More Unique Components for Vox Populi

More Unique Components for Vox Populi 88.10

Villa is now removable. Removing a villa improvement removes 1 adjacent fig resource and the plantation it comes with (if possible)
Egypt can no longer build wells
Ottoman Tersane must be built adjacent to cities as intended
Villas now blocked by cities as intended
Food for villas now added to the capital as intended
Ballistae now gain +1 movement on the same turn they start near a GGeneral, instead of on a 1 turn lag
Bimaristan food per specialist changed from global to local
art fixes for Nalanda/Parthenon
bug fixes for telpochcalli and bimaristan
fixed vaka nui and telpochcalli base building replacement bugs
Vaka nui now also has supply promotion
Bimaristan now has +1 food to all specialists in city, removed 10% food to science converter
Vaka Nui changed to a unique trireme.
- Has +1 CS, XP from reconnaissance, and gold from city attack
Telpochcalli changed to a unique Library
- no changes other than base building bonuses
Bug fixes for Nalanda, Fornix, and Doelen
fixed a fornix database error
Fornix now counts for can/cannot build using dummy buildings only. no strategic resources and thus no policy shenanigans.
text and stat pass to make buildings and units correspond to the documentation.
Added building requirements back for Ulticur (forge) and Huey Teocalli (Temple). Should have no real balance implications, but removing a "unique" aspect with no material benefit simplifies documentation and legibility.
Text fixes for fornix, caravansary, burial tomb, legion, gumey, qullqa

Parthenon gives 2 emissaries now, as intended
Huey Teocalli now gives +1 pop in city off of its own free GA, not just subsequent GAs
Bugfix on Buffalo Pound text
Huey Teocalli changed from +100% pressure on GA to an additional flat 10 Faith/Gold on kills, scaling with Era during Golden Age, and +1 citizen in the city whenever a GA starts.
significant changes, reworks, and alterations

v88 - 4UC integration update
- Reworked:
Morocco - Riad now is a Bank replacement.
Gives yields for every 8 buildings already built in the city when the Riad is built.
No longer gives GMerchant points from gold
Netherlands - Waag (Bank) replaced by Doelen (constabulary)
Removed base bank bonuses and added Constabulary bonuses
Removed early unlock
Gives Culture on identifying/capturing spies, 1 Great Work slot and +1 Artist specialist slot
Doelen still has bonus for every global monopoly
Venice - Laguna (Harbor) replaced with Banco Giro (Bank)
Removed base harbor bonuses and added bank bonuses
Added Gold converted into GMerchant points each turn (moved from Riad)
Still gives global boost to 3 unique venetian wonders
Persia - Removed Pairidaeza; added new Unique Charbagh improvement
UI gives food, gold, production, and culture.
Increased tile yields during Golden Ages
Increases GP rate in city for each charbagh worked
Rome - Colosseum (Arena) replaced with Fornix (Heroic Epic)
Unique UNW that can be built again every time you kill an opponent, including city-states
triggers a WLTKD on completion
Aztec - Floating Garden removed (effectively moved to Egypt)
New UB: Telpochcalli (Barracks replacement)
large science for population scaler
Gives Food, production, and XP to units trained in city for each Golden Age you trigger (old H Teocalli bonus)
New unique Warrior: Otomi (Jaguar moved to Longsword)
Has Woodsman, Survivalism and Barbarian bonus II that is retained on upgrade
Polynesia - New UU to replace Koa/Maori Warrior: Vaka Nui (Fishing Boat)
Gives bonus healing and combat aura to nearby units
Can build fishing boats and oil platforms without being expended
Ability to build fishing boats with embarked melee units removed from UA
Greece - Agora (Market) removed; replaced with Parthenon (Scrivener's Office)
Largely the same bonuses (bonus production to diplo units and proxenos promotion)
Gives additional paper as well
exposed yields from proxenos to UI. now gives yields to the Parthenon
Parthenon - Changed to Nalanda. GRArt replaced with GWWriting

