Civ design challenge

Well, here's my design:

The Eóganachta

Leader: Cathal mac Finguine
UA: Power of the Rock
Allied city states may gift units. Gifts to city states yield 10% more :c5influence: influence per each :c5war: enemy you have(5% per city state). For 10 turns after giving a gift to a city state, units gain combat boost equal to the :c5influence: influence you received, and you receive :c5culture: culture equal to the boost per each gifted unit you have.

UU: Kern
Unlike the horseman which it replaces, the Kern isn't a mounted unit, and does not require horses. It is slower then the horseman(3 :c5moves:), but it does receive defensive terrain bonuses and starts with the drill I promotion. Has the Woodkern promotion, causing it to heal 10HP if ending its turn on forest or jungle. Upgrades to longswordsman.

UI: Caiseal
Unlocked at engineering. May be built anywhere, but there may only be 2 caiseals at a city's working range. All adjacent :c5production: productive resource tiles yield 1 :c5culture: culture. Gain double flanking bonus and ignore the ZOC of units adjacent to caiseal. Pre gunpowder unit may not enter it if there's a unit inside.
Thanks for your submissions Uighur, GPuzzle, and Natan!
I vote for ruhrgebietheld. And I had every reason to do so. ;)
I vote for ruhrgebietheld. And I had every reason to do so. ;)

Voting fail. Voting doesn't start until the submission deadline (Monday).
But... I thought challenges are (overall)week long. Never mind.


UA: Kings of Cashel
Whenever a :c5greatperson: great person is born a WLTKD begins in the city it was born in. While at least one of your cities is celebrating WLTKD your :c5influence: influence with cultural and religious :c5citystate: city-states doesn't decay.

UU: Ceithern(knight replacement)
Doesn't require horses, count as a mounted unit or have any of the mounted units unique promotions, but has 1 less :c5moves: movement and 2 less :c5strength: combat strength than normal.

UB: Cloigtheach(castle replacement)
Increases this cities :c5greatperson: great person generation by 4% for each :c5citystate: city-state ally you have (max 20%).
Thank you for your submission, Filiki Eterian!
I vote for Uighurs. Really fantastic design and nicely synergistic.
Uighur_Caesar's is great, simple, effective and synergistic. Love it. 11/10, voting for it.
I vote for Rughrgi.
*faux lady's voice*
i vote Firebug, he's so amaaaazing.

Spoiler :
i vote Uighur_Caesar
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