Armed Zealots

Most of the Reformation beliefs are great. I don’t like Sacred Sites without two of my own faith buildings, and that is still a possibility, so I guess we should try that one? OTOH one can’t go wrong with Jesuit Education or To the Glory of God.
I'd rather have Maritime or Mercantile so that's why I usually try to steal from Militaristic or Faith. I'm sure I'm undervaluing the free unit though.
Yes, Maritime or Mercantile CS friends/ally are better than Militaristic or Faith. But both of the latter are much more valuable as friends or allies than as source for a few free Workers.

I opened the save file. Genghis is not offering White Peace. He wants Adrianople.
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Woah, that settler is farther than I imagined. Bold move by us. Genghis won't give white peace, he wants Adrianople. He's really going to be mad when we settle this city.

T60. Sell Nebby Gold for 2gpt + 1iron. Will send him Caravan next turn. Kill barb axe about to pillage our Gold mine. Found city of Nicea. Start Shrine. I really want to buy the bananas but Nebby won't like that.

T61. Discover The Wheel, start Construction. Great Prophet is born, I'll wait until settler is in position next turn. Oh we got lucky, a Mongolian Scout appears out of the jungle right next to our Settler. Send Caravan to Babylon for +5 science.

Interim. QC wants Marble, which we are conveniently going to get soon.

T62. Found the city of Antioch on a hill next to the mountain, still in range of Bison and Horses, and even Fish though not coastal. Work ElDorado since we're at only 1 happiness. Found the religion of Eastern Orthodoxy; Tithe, Pagodas, Mosques.

Interim. Furs from Budapest. Unmet player enters Medieval.

T62. Constantinople finishes Spearman, continues Granary. Reformation, not sure what to pick, probably not enough faith for JE or GtG so go for Sacred Sites to see if it'll work. At least we shouldn't have to worry about ideological pressure.

T63. Moving troops south because our Scout spies Mongol swords that may be moving toward Nicea.
Interim. Lol, now Genghis wants 3 cities for peace.

T64. Three Mongol swords and a spear heading toward Nicea.
T65. Troops trying to get south as fast as possible.

T66. Mongol Horseman appears near Antioch. Settler built in Andriopole, too dangerous to go south, so head for the northern location.
Interim. Pyramids built in a far away land.

T67. Mongol Horseman backs off of Antioch. Wtheck, a Portuguese city has appeared near the central Gems that we were talking about settling.

Interim. New unit from Budapest, couldn't have come at a better time.

T68. Our Scouts are playing cat and mouse with Mongol troops.

T69. Come on Nebby and William, get your troops out of our way, why they hanging around between Nicea and Antioch. Genghis seems to have backed off, maybe our two Scouts look fearsome. Acquire Marble, we're now friends with QC.

Interim. Nebby asks us if we want a DoF, why yes we do and maybe you can help us out with the Mongol Horde sometime in the near future.

Spoiler T70 North :
T70 North.jpg

Spoiler T70 South :
T60 South.jpg

  • Not sure why Genghis hasn't attacked yet. I've seen 3 swords and 2 spears south of Nicea and a horse near Antioch. He's got to have more troops. We have a few spears and archers/CB heading toward Nicea.
  • The northern settler is in position to found in several different spots next turn, coastal or inland; the two mentioned by vadalaz in one turn.
  • Our caravan to Babylon is probably going to get pillaged. But Nebby has sent us one too. There is a lucrative Cargo Ship route from Nicea to Dur-Kur that would be safe from Genghis if we had Sailing.


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@Grendeldef did you DOW Ormus for the worker? I cannot tell from your write-up. DOWing CS for Workers is against our agreed protocol.

Oops & yes I did. I understood that in this game DoWing was fine but making peace afterwards extremely limited. Ormus looked like a decent city to add in our collection at some point.

Genghis won't give white peace, he wants Adrianople.

I just reloaded the T60 and I get white peace by default. He's even willing to pay 7gpt for Gold after that so he's properly friendly - at least for a turn. This is interesting.
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Genghis wants Adrianople when I load the save. Are you pressing the "What deal will end this conflict" button when negotiating peace?

We should go say hello to Portugal and clear the camp for Quebec while we're at it. Buy William's embassy next turn for Kathmandu's quest. Buy and work Gems in Nicaea, the tile will pay for itself very quickly. For the northern expo I'd settle the riverside cattle and buy the Horses immediately before the CS borders steal it. +20 net gpt is now allowed with AIs since we're in Classical era.
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I re-downloaded the T60 save and loaded that, twice, and I get
Spoiler :

T60 offer.jpg

without negotiating and afer that

Spoiler :

T60 deal.jpg

I also tried several ways of opening the chat with Genghis and the result is always the same apart from the fact that after few tries he begins to wonder if I don't have anything better to do.
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Yes without negotiating that's the default offer and the AIs always accept white peace. It's a bug. For their actual offer you need to ask them what deal will end the conflict.
Aah, live & learn something new every day. I was wondering whether the UI mod is affecting this & updated that. The next move would've been trying this in another PC. It didn't occur to me that the culprits were Genghis' emissaries in the negotiating table doing their own deals against Khan's will. This just proves how much easier life is without peace.
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  • T070 move Settler N; put Barracks in front of CB in Constantinople; looks to me like Monasteries are still available, so Save for Great Prophet
  • T071 Writing unlocked, establish embassies, start research Sailing; settle Varna N inland just off the coast, so many resources but another near miss on Horses; if we could move Adrianople two tiles S, our line would be perfect; Sidon also asks to Discover Netherlands but we did not have POP so we miss 5 turns of their friendship; sacrifice Scout to save Spearman
  • T072 GLh goes
  • T073 Nebby builds Petra; sign OB w/ Nebby since he asked nicely; sending Scout N to see if Ormus has a worker for us
  • T074 Constantinople borders expand to Horse tile (that Varna can work); kill Swordsman near Nicaea; renew 7gpt-for-Gold deal with William as we have deficit spending
  • T075 Spearman dies but kill two Horses in exchange, might not be a good enough kill ratio
  • T076 meet Maria, establish Embassies, and trade her Gold for Copper; but she has sniped our QC barb camp quest
  • T077 Buddhism founded, but Monasteries still available
  • T078 Islam founded and they take Monasteries, so I switch faith auto-purchase to Mosques; CB finished in Constantinople, start on Cargo Ship since QC still has that quest open
  • T079 Warrior kills Scout; hunting party S moving slowly, only unit spotted has backed off
@Grendeldef you are up. FWIW, it is not the UI mod faking you out about White Peace, that bug is the default pattern. I did not buy any tiles as gpt situation is negative until we get TR. I did spend gold upgrading Archers. We have Iron we could sell, but I would rather build Swordsmen, and that is your choice to make.



