1000 ways you know you've played Civ2 too much when...

187. The number of Favorites you have added to your web browser from CFC or Poly outnumber all the rest combined.
188) You get excited when visiting cities that crop up in the city lists. I was in Greece a month or so ago and I remember thinking 'Good God! Mycenae! I founded this no less than a fortnight ago!

189) You try to convinve yourself that there are only 7 races in the worls and that the Turks and Mongols are actually the same thing.
Originally posted by John Bull
189) You try to convinve yourself that there are only 7 races in the worls and that the Turks and Mongols are actually the same thing.

190) You determine that there must be 21 races, but only 7 can be around at a time.

191) To make the previous post, you count how many tribes there are.

192) You anxiously await this thread hitting 200 symptoms!
193. You know what every setting in RULES.TXT does, and every possible permutation of the options.

194. You keep multiple RULES.TXT in separate subdirectories.

195. You've editted ICONS.GIF more than once.

196. You have separate subdirectories below \CIV2 for KINGS and VIDEO, yet you always turn sounds and video off.

197. You cannot remember the last time you watched a Wonder video all the way through.

198. You've ripped your own WAV files to improve the built-in sounds.

199. Youve written your own language files (like .FRE and .GER) to translate the labels and screens into more languages.
#200--You paint the tech tree on the wall behind your computer.
#201--You paint the unit and improvement specs on your ceiling.
#202--You no longer watch the History Channel-you know everything from reading the Civilopedia.
Edit: also b/c of the 1000s of scenarios you've played
Further edit: You goof off in history class for the same reasons
203. You flunk your history exam because you wrote that the Carthaginians destroyed the Romans in 250BC - which happened in last night's game, but not for real.
204. Your sole excuse for buying Civ III was that it came bundled with Civ II.

205. Your basis of quality for a computer game store is if they still carry Civ II.

206. Then you patronize said store by purchasing yet another copy of the game (under the auspices of a future gift of course.)
207. You get lecturers putting corrections all through your paper because you keep spelling Civilisation with a 'Z'

(note: only applicable in those countries that spell it with an 'S'!)
Originally posted by Bose
207. You get lecturers putting corrections all through your paper because you keep spelling Civilisation with a 'Z'
208. You get distracted every time you read the word Civilis(z)ation when writing the national (standard?) test in English.
211. You wonder why Saddam isn't rush building spearmen to counter american tanks.
212. You have grown callouses on your chair-sitting place.

213. You can't wait until they start having Civ cons next door to
the Trekkie ones.

214. You think real life can't compare.
Originally posted by Bose
207. You get lecturers putting corrections all through your paper because you keep spelling Civilisation with a 'Z'

(note: only applicable in those countries that spell it with an 'S'!)
#215: You've given up trying to kick your habit of spelling civilization with an s (this one applies to me).
217. When people say "Save the whales" you reply "Dam right - we need the shields"

218. Watching the History Channel, you wonder why the Egyptians even had granaries since they had the Pyramids.

219. Your boss wakes you up at a meeting and you give him the financial advisors "bullish" speech.

220. He likes it.

221. You try to reassure nervous flight passengers with "It's simple, 5 spaces out - 5 spaces back"

222. When people ask if you like jazz you blurt out "Leos Workshop!"

223. When you read the U.S. is sending in paratroopers, you wonder if the pentagon received a message "Only ground units can occupy a city"

224. You half-expected to see general Franks come back from the gulf stagggering around with a goblet.

(LOL @ 59, 61, 69 & 140)
225) It's warm outside, and you have to stop and ponder whether going out and doing something is better than playing Civ.
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