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  • I'm hoping to write an IC answer later, when I am more free, but the gist of it is that we accept your proposal.
    I'm sooooo much more motivated now that I've been banned! My own inner guilt drives me well enough to get things done. :p
    I've also been on #nes for the last few hours (even though I wasn't in front of my pc); WHERE ARE YOU NAO THLAYLI.
    Stop trying to ruin my vacation in France you French literature lover of "Le Petit Prince"
    Some distant ancestor of Apollinaire should be a Standard Commander. It's wildly implausible and inappropriate and is therefore perfect.
    I have read it multiple times. Enough to recognize your name right away, Bigwig. ;) Did you ever read the sequel?
    [04:41:58] <+loudbot> SUFFER NOT THE BRONY TO LIVE
    [04:42:03] <@Dachs> hmm
    [04:42:08] <@Dachs> I'm guessing thlayli said that
    [04:42:13] <@Dachs> !who suffer not the brony to live
    [04:42:13] <+loudbot> Dachs, Thlayli taught me that on Tue 03/04/12, 01:39:57 UTC
    [04:42:18] <@Dachs> what a surprise
    And the King asked: But tell me this – what is a man's life next to the slow grind of time? You say I might be a great king, but lo, my son's son or his son may ruin the kingdom and all I built will have been for naught, crumbling into obscurity. You say I might give great gifts to the shamans and build them tremendous temples, but beliefs die as easily as people, and in a century they might say “he was a fool who subscribed to quaint tenets.” You say I need only make the world a better place leaving than I found it entering, but the battle for justice is too easily swung for anyone to remember me long.
    The guru answered: You say that nothing you will do matters. But your vision is two-fold flawed. Never doubt that you must be good, for if all good men were to think thus, the world would have only evil. And why do you so privilege your children's children? If you have done well for your people now, is not their happiness as meaningful as your children's children's happiness? Though you may be ungrateful for the deeds of your father's father, I am sure my father's father was appreciative in his time. It is given for a man to make right what he can, not to make right what he cannot.

    And so the guru concluded: Do not seek to please your descendants and your contemporaries both, for in so seeking, you will please neither.
    yo favourite confessional frenemy

    i have allotted five hours of mah time (@$40/hour) to do that thing you want me to do tonight.

    happy days!
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