- Altered:
Egypt - Nilometer no longer places flax.
Gives bonus to rivers and % food during GA like the old Floating Garden
Shoshone - Buffalo Pound no longer places bison.
Can no longer be built in same city as a water mill.
Gives gold for each encampment on a tile the city owns
India - Now gives +1 city defense for each national and world wonder in the city (scales the culture from defense as well)
Rome - Renamed Latifundia to Villa
No longer built on farm/plantation resources. Now blocked by resources and adjacent cities
Moved unlock from Calendar to Engineering
Gives +2 food to capital on empire
Aztec - Huey Teocalli no longer gives stacking food, faith, and XP at the start of golden age (moved to Telpochcalli)
Added +100 passive pressure; pressure is doubled to +200% during golden ages
Jaguar moved from Warrior to unique longswordsman, effectively taking over the Maori Warrior slot
Has no strategic requirement. Bonus HP on kill and extra CS vs units below 50 HP (old Khopesh bonus)
Greece - Acropolis changed to Gymnasion. Still amphitheatre with most of the same bonuses.
Defense and tourism removed, added science.
- Simplified:
Celts- Oppidum no longer gives HP to cities
Carthage - Tophet no longer gives bonus XP to purchased units (moved to main mod UA)
Assyria - Iron Chariot base CS increased to 13.
Excess strategic resource boost lowered from +2 to +1 each (max of 15 CS)
France - GPPs for different theming bonuses removed
Poland - Barbican now gives free Armory in city instead of a dummy building
Japan - Kabuki no longer gives 3 unique guilds. Instant yield bonuses are granted on the Kabuki itself
Instant Yield calculations reduced
Mongolia - Yassa now a standalone UNW. Builds Yassa in all cities on completion.
No longer removes occupation
Russia - Pogost no longer evolves. Simply has yields added to building when certain techs are researched
Korea - Chaebol GPP bonus per active TR removed
Increased bonus to factories to +4 and icreased purchase cost reduction to -25%

- Tweaked/modified:
Byzantium - Dromon is back to liburna; Greek Fire now reduces healing by 10 and max HP by 20
Siam - Wat theming bonus and GW slots removed
Indonesia - Djong CS increased from 15 to 18
Kampong base yield increased by +1 production; removed +1 prod adjacency bonus for fish
increased dynamite and ecology tech yield increases from +1 food and Science, respectively, to +2
Removed early/alternate unlocks from:
- Spanish Armada
- Spanish Bullring
- Incan Chasqui
- Ottoman Great Bombard
- Dutch Doelen
- Japanese Yamato
- Brazilian Amazonas
- Deleted:
Siam - Wat theming bonus and GW slots removed
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Reactions: Heinz_Guderian
compatibility update for 4.2 and later.
fixed minor text issues
changed promotion references to match 4.0 database changes.
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Reactions: Alpharius
faith costs updates
Byzantine Dromon is now a Galleass replacement
French Salon no longer gives 33% GArtist rate and +1 gold to artist guilds
Hippodrome gives +2 horse resources
Brute Force removed from Babylonian Sabum Kibitum
Hashemite Raider now deals 15 damage to adjacent units on pillage
random number generator fix
iron chariot CS changed to match the lua code
random math reversion.
some text fixes
removed Israel's 4UC components
added get a free Tadodaho when completing a policy branch
- Compatibility
- added N.Core's updated enlightenment era compatibility
- more text fixes for component changes from base VP
- Tweaked/modified:
- Portuguese - U of Coimbra
- removed yields per feitoria on empire
- whenever a Great Admiral is expended, all naval units have all movement restored this turn
- Huns - Ulticur
- removed happiness for 20 turns after demanding tribute
- gains +2 happiness for every major civilization at war with you (moved from Sachem's council)
- Iroquois - Sachems Council
- Sachems council UNW removed
- Replaced by Tadodaho UGP
- Reciprocity promotion no longer gives half yields if friends. gives full yields on tile every time
- resting influence for CS expending increased to 45 (up from base 30 for GDiplomat)
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Reactions: pajdek
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