• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .
Blaze Injun
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  • yeah... trying to raise some cash.

    Also, i'll send you both of the units you bought this turn and you're on your honor to send 30 this turn and 30 then 30 the next turn and the one after that.
    I'm presently about 1/4 to 1/3 done. I'm making progress but I've had a busy last few days so it's been slow. I'm hoping to get the update finished by midweek though.
    About 50%, I'd expect the update to be finished within the next 2-3 days. I've unfortunately been sick the last few days which has slowed progress.
    nope, should I have? I read the backgrounds, which is all SK said was necessary.
    Hi Blaze! Yes, I have received your PM, I just didn't respond to it. It's all taken into account. :)
    I got thomas.berubeg, and SouthernKing as judges already, I'll see if we want to include another one, but would you rather compete in the tournament itself as a competitor?
    I could have said that I could have done it on Tuesday, but that would have been a lie. I've been working from 1pm-10pm 5 days a week and I'll be lucky to have the time to do stats on tuesday.
    When you are using the standard posts per page, the Top Post of a page has a semi-sacred place in NESing culture as the placement of a good update. Not all mods run by that, but most do appreciate when it does occur.
    Ointment turns out to only be merely a cultural good.

    So... what do you think about our Engineering deal?
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