Better Trade Screen

Better Trade Screen 4.4

  • Brought the Civfanatics version to parity with Github and Steam version
  • Correctly reports yields for Portugal
  • General performance improvements

Fixes for September 2019 update.
Better Trade Screen Changelog v4.2

  1. Fixes compatability with Gathering Storm
  2. Adds compatability with mods that add new city state types
  3. Added optional setting where the trade path length is estimated using Eucledian distance. This can give a speedup of 25-50% late game, but sacrifices the accuracy of turns to complete a trade route.
Minor compatibility update
  1. Minor update to port changes made in RnF.
  2. Makes mod not affect saved games.
  3. Fixes issue with localized text not showing up properly
Fixes issue with the trade screen being offset incorrectly.
Minor bug fixes that got introduced by the Fall 2017 patch. Also adds the religion pressure icons that were added this patch.
  1. Ports all changes made in Summer Patch update into BTS.
  2. Fixes issues brought about by the patch.
  3. Adds sorting by name (origin or destination) in TradeOverview
  4. Sorts the cities in TradeOriginChooser alphabetically.
  5. Significantly improves sorting performance, especially in TradeOverview with a group setting.
  6. Improves the performance in displaying routes in TradeOverview.
  7. Other minor performance improvements.
  8. Minor UI changes in trade screens. Better highlights selected routes.
  9. Adds a divider between groups to visually separate them.
  10. Bug fixes with how the screens were opened/closed
  11. Crash fix when cycling between traders.

Sorting performance tests

Huge map ~1200 routes, grouped routes by destination. Time in seconds
    Yield           Before      After
    Food            10.45       0.009
    Production      8.41        0.011
    Gold            5.76        0.0099
    Science         10.55       0.099
    Culture         8.37        0.009
    Faith           8.48        0.0099
Again this is with sorting specifically after the routes table was built. Next patch aims to improve how the routes are built, since that is the slowest part now.
  1. Fixed the bug with the routes not repeating in some cases.
  2. Fixed issue with Destination City yields not updating correctly in Make Trade Route screen.
  3. Performance improvements in getting yields for routes.
  4. Performance improvements in building possible trade routes.
  5. Added various translations from CQUI. Big thanks to all the translators (names in Credits).
  1. Implemented caching to greatly improve performance. Details here. Note: If playing on a huge map, late game you will have a noticeable delay, but significantly better than v3.0.
  2. Routes will not sort/group/filter unless absolutely needed. Collapsing and expanding routes should be really fast.
  3. Increased animation speed of opening trade panels.
  4. Automation checks improvements.
  5. In Trade Overview screen, sort settings and tab setting is reset. This is to prevent the time delay when first opening the Trade Overview Panel.
Other Changes
  1. When grouped by destination or origin, the sort settings for groups are cloned (with ascending turns) to sort settings within each group. Example: if you sort by gold, the groups themselves are sorted by gold, and routes within each group is sorted by gold and then ascending turns.
  2. Added collapse all button
  3. Expanded the Make Trade Route screen to show both the origin city and destination city yields.
  4. Fixed alignment of sort bar in Make Trade Route.
  5. When a group is collapsed, the tooltip shows the top route.
  6. Trade routes automated info is tracked across saves. You no longer have to renew trade routes when you load a save.
  7. In Trade Overview screen, routes don't sort until shift is released.
  8. When selecting a destination in Make Trade Route screen, the route path only to that city is shown.
  9. Fixed some tooltip ambiguity.
  10. Fixed issue with Make Trade Route screen opening when not needed when clicking on a route in Trade Overview screen.
  • Probably the most requested feature, you can set a trade route to repeat. Additional option that route repeated, is top one from the sort settings.
  • "Make trade route" screen, has the last destination selected when opened.
  • Routes info are saved across sessions.
  • Bug fixes, performance optimizations
Small update:
  • Added texture to the backgrounds of labels to make them more readable.
  • Bug fix with the turns calculation being wrong for a specific case.
  • Made compatible with mods that changes GameSpeeds.xml. Might still cause issues, needs more testing
Major update. A few notable changes:
  • Can add multiple sort options, with priorities. For example, if you sort by gold and two routes have the same gold yield, you can set what next value it should be sorted by.
  • Shows accurate amount of turns to complete trade route.
  • Tracks active routes, so you can see when they will end.
  • Added grouping options, with collapsed windows to organize the multiple trade routes.
  • Better performance, and bug fixes.
Read the full changelog, in the discussion post.
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