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MyCiv6Changes Mod 2017-03-03

A simple pre-created mod that users can drop simple XML or SQL changes into. Meant for the user who does not understand programming code and for the less-experienced mod-maker to see how the different pieces of a finished and working mod are put together.

It has an example building defined within the three files to show how the relationships between Text, Icons, and actual Gameplay Code are arranged.

Files in the mod:
  1. MyCiv6SQLChanges.sql
    Use this file to paste SQL Gameplay Rules code. So if someone gives you an example of SQL code to accomplish an effect to the game, you would place it here.
    • You cannot place code for defining Icons or Text in this file
  2. MyCiv6XMLGameplayChanges.xml
    Use this file to paste XML Gameplay Rules code. So if someone gives you an example of XML code to accomplish an effect to the game, you would place it here.
    • This file has the definition of an example building in it.
    • You cannot place code for defining Icons or Text in this file
  3. MyCiv6XMLNewIconDefinitions.xml
    Use this file to paste XML Icon-Defining code. So if someone gives you an example of XML code to define which icon to use for a buildng, for example, you would place that here.
    • This file has the icons definition of the example building in it.
  4. MyCiv6XMLTextChanges.xml
    Use this file to paste XML Text-Defining code. So if someone gives you an example of XML code to define or alter some in-game text, for example, you would place that here.
    • This file has the Text definitions of the example building in it.
This concept was inspired by William Howard's similar mod for Civ5
First release
Last update
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