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1.17f Problems/Bug Reports

My problem: Control-Shift-I doesn't get the worker to do anything. It is supposed to get the worker to work near the city without destorying any current improvements. The only thin I can think of is that it is confused as to which city it shold be working around? They guy I am talking about has the white ring around him. Directly to the top left is one worker that is working on building a mine and has 5 turns left so the new worker should be able to help him out. Anyone else having these problems?

On max turns for science it can go higher than 40 turns, it can go to infinite.

On later civs paying less when trading techs. If you trade techs after you have loaded a game from an auto save then civs that know each other already will trade that tech between them, even during your turn. If they do not know each other then they will not trade. On version 1.07f if you traded techs they didn't devalue as you traded to more civs. The amount you got came from how much the A.I. thinks it needs it. I haven't tried this with 1.16f since the auto-load trade "bug" made it much more difficult to trade techs for profit(come on Firaxis, I don't want to have to save the game when the game does it automatically for me. What is the point of an autosave if you are goign to penalize me?)
Originally posted by Loopy

You do know that the cost to research a tech is affected by how many civs already know the tech, right? So if during the time which you researched Democracy another Civ learned Chemistry, your cost to learn Chemistry would be lowered. If they traded Chemistry to a couple of other Civs, it would drop dramatically.

No, I never knew that. Thanks. It may have a big influence on my strategy. Does the new rate only take effect when you start researching or whenever another Civ acquires the tech? Say in my example of Chemistry at 36 turns. A player can research nothing for a few turns and stockpile gold, waiting for the AI to get it and trade it around. Then turn on research for Chemistry at 11 turns (or better with the stockpiled gold) and come out way, way ahead.

Does the new rate take effect mid-stream if I start Chemistry at 36 turns, and then several other civs get it? If not, it looks like another exploit, but it is one I will use now that I know about it.

As for max time of 40 turns one trick I use is to set one researcher in a junky city and set the slider to zero. This can save a significant amount of gold over having the slider at 10%.
I've loaded in 1.17 (from 1.16) and now when I try to change the national colors (units and boarders). The game starts but I can't get a game to start. I play as the Americans and I like the Aztec green. I've changed the two before with no problems but all I do is change the two colors and I get to the main Civ.III screen and it wont let me start or reload any game. Any Ideas?:confused:
Originally posted by BillChin

No, I never knew that. Thanks. It may have a big influence on my strategy. Does the new rate only take effect when you start researching or whenever another Civ acquires the tech? Say in my example of Chemistry at 36 turns. A player can research nothing for a few turns and stockpile gold, waiting for the AI to get it and trade it around. Then turn on research for Chemistry at 11 turns (or better with the stockpiled gold) and come out way, way ahead.

Does the new rate take effect mid-stream if I start Chemistry at 36 turns, and then several other civs get it? If not, it looks like another exploit, but it is one I will use now that I know about it.

As for max time of 40 turns one trick I use is to set one researcher in a junky city and set the slider to zero. This can save a significant amount of gold over having the slider at 10%.

The new rate definitely takes place mid-stream. The first few times this occurred, I thought I was going insane...I would get a new advance but be thinking "Didn't it just say 27 turns?" I finally caught it while making a bee-line for Democracy. No one else had it yet and I needed the boost in commerce. One turn, I glanced down to see '14 turns' remaining and grumbled to myself...I needed that advance! This was during a fairly stable point in the game, so my turn went quickly. The very next turn, I noticed it said 'Democracy - 1 turn'. I checked around, and sure enough, every AI civ had it.

The AI trades like a bastard. Soren said he made them 'much more aggressive' for tech trading in 1.17, but IMO, there needs to be some sort of floor or minimum trade. It seems that the AI will trade to anyone for whatever they can afford. 5 gold and a useless world map for Radio? I'd bet heavily this sort of thing happens a lot now.
Originally posted by Silvagem

In year 1936 AD, I changed my science from 40% to 60%.
In terms of spending, it changed from 986 to a massive 1495, which is about 50% more than what I had!

