• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

1.52 Patch Available

Well my direct patch download link broke... (the one i posted on page 6)

You guys ate all my bandwidth in about 5hrs :crazyeye:
oh well it helped several ppl who were having trougle getting it before fraxis had a normal download area :p
Thanks ColdFever. Mirror added to the first post and frontpage news.
Baas said:
Downloading right now. I am happy there is a new patch available. However, it makes you wonder why they put out a game with such obvious flaws in the first place. If you need two major patches within the first month or so, maybe the release date was too soon...

I have had 2 months of enjoyment out of this game, I'm happy they released it when they did. I have had no serious problems with the game.

They will be tweaking this game through patches and expansion packs over the next 2 or 3 years.

I feel the sooner the better.
If you have crashes or other problems, please post the in the bug report forum with a screenshot, and/or gamesave.

I have patched and have several comments to make.

The Good: :goodjob:
- Ultra-fast D/L (using the auto-update function).
- Improved performance (basically, this patch does what Harkonnen's fix already did).

The bad: :(
- When I applied the patch, the progress bar went to the right end but there was no message telling me patch had been successfully applied nor any kind of "patch complete" (or whatever) window popping. I waited about three minutes, still nothing. So I had no choice but to click "cancel" (only available button). No effect. So I eventually had to "ctrl-alt-del" to terminate the process... Still, the patch indeed WAS successful. But it's a bit discomforting.

The strange: :confused:
- I can no longer find any "civilization.ini" file in my civ folder. How the heck am I going to remove that stupid autosave and make other adjustments that are not available in the in-game options?
firepower in combat now based on max strength
Can someone please explain what this means? I'm not sure exactly what this change does ...
Previously a damaged unit would have weaker combat stats in addition to requiring fewer hits to kill, making wounded units ridiculously weak. Now, it just requires fewer hits to kill.
just wanted to post to say thanks to firaxis for this patch. it works great here. everything runs smooth. wonder movies look great now. sounds seem better too, but maybe thats just me.
storeslem said:
It's strange that so few, if any, knew that this patch was coming, and noone has a patch changelog. Shows really horsehockey connection / interaction between gamers and devs :(
Did you think that patch v1.09 was going to be the last one? Isn't it a given they're going to keep working on it? How does knowing about an upcoming patch have any bearing on anything?
Graun said:
The patch is screw up my game...:(

the game start (XML uncached) after patched to v1.52 + weird Text everywhere!:(

[Dec 23, 2005 - 15:30:15] Messages while processing 'Resource/Themes/Civ4.thm'

Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:402, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_BoldItalic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:408, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Window.thm', Ln:3048, Col:9) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found

[2185.781] DBG: CIV Init
[2185.781] VERSION: App: E:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Civilization4.exe
[2185.781] VERSION: Build: Thu Dec 22 11:17:25 2005
[2185.781] VERSION: (42422)
[2185.781] VERSION: Mod Loaded: none
[2186.000] DBG: FILE Cat Init
[2186.312] DBG: NOT Using XML cache, failed to find crc.dat file
[2186.312] DBG: Game Init
[2186.328] DBG: Multiplayer Init BEGIN
[2186.421] DBG: Multiplayer Init END
[2186.421] DBG: Audio Init
[2187.218] DBG: ArtFileMgr Init
[2187.250] DBG: Python Init
[2195.515] VERSION: CIV Version: 0
[2195.515] VERSION: Save Version: 102
[2195.515] DBG: Input Init
[2195.515] DBG: Engine Init
[2195.531] DBG: Checking available screen resolution
[2195.656] DBG: Validating screen resolution
[2195.656] DBG: Creating rendererer
[2196.953] DBG: Engine: renderer Initialized
[2196.984] DBG: Engine: Shaders Initialized
[2197.187] DBG: Engine: Scene Lights Initialized
[2197.203] DBG: Music Start
[2197.218] DBG: Font Init
[2197.281] DBG: Total Frame MS: 11678.0 FPS: 000 Min:000 Max:000 Avg:000 SampleFilter:10.000000
Time : Ave : Min% : Max% : Num : Profile Name
[2197.281] DBG: Begin MenuManager
[2203.593] ERR: CIV Init FAILED, exiting

I'm getting the same thing, the menu screen is there and it "works" but it's completely blank, no text anywhere.. :(
Anyone else having problems with modifications not working in the Custom Assets folder? It's as if the game isn't reading the modded files in my "My documents" folders anymore. I just tested this out with a fresh reinstall too. All I did was copy over the bonuses file, changed cows to be revealed by Animal Husbandry, yet I can still see them when I first start a game without having the tech. :confused: Something strange is going on here.
ainwood said:
Delete the XML in your My Documents\My Geams\ subfolders.

I have nothing in any of those folders. All of the subfolders in the my documents\my games\civ 4 folder are empty except for my Saves folder.
ainwood said:
Delete the XML in your My Documents\My Geams\ subfolders.

I had tried even did a reinstall nothing changed!

very annoying!

If this is the prize to pay for able to mod the game hmmm...I'm not sure i want the mod support!:(
Well I didn't even mod the game at all. I did use the blue marble though and I uninstalled that prior to applying the patch.
When I load a save made under 1.09 it all seems to work except that there is a small window showing that says 'showTechSplash' and nothing happens. At all. Unless I hit Alt+F4, which works fine, but is not conducive to long play.
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