 8 eras (not counting Future Era) with strong focus in later eras:
- Ancient: Europe is marginal, great powers are all around the crandles of civilization with the focus at the Middle East. The longest time period.
- Classical: Rise of Mediterranean powers, including South Europe, turning Europe relevant but not THE world power.
- Medieval: Europe, Islamic world (North Africa, Middle East and Central Asia), Greater India and Far East were at similar level of power and importance, but just by the location we know their relevance was lesser compared to for example the Islamic world. Most of medieval time christians were lossing space to muslims, basically any interaction of european with Africa, India or Far East was throught muslim land and peoples.
- Renaissance: Finally Europe stand out, new social ideas, naval exploration and a new continent to exploit with the help of deadly diseases. Still Ottomans, Timurid/Mughals or Ming/Qing would be titans to fight.
- Industrial: The true golden era for Europe, almost all the world is on their hands, powerfull weapons and unique production capacity.
- Modern, Atomic and Information: Obviously western nations as a whole have the advantege, but some asiatic nations start to close the gap.
Now beyond the eras the leaders for each era points to an clear focus on later western dominated timeline on CIV6.
Humankind is more proportionate on the distribution, so 3 CIV eras turn to be just one on Humankind. But why?
Some people can say "recent times saw great and fast changes in terms of ideas and technology", and that is true, the last five centuries the world changed really fast. But Humankind is about cultures, cultures that could be easily named (I guess), French are still French at 1534, 1789, 1820, 1939 or 2020.
I am sure the very relevant American history could give ous nice emblematic units, buildings and bonus for Revolution, Civil War, WW1, WW2, Cold War and recent time, but there are not aparent way to have more than industrial and contemporary ones.
The fast changes of the last centuries could be represented on Humankind on a different way from CIV. Science or whatever is named on Humankind could be a more significative element on later eras, with new strutures, politics, ideas and technologies to boost science production, and more upgrades to reach on those eras. Social changes could have their own more organic way to appear and spread.
In fact is easier to split off eras from Ancient, Classical and Medieval eras based on the key element of CULTURE that on later eras. For example you cant role play with being Celtic and later Roman, or Roman and later Gothic because all of them are on the same era. So there is not about X roman emperor, or about the Roman Empire but about new cultures, cultures that rise over others from the edge of the world like Huns, or cultures that born from the maturation of the fusion of others like Brazilians.