No Tech Trading

Is the lack of Tech Trading a Bad thing?

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The White Wizard
Jul 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
One of the new Civ5 previous has announced that tech trading has been abolished. What do you guys think about it? Will the new cooperative research be good enough to replace it?
It's not a big deal since they'll allow you to research techs with other leaders.
It's a positive development in my opinion that should have great ramifications on the way the AI acts and for general gameplay.
I voted No. For a year I am playing Civ IV with "disable tech trading" option. I don't like an idea of "we will tech you how to build knight, but you have to teach us how to produce wine".
I like the change. It will be a major departure since TBS and 4x games almost always have some form of tech trading, but cooperative research is a much more interesting way to facilitate partnerships among civs. It forces cooperation over many turns and the creation of a real interdependence in a relationship, unlike tech trading where you can just meet several leaders for 1 turn and gain a bunch of techs all at once.
Well, from a gameplay perspective, it's far more streamlined to have no tech trading. From a personal perspective, I'm gonna have to drop at least a difficulty level 'cause Alphabet is the way I catch up when the AIs are beating my pants off in the early ages.
The poll seems rather imperfect. I don't see how you can argue that tech trading is applicable in the real world--while some nations may cooperate in sharing certain developments in different techs, the overall process almost never runs in such a way that you can actually "trade" techs. I would argue that joint research projects is the realistic application of the "tech trade".
I've turned off tech trading for every game I've played for the last year or two. Its easily abused and really I just don't enjoy it. I guess its kinda realistic, but gamey nonetheless.

A better solution I think would be to combine the "research partnerships" or whatever fireaxis is calling it, and "tech diffusion" from the mods of civ4. That and they need to at least make it possible to adjust commerce rates by city instead of civ wide. I want to be able to make a research center type city, where I have universities, ect. and have max science funding in that city, while maybe other cities have lower science funding to help keep the nation's finances stable.

Maybe add in a feature to the city governor or whatever so its optional, to not bother everybody with micromanagement that doesn't want to be bothered with it. Personally I like the micromanagement, I get every last hammer out of my cities and honestly thats what enables me to play on emperor or immortal and actually win on huge maps.
I did not vote yes or no. I think that it is too early, and we do not know enough about the game to make such an assumption. Every thing that firaxis has announced so far it seems like that it could work but I am still waiting to see how the game works together in its whole before I made too much judgment on it.
While I don't really like the idea of "Hey, if you give us stirrups we'll give you crop rotation", a means of getting technology ... somehow, from other civs, does have its merits. As does giving a technology for the expected return on investment. Tangential idea, related to how distance works in a hex-grid opposed to a square one, a hex-grid allows for easy distance calculations since the distance between any two adjacent tiles is always 1 (square, with diagonals the distance is ~1.4142 units)... so, the idea would be for fruit resources or other perishable resources to have a maximum distance they can travel. Technology like curing or refrigeration would allow the distance that resource can travel, so giving a technology to a neighbor with resources just out of reach of its cities would allow it to get access to them and potentially trade them. Just a mildly tangential idea that's been eating away at me for a bit now.
:confused:at first, but now I think about it, it might be a brilliant move to abolish tech trading.

Tech trading is way too dominant in civ4, and trading strategically vital for success on highest levels. Resulting in me taking the same unrealisic tech path almost every game, just because I know what tech will enable the best tech trade deals with the AI (getting the alphabet asap, asthetics, liberalism...) It will be refreshing to play without tech trading (going to try it with civ4:)) A bonus is that scientific progress will slow down, so no more railroading in the 1500s or 18th century tanks!

I wonder how research-partnerships will be implemented with other civs to compensate. It will also be good idea if techs will be progressively cheaper regarding the number of civs that already know the tech. Reflecting a more realistic tech diffusion!
Sometimes I like giving techs to vassals, for the diplomatic effect or for other eviler purposes.
This is not really tech trading, but I feel it would be removed also.
A bonus is that scientific progress will slow down, so no more railroading in the 1500s or 18th century tanks!
I would definitely not count on that :devil: At best you will not be the only one with those goodies at those dates :D
I liked tech trading and used it extensively but I can't say I'm in any way concerned or disappointed that it won't be in Civ V, I guess that means it's not really an important feature for me.
I like it too, it will take some time getting used to. Posts above have me thinking I should try playing with tech trading off. No more researching alphabet early for me. But it is a way for me to catch up and actually take the tech lead. Although in some games it makes little difference as I'm so far behind, no one will trade with me.

As I said, I like it. But I suppose I can get used to it not being there. Co-op seems like it will be much better. Assuming they can balance diplomacy out fairly. Far too often every civ hates me for whatever reason. Mostly because I'm #1.
Another good decision! The game will be more fun without it. Maybe they will bring back the diplomat/spy unit to steal techs.. that was a fun, but maybe a bit abused, feature.
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