My collection of tile improvement tweaks. In summary, these are the changes:

- Increased yields for weaker improvements
- flexible placement for restrictive improvements
- Mountains are valid terrain for adjacency
- applied district adjacency to unique districts
- added Water Park adjacency when there is Entertainment Complex adjacency
- added Neighborhood adjacency when there is City Center adjacency
- Forts and other improvements yield Flight Tourism
- Unlocked Geothermal Plant earlier but the yields are staggered.
- Goody huts appear on more places.


1. Medieval Faires civic allows tile improvements to be built on features:

a. Lumber Mill can be built on Rainforest
b. Farm can be built on Marsh
c. Farm and Plantation can be built on Oasis

2. Sphinx can be built on Marsh.

3. Cahokia Mounds can be built on Marsh.

4. Chateau can be built on Marsh and Floodplains even if not adjacent to a Bonus or Luxury resource.
5. Chateau provides +1 Gold for each adjacent Bonus resource.
6. Chateau provides +1 Culture for each adjacent Luxury resource.

7. Ziggurat can be built on Marsh.
8. Ziggurat provides +1 Science on Education technology.

9. Roman Fort provides +1 Culture
10. Fort, Roman Fort and Pa provide +1 Culture on Castles technology

11. These tile improvements provide Tourism based on Culture after Flight technology:

Lumber Mill
Fishing boat
Oil Well
Offshore Oil Rig
Roman Fort
Vampire Castle

12. Antiquity Sites and Shipwrecks provide +1 Culture.

13. Hacienda housing increased from +0.5 to +1.

14. Barbarian camp, Tribal Village, Meteor Site cannot be destroyed by disasters.
15. Barbarian camp, Tribal Village, Meteor Site can appear in all features ex. Floodplains, Oasis, etc.

16. Ice Hockey Rink provides +1 Culture for each adjacent Tundra Mountain and Snow Mountain

17. Mission provides +1 Science for each adjacent Lavra, Observatory, Seowon.

18. Golf Course provides +1 Culture for each adjacent Street Carnival, Hippodrome, Water Park, Copacabana, Neighborhood, Mbanza.

19. Pairidaeza provides +1 Culture for each adjacent Lavra and Acropolis. +1 Gold for each adjacent Suguba, Neighborhood, Mbanza.

20. Nubian Pyramid can be built on Oasis.
21. Increased Nubian Pyramid yield from adjacent districts from +1 to +2.
22. Nubian Pyramid provides a corresponding +2 yield for each adjacent Observatory, Seowon, Suguba, Cothon, Royal Naval Dockyard, Lavra, Hansa, Oppidum, Acropolis
23. Nubian Pyramid provides +2 Food for each adjacent Neighborhood, Mbanza

24. Reduced Polder's adjacent land tile requirement from 3 to 2 tiles.
25. Mountains are valid land tiles for Polder's adjacent land tile requirement.
26. Polders provide +1 Production for every 2 adjacent Polders before Replaceable Parts technology.

27. Stepwell provides +1 Faith for each adjacent Holy Site, Lavra, instead of +1 Faith if adjacent to a Holy Site.
28. Stepwell provides +1 Food for each adjacent Farm, instead of +1 Food if adjacent to a Farm.
29. Changed Stepwell's +1 Food from Professional Sports to Feudalism civic.

30. Batey provides +1 to +2 Culture for each adjacent Street Carnival, Hippodrome, Water Park, Copacabana.

31. Terrace Farm provides +2 Production for each adjacent Bath

32. Colossal Heads provides +1 to +2 Faith for each adjacent Marsh in addition to the existing Woods and Rainforest adjacency.
33. Colossal Heads can be built on Woods, Rainforest and Marsh.

34. Monastery provides +1 Faith for each adjacent district, instead of every 2 adjacent districts.

35. Fishery provides +1 Food for each adjacent Reef, in addition to the existing sea resource adjacency.

36. Kurgan can be built on Volcanic Soil.
37. Kurgan provides +1 to +2 Faith for each adjacent Camp, in addition to the existing Pasture adjacency.

38. Geothermal plant is unlocked at Castles technology and increases in yields:
+1 Production
+1 Production on Siege Tactics technology
+1 Science on Rifling technology
+2 Power on Combustion technology
+2 Power on Synthetic Materials
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