Tomorrow's Dawn

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  • You should try running some Chinese games with my modified DCNs. The improvement is huge IMO.

    Especially in 600AD: China actually starts as Sui and switches to Tang soon after. It's brilliant.
    Very nice. Reading your Phoenicia story right now, and I have to say it's great! Definitely can't wait to read more.
    Probably my favorite actor. Toshiro Mifune. If you want to be a man, he's the suavest looking man and grizzliest. He was in Seven Samurai and Rashomon. If you haven't seen those, watching his parts is really the only thing I strongly recommend. Kurosawa's movies didn't age well, except Ran.
    Hmm, I will have to give it a look and install it to see how it plays; it has been months since I have played Civ to be honest. I should probably finish off that story, but I haven't been feeling the drive lately; hopefully playing DoC will push me towards doing that. :)

    Is Stories and Tales still alive and going? Last I checked a few months back it seemed pretty empty and hardly updated; I'm hoping that's not still the case.
    Yep, though these days I haven't done much outside of the NESing subforum; how do you do Dawn?
    I mean, I liked Eraserhead, which was one of the most abstract movies I've ever heard of! But that had a dark tone. Antichrist came off as being an attempt to just be weird. I mean, there was a talking fox eating himself shouting CHAOS REIGNS. That sounds like something that came up at a pub. ;)
    You need to see The Fountain and Requiem for a Dream though. Requiem for a Dream is the most moving movie (no pun intended) I've ever seen. And the soundtrack as a stand-alone is a masterpiece. Same with the Fountain. The Fountain is about the beauty and tragedy of death and rebirth, in a nutshell. Requiem for a Dream is about the tragedy of addiction in all forms.
    Antichrist was hilariously terrible, in my opinion. I think Lars von Trier goes too far and into abstract art, which I don't much like. I still watch Antichrist for the shock value for my friends who haven't seen it, though. It has vision, and it has mood. Melancholia opened with one of my favorite songs from Wagner.
    I've seen une femme est une femme. Pretty funny stuff.
    Gaspar Noe is the freshest vision in movies I've seen in the last decade. Yes, I've seen Enter the Void. Such an amazing experience! It's insane to think how simple Irreversible is, yet it seems like that type of movie has never been made before. It got nearly everything perfect, and a movie has never given me so much adrenaline, drive, shame and horror. Except maybe The Last Airbender, but that was because it was such a terrible movie.
    I wish Enter the Void didn't bomb at the box office. Gaspar Noe could have been doing much greater projects right now.
    EDIT -- My top 5 movies are:
    1) The Fountain (Aronofsky)
    2) Requiem for a Dream (Aronofsky)
    3) Irreversible (Noe)
    4) Monty Python's Meaning of Life (Monty Python)
    5) Kill Bill 1 & 2 (Tarantino)
    Life is Beautiful, Django Unchained, Life of Pi, and Peter Jackson's Heavenly Creatures is also close.
    Ah well, like my thread said, I got it from Rome Total War threads. It'd be interesting to do "anthropology" and see which set of rules came first.
    I prefer my rules though, I'd think that the Hurt and Heal method would be too... unfair.
    Hey, I put in my Thread Index thing that your How to make a Replay .Gif sticky thread should be unstickied. Reasons being, is that although the thread is very useful, I don't think it is as commonly needed and viewed as much as the other stickies and would be just as viewed by the people who need it as an informational thread in my thread index. What do you think? I just felt like I was coming off as a little arrogant by requesting that on the thread, so wanted to ask you personally.
    I've seen the MLP Fighter. Can't wait for it to come out.

    I'd like to see Spike and Discord as playable characters.
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