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A huge Star Control space adventure crammed into one massive awesome scenario created by @Metro Polis.

Successfully tested in Civ2 MGE.

Scenario discussions, comments, bug reports, feedback can be found here:

File added to this area as part of Blake's lost scenario/mod files restoration & cataloging project which can be found here:

Browse other Civilization 2 scenarios & mods in the collection here:

Join the Civilization 2 Scenario League at CivFanatics here:

Original Description/Intro:
The Ur-Quan Masters

There were many great battles. Earth and her
partners in the Alliance of Free Stars against
the evil Ur-Quan and its Hierarchy of Battle
Thralls... and the Ur-Quan were winning.
Meanwhile, on the edge of the known frontier,
an amazing discovery was made far beneath
the surface of an unexplored alien world -
a huge underground city that vanished a
thousand years ago.
Isolating the planet, stranding the scientists
light years away from Earth they waited
hopefully for a rescue vessel... which never came.
20 years have passed...
We, the survivors of the research mission have
colonized this world.We continued our
investigation of the underground city and we
have discovered its purpose. It is a factory...
A factory for building starships!
But there aren't enough materials to make a
complete vessel. We can only finish the skeleton
of one starship. But that must be enough -
Because YOU must captain the vessel...
and return to Earth!
Find out what has happened over these many
years. Tell Earth of our plight! And if the war
with the Ur-Quan still rages...
Fight for Earth and the Alliance, as well as you can...

Star Control 01.png

Star Control 02.png

First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest reviews

Amazing. It recreates very well the setting of Star Control 2. There are both the classic empire building of Civ and an "adventure" component, as your unique flagship has to travel around and make things happen. But there are a few bugs. And no terrain (ehm, space) bonuses at all, this detracts a little form strategy
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