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Quo's Rocketboots v1.1

Very simple mod that gives every unit in game +1 additional Move Points. Blast off!

Want to go even faster? Edit code.sql and increase the +1 to a number of your choosing. Great for Online speed games, testers, or anyone with generally low patience. May affect the AI's ability to fight (but may actually make them more effective by disentangling them).

Note that rivers or jungles will still slow the units, so an element of strategy remains.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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  1. Qup's Rocketboots v1.1

    This update specificies a LoadOrder for the mod which should tend to cause it load last when...

Latest reviews

An indirect and much-need buff for almost all melee class units. Thank you.
With roads being nerfed in this version of Civ, this really helps the game, without overdoing it.
Useful, especially when you're at war. The units move too slowly in CIV 6!
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