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Spanish Me-109 pack 2016-10-05

This is a detailed reskin job (took me considerable time) basically from scratch, for both Nationalist Civil War Spain and Spain during WWII. In a nutshell, I based these skins on the excellent Me-109 model created by nautil and put a brand new skin on it.

The first prototype Me-109's to arrive in Spain were sent to the Kondor Legion in 1936. In 1937 these were followed by a number of B-models and in 1938 by C and D models. The Me-109E arrived in Spain just too late to see action in 1939. Most of these early Nationalist aircraft were distinguished by various crosses and bands in black and white, and later in the war by black discs on the fuselage and wings. The most consistent marking used was a black St. Andrew's cross on the rudder of each aircraft, with the rudder itself usually being painted white. Sometimes the squadron symbol was painted in the fuselage disk. Occasionally a white cross was painted on the black disk.

After the civil war the Spanish Air Force adopted markings based on those of war-time nationalist aircraft, but replacing the black discs on the wings with roundels of red yellow and red (which were also used as the nationalist colors during the civil war). The black fuselage discs were initially retained, usually with the yoke-and-arrows device applied, but were eventually replaced with the same red-yellow-red roundels. The rudder retained the black St. Andrew's cross on a white ground, and this form of national marking can be seen to this day.

As a bonus, I included the basic (no-marking) camouflage Me-109 PNG files for anyone who wants to do other nations that used the 109 (as there were many) but don't want to use the standard German skins as a base (these are NOT needed to use the enclosed models, just there for people interested in reskinning).

The download includes both Nationalist Civil War Spanish and WWII Spanish Me-109 fighters, custom button, as well as the needed NIF and DDS files... uses the default fighter animation...

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