• In anticipation of the possible announcement of Civilization 7, we have decided to already create the Civ7 forum. For more info please check the forum here .
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  • I AM STILL BLOND! I refuse not to be. :mad:
    And my OC is blond in any case, so there it stays.
    Take your time -- I had that trilogy for well over a year before I read it. I tried a couple of times to get into "The Winter King", and then on the third nibble BAM! I could not stop reading.
    Ooh, I haven't read Stonehenge yet. What about his King Arthur trilogy? It borders on fantasy sometimes -- very dark, especially the second book.
    I've read the majority of Cornwell's stuff, but his Saxon books -- the first and third, especially -- are my favorites. Cornwell is most known for his Napoleonic war books, though.
    If that was supposed to be a joke, it flopped.

    This is what I was actually thinking of.
    Had the wind been blowing in a slightly different direction off the coast of North Africa one fine day in 468, the Western Roman Empire would've survived, and probably for a lot longer. That's one of those tiny changes that I like so much.
    Presumably, Richard's issue, were he to have any (since Edmund de Mortimer hadn't been born yet), would still have been heirs presumptive.
    Hah! Yeah, there were like, 4 Asian people in our secondary school out of 1,600 or so... I remember when the first and only black kid joined, after 3 years of being there. He left the following year, never to be replaced...
    It depends. In formal situations or where I need to introduce them I tend to use their title (such as Prime Minister David Cameron, or President Obama) but in informal situations where their position is known I would probably just call them their name, and from then on only their last.
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