
  1. King Phaedron

    Lost and Secret Technologies like Melting Stone

    Usually, you get more out of making more cities, rather then building things like Campus and universities. It would be an interesting if a certain focus allowed discovery of secret advancements, and also that technologies could be lost at the end of the Antiquity and Exploration eras. Some ideas...
  2. UncivilizedGuy

    Historical Timeline Project

    The Pursuit of Historical Accuracy and Immersion General Overview Historical Timeline: Tech tree beginning in the Neolithic Era has been reorganized into a historical timeline to provide for more realistic progression through history. Each tech represents an Age instead of an individual...
  3. UncivilizedGuy

    Historical Timeline Project

    Historical Timeline Project The Pursuit of Historical Accuracy and Immersion General Overview This thread has been moved to Modpacks --->Historical Timeline Project Historical Timeline: Tech tree beginning in the Neolithic Era has been reorganized into a historical timeline to provide for more...
  4. CAYM

    Enlightenment Era for VP edited by CAYM v11

    Installation To install, extract to C:\Users\[your username]\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS. Credits Pouakai, Janboruta, Sukritact: authors of EE zwei833: author of RER Xony: initial version of EE Compatibility pandasnail, phantomaxl1207, barrizqi, JanBoruta, Chrisy15, Enginseer, Padre19...
  5. K

    [BNW] Kevvy's Modpack

    Kevvy's Modpack This modpack is available on Steam. Either search there for 'Kevvy's Modpack' or go here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871172795 A collection of simple mods that buff weak game components. Base benefits remain unless stated otherwise. Currently modded...
  6. CanusAlbinus

    PolyCast 405: Unless You Count the Launcher

    The four-hundred-and-fifth episode of PolyCast, “Unless You Count the Launcher“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil "TheMeInTeam", and Jason "MegaBearsFan". Topics for this episode include: Intro...
  7. raen

    Each CIV Favorite´s Wonder Boost! v1.0

    Each Civilization has its favorite wonder, which has a 35% boost in construction. Disclaimer: Not all CIVS have their own wonder, so some I thought about their favorite if it was their one. Associated Wonders to CIVS
  8. hrochland

    Horns of Consecration 1

    Horns of Consecration
  9. K

    Kevvy's Modpack 2022-12-21

    Kevvy's Modpack This modpack is available on Steam. Either search there for 'Kevvy's Modpack' or go here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871172795 A collection of simple mods that buff weak game components. Base benefits remain unless stated otherwise. Currently modded...
  10. Zegangani

    How many Wonders are too much Wonders?

    Not a real question, but would having an enormous amount of Wonders in the Game reduce their Uniqueness? Sure, from the Graphics Perspective the more Wonders we have the merrier, but from the Gameplay Effects Perspective it would be a real challenge to come up with unique effects for each Wonder...
  11. L

    Convert a savegame (with buildings and all) to a map in world builder ?

    Hello everyone, I have already seen the thread to keep the drawing of the map (https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/how-to-quickly-create-a-mod-from-a-civilization-6-map-using-zobtzlers-ynabmc-and-ynamp.637018/), but i would like to keep the worlds wonders and buildings as well ? If anyone...
  12. HungryForFood

    Enlightenment Era (Vox Populi) (v 4)

    Enlightenment Era (Vox Populi) (steam workshop) Installation To install, extract to C:\Users\[your username]\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\MODS. More details in forum thread. Credits Pouakai, Janboruta, Sukritact: authors of EE zwei833: author of RER Xony: initial version of EE Compatibility...
  13. sman1975

    Playtesters Needed for "SMAN's The Ancient World at War"

    Hello, I've recently published a mod, and could really use some help testing it. The mod itself is quite stable, but it adds a LOT of content to the game, so getting all of these new things properly balanced will take the evaluation and perspective of as many players as I can get. Here is a...
  14. Pelo McSoy

    [TUTORIAL] How to Add an Improvement/Wonder to Sid Meier's Civilization III Conquests v01

    Note: When I first made this tutorial, I didn't have GIMP, so the Buildings.pcx images may look blurry. Normally, the green dividing lines are crisp. /***Step 01 - Setting Up the .biq & Scenario Folder***/ Step 01-01: Make sure you save the .biq (editor file) to the Scenarios Folder, and...
  15. fairmanfour

    Romanian Civilisation and Gods and Monsters Mode

    So after posting my Irish Civilisation and Alien Invasion! Mode idea post, I ended up coming up with a similar game mode that could appear as early as the Ancient Era, and plays with the darker side of early faith, pantheons and religions; Monsters of myth and legend. Again, feedback is welcome...
  16. Louis the XIV

    [MOD] Historia Vincit

    I'm Sorry to announce that I have given up this mod, also after the 1.4 Update it has a lot of the civs don't have UU's because of a bug. If anyone wants to use anything from this mod they are free to do so. If you are interested in another project by me check out Rhye's and Fall of Spain. Of...
  17. C

    Great Wonders Elimination Thread

    This thread is moderator approved, with thanks to @Browd. We are back with another Elimination Thread, and this time it is the turn of Wonders - in particular, those Wonders which are constructed, rather than Natural Wonders. You are once again called upon to help sift the bad from the mediocre...
  18. KayAU

    Strategic resources should not block district or wonder placement

    As I'm sure everybody have noticed, strategic (as well as luxury) resources block the placement of districts and wonders. As strategic resources are revealed gradually with tech tree advancement, this creates the supremely annoying situation where spots you had planned to use suddenly become...
  19. C

    Expanded concepts: Uniques beyond units and infrastructure

    Some time ago, I was considering the possibility of unique wonders as additional to Unique units and infrastructures, and I realized... why stop at unique wonders? So I got pondering as to what other uniques could become standard to all civs. (Previous threads: Conservation and National Parks...
  20. Jeremiah

    Voice Over for Sukritact's Wonders

    Hey! I've recorded some voice lines for wonders that Sukritact added to the game. Now I'm no Sean Bean, but I do have a pretty good microphone. I'm posting these on the forum in hopes that Sukritact sees them! I might do more of them in the future if it is wanted. Voice Overs: Grand Canyon...
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