I really don't want to get pedantic here, folks:), but let's look at a little basic arithmetic:

1/2 of 40 is 20.

40 + 20 is 60.

60 is a 50% increase over 40.

Is this really so hard? If your rate increases by 50%, then chances are the spending will increase by 50%.

We now return you the the exploration of REAL bugs.:D

(Nothing personal, Silvagem, but this one has been bugging me since I first read it.:rolleyes: )
About the font thing. I tried to start a new game and saw the wierd fonts at the startup screen. My game crashed after clicking 'New game', I didn´t even reach the terrain select screen.

I had over 800 fonts installed, and I removed some (by chance all Lucida fonts, too) so that they got under 800. Now the game is stable again, but it definately does use another font than earlier.

I´ve had many font problems earlier with other programs (mostly Adobe products, like PageMaker and Photoshop), so it was an easy fix for me. :)

Palehorse wrote:
On max turns for science it can go higher than 40 turns, it can go to infinite.

I still have a max 40 turn cap. Could you attach a screenshot?
Interestingly enough, the prior problem of not being able to remove units from an Army, after already being placed in it, has been resolved with the J (stack) move. Where an army could not previously be upgraded or have units removed, you can now do it. An army with swordsmen, for example, which is in a civ that has tanks, can be emptied by using the j command. One can send the units to another location using the j command (even if there is only 1 unit in the army) and leave an empty army unit that can then be loaded with the upgraded units available. I doubt that it was intended, but it certainly made for an effective work-around to the previous problem!!! ;-)
I opsted this on another thread allready, but as this one's sticky...

A bug I encountered:

I moved with a scout to a goodyhut and it went straight through it (it was the first move of the scout and the goodhut was on plains). A clarifying picture:
The start of the turn:
* = plains, S = Scout, G = Goodyhut
after the scout moved to goodyhut (and I didn't hold the arrowkey down):
* = plains, S = Scout, F = former goodyhut
so the sout ran in straight line...
I experienced this with Mounted Warrior too, and several times with both unit.
Originally posted by Jolly Gnome

I moved with a scout to a goodyhut and it went straight through it (it was the first move of the scout and the goodhut was on plains).

I had that with 1.07, 1.16, haven`t seen it in 1.17 (yet). Always thought it stems from using an external keyboard with my laptop computer :confused: You do something similar???
I have notice it now takes 40 turns to complete the first tech (in ver 1.17f), this is different to the other versions. Come on Faxis is this a new rule we should know about?....

Also The new "j" command doesn't work as I would expect. If I have fortified units on a square as well as activite units the foritified units shouldn't move. If I wanted to move them then you should produce a new command say SHIFT-J move all unit on that particular square.

What do you people think to this???

Originally posted by Sid Amazing

Also The new "j" command doesn't work as I would expect. If I have fortified units on a square as well as activite units the foritified units shouldn't move. If I wanted to move them then you should produce a new command say SHIFT-J move all unit on that particular square.

What do you people think to this???


"J" takes fortified units along???? What a CF! Then I better stick to moving troops by hand....... hey, why did they include "J" then????? (sarcastic, for all those who didn`t get it!)

Yes, thats right! An ARMY from a goody hut! :lol:

This ofcourse was in a scenario with edited rules, I havent seen it in a standard game.

Good bug! :D :D :D
Originally posted by joespaniel

Yes, thats right! An ARMY from a goody hut! :lol:

This ofcourse was in a scenario with edited rules, I havent seen it in a standard game.

Good bug! :D :D :D
I got one in a standard game. This is the new patch 1.17. I don't think it's a bug.