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I admit I'm totally lost at this point. What are we doing or trying to do?
I think we are done expanding, but we need more Workers. Next milestone, I presume, is to build up our army and beat on Genghis until we get a legitimate White Peace (or better). If war with Genghis goes well, I vote for trying to steamroll another Dom VC. A DOM-assisted CV would also be good fun.
I admit I'm totally lost at this point. What are we doing or trying to do?
What do you mean exactly? A plan mapped out?

I think originally the plan was a Piety SV. And if Stone Circles would have been available when we got our religion I would have taken that and Jesuit Edu as the Reformation. But there were no good faith generating things left to take so I went with what we got. So beetles idea seems like we should take it under consideration. (Edit. The Dom assisted CV I mean. Not sure I want to try a DomV on a large continents map haha.)

One thing with the current situation I did notice is that we should pre-build those roads so it doesn’t cost us money. Especially since we’re going toward the capital not from it. I don’t see anything in our rules about not pre-building.
I loaded the save and now I'm even more confused but Kill'em All is a target clear enough. I just fail to see how our past actions serve that purpose :)
One thing with the current situation I did notice is that we should pre-build those roads so it doesn’t cost us money. Especially since we’re going toward the capital not from it. I don’t see anything in our rules about not pre-building.
Trying to pre-build roads on hills is kind of self-defeating because of the extra turn needed to enter the hill tiles. Also with the previous games, it was often not obvious where a previous player had prebuilt roads. Which again, defeats the point of the micro.
Spoiler :


- Iron to Maria 2/3gpt
- Iron to Nebby 2/3gpt
- Horses to Nebby 2/3gpt
- 18 gpt from others
- Kyzyl trio retreating
- Goa trio moving to empty lands
- Scout heading to Portugal
- lone CB heading North
- removed road to save money


- bought Gems tile in Nicaea
- Consta 7 pop, Adri 3 pop & loses pantheon
- Genghis has Keshiks


- Iron to Maria 2/2gpt, totaling 20 gpt


- we lose Kathmandu -> -3 happiness


- CB from Budapest
- Mathematics one turn shy, switching to Philosophy
- Kathmandu wants religion


- found Colombo
- shooting Ormus' troops
- Consta-Adri road


- Chi It far away
- Mandate of Heaven


- Maria builds HS
- bought a Missionary
- barb pillages Budapest Furs - gotta love the CS competence

Spoiler :

Theo T90.jpg

- Missionary in Consta for Kathmandu & Nicaea for example
- in current happiness situation Varna's Library progress is messed up due to not getting 3rd pop in time
- Colombo & QC are very determined to not let me pass
- Antioch has Caravan for Kyzyl or somewhere else
- Mathematics is a turn shy, D&P has no progress
- Consta in building Dromon for the Budapest barb q
- CB is trying to pillage the Ormus' Iron but a Swordsman came to protect a Worker on the hill
- Antioch Silver is cheap to be bought after the Horses are done


  • Theodora_0090 BC-0625.Civ5Save
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- TR to Kyzyl
- Moving units to try and catch a Mongolian worker
- William builds Oracle

- Ormus Swordsman is very annoying
- Not renewing Gold deal with Babylon to get some happiness back

- Spread EO to Kathmandu
- Philo finished, back to Maths

- Allies with Kathmandu, back to positive happiness
- OB with Maria
- Maths finished, started Engineering
- Dromon done, started Worker in Constantinople

- Notre Dame goes
- Budapest wants a road
- Fighting Ormus units
- Barb horseman comes from the north

- Making some progress with Ormus, pillaged the Iron and killed the Swordsman

- Finished Worker, started Water Mill in Consta
- Still haven't seen any Mongolian workers and Genghis is unhappy

- Spread EO to Nicaea, bought Mosque there
- Finally stole Ormus worker

- Killed Ormus Pikeman

20210628090138_1.jpg 20210628090129_1.jpg

- I genuinely don't understand why Genghis isn't attacking. Haven't seen any workers from him either. I parked a spearman near his Copper to try and steal one
- We're at +17 gpt from AIs, could sell Gems to Maria for 3 gpt to get good diplo, as we're getting Gems from Kathmandu anyway
- Constantinople needs a Library, it's a 3 turn build which syncs up nicely with Varna's library (I did select production for better screenshots but not in the save file)
- Great General very soon
- Piety finisher very soon


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Yup, I agree that Genghis' lack of action is the great mystery of this weird & wonderful game. He doesn't seem to have taken a single CS and I can't even remember him DoWing any CS.
Can we tell if Genghis is at war with someone else? Perhaps there's an even greater foe to the south that we can't see.

Or maybe he's been talking to Gandhi and turned over a new leaf.
Anyone playing?
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