My game doesnt even work with the new patch, but my riflemen have always made that shooting noise when they run... weird

the problem with the rifleman "run" sound was in the game before ver 1.17f.

there is an easy solution for that
get into the civ directory-art/units/Infantry
and copy the file "InfantryRun.amb"

go to the riflemen directory and past the file u copied there.
then rename the "RiflemanRun.amb" file to something else like "backup_RiflemanRun.amb" and rename "InfantryRun.amb" to "RiflemanRun.amb"
and ull have the run sound working.
When a city goes into unrest, the shield production is suspended until you quiet down the rioters. Since the patch, I've noticed food does this too! No matter what the food production was before the rioting, when I open a rioting city's screen, it shows zero population growth (no extra food production). It makes it impossible to tell if I'll be starving people out by making an entertainer.

with the patch installed, when i generate a leader, the attacking unit retreats to its former position leaving the leader by itself on the square where the defender was. It isn't a huge bug, just mildly annoying.

Before attack:

* = Terrain
A = Attacker
D = Defender


After attack:

* = Terrain
A = Attacker
L = Leader

Originally posted by Sid Amazing
I have notice it now takes 40 turns to complete the first tech (in ver 1.17f), this is different to the other versions. Come on Faxis is this a new rule we should know about?....

Actually this was changed in the last patch.

And from a theoretical standpoint, I don't think that it's accurate to call it an "infinite" number of turns to research your next tech. The only way it can be more than 40 turns if you're making no progress, that is, zero research. At that setting you'll never finish the tech. Saying that you'd complete the tech in an infinte number of turns means that you're making some progress, albeit an infintesimal amount. Of course the distinction is pretty meaningless as far as the game goes, but I'm weird that way. :D

Oh, and to maybe clear things up a bit more about tech research, you'll see the biggest difference between the cost of being the first to research a tech, and the second. There probably isn't a cost difference between being the 11th and 12th. This makes it harder to stay the tech leader if you're ahead and easier to catch up if you're in the back of the pack. It also makes some sense from a "real world" point of view.
I have also noticed the lack of info on food surplus/deficit in rioting cities. :(

Of course if I could keep the people happy...:rolleyes:
Originally posted by Padma

I really don't want to get pedantic here, folks:), but let's look at a little basic arithmetic:
1/2 of 40 is 20.
40 + 20 is 60.
60 is a 50% increase over 40.
Is this really so hard? If your rate increases by 50%, then chances are the spending will increase by 50%.
We now return you the the exploration of REAL bugs.:D
(Nothing personal, Silvagem, but this one has been bugging me since I first read it.:rolleyes: )

My dear CivFan Padma, this is nothing personal, but let me clarify a few things with you.

Let me first thank you for letting me know how to calculate 50%. Just kidding! :)

I did those calculations, because I know that most people only scan these messages, and most of the time they are not up to make any calculations, because they are in a hurry. So I tried to be as clear as possible.

Perhaps I was “too” clear. In that case, I’m sorry for that.
I didn’t want to call anyone “stupid” or something. But I must apologize if I felt you feel like that. It was not my intention.

However, you are giving me more reasons to proceed in that way, because your were in such a hurry to reply to me, that you didn’t even put my phrase in its own context, and worst, you didn’t even saw the reply to it a few lines down.

So it seems to have been hurry! Didn’t I tell you ;)

But the implementation of specialists Citizens allocation is a very weird one. At the very least, we don’t have absolutely any means to now how much (either money or science) we are making out of them, and perhaps that is why we don’t seem to see any bug on how it’s being managed.

People only seem to complain from what they see. It’s easier. And we certainly believe our own eyes the most.

I try to make an effort to see a bit further (having a software background), by doing some tests, and bringing the results of those tests here so that people might confirm, or not, my problems. Sharing this knowledge is all this forum is about, right?

However I might be wrong, and that is why every opinion, like yours, is very useful. But it is only useful, if you answer my problem. If you *only* complain about how the problem was presented you are not being helpful, and people like me, might be retracted from posting them, being afraid of such judgements like yours… :(

Besides, the forum is to discuss ideas about Civ, not if you like me to write in a style or another. That’s what I think. But again it’s just my opinion. You don’t have to share it, but it would be reasonable to ask you to respect it, wouldn’t it? :)

Long Live Civilization! :)
That’s why we are all here after all.
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