2013 NFL Season

The perfect Super Bowl would be for Manning to leave the game early, the Broncos back-up throwing about 5 TDs to receivers covered by Sherman, but for Seattle to somehow win.
The perfect Super Bowl would be for Manning to leave the game early, the Broncos back-up throwing about 5 TDs to receivers covered by Sherman, but for Seattle to somehow win.

You left out Bill Leavy officiating and getting run over repeatedly by Seahawks in revenge for Superbowl XL. :p
The perfect Super Bowl would be for Manning to leave the game early, the Broncos back-up throwing about 5 TDs to receivers covered by Sherman, but for Seattle to somehow win.

I was more thinking a low scoring bout where the Broncos hold the ball all day by bubble screening their way to the next first down while Terrence Knighton holds Marshawn Lynch to under 50 yards but I might be a little biased.
Headline at CBS website: "Report: Good 2nd interview could land Mike Pettine Browns job"

Translation : "Temperature around 37.5 C, detectable pulse could land Mike Pettine Browns job".
They should just see if Chud will take the position back, everyone who could potentially be better (and Josh McDaniels) have pulled out of the hiring process.

Also I just realized that nobody's talked about this

Bill Belichick said:
The way that play turned out, I went back and watched it, which I didn't have a chance to [Sunday]. It was a deliberate play by the receiver to take out Aqib. No attempt to get open. I'll let the league handle the discipline on that play, whatever they decide. It's one of the worst plays I've seen.

Bill Belichick is a sore loser and makes Richard Sherman look like Kurt Warner yes or yes
Sure, it makes perfect sense that a player with concussion issues would deliberately hit a CB to take him out of the game :mischief::mischief:
I can't believe no one posted anything about that Sherman interview... Was he a douche? or was he right in bashing Crabtree? I think he talks too much and I hope Manning torches him.
I can't believe no one posted anything about that Sherman interview... Was he a douche? or was he right in bashing Crabtree? I think he talks too much and I hope Manning torches him.

I have my doubts that there was nothing more to this than what Sherman said, that Crabtree tried to start a fight at some charity event. Something tells me Sherman wasn't an angel there. I wouldn't mind him so much if he didn't whine when he loses or gets a legit call against him, like he said the holding call he had on Crabtree was "sorry"; that was holding for any other secondary in the league, it just doesn't usually get called there, maybe because the refs are afraid they'll have another Cleveland bottle throwing or they'll get garbage hurled at them like Bowman did. Spoilers: when you ask human beings to act like psychotic animals, they're going to act like psychotic animals, no matter where you are and what team is involved.

It also begs the question why the self-proclaimed "best" corner in the NFL was assigned to cover a "mediocre" receiver the whole game.

Honestly I'm more interested in Pete Carroll possibly being a 9/11 truther :eek: But that could just be Deadspin et al. trying to make news

Also I kinda hope this year is the death knell for the Pro Bowl. No one takes it seriously anyway and now like every player is dropping out in addition to the Super Bowl players not playing. At this rate we're going to see "Troy Polimalu's hair, Chad Henne, Tim Tebow, added to Pro Bowl roster".
Sure, it makes perfect sense that a player with concussion issues would deliberately hit a CB to take him out of the game :mischief::mischief:

Exactly... he didn't even hit the guy. I bet Talib didn't say little ole Wes took his bad-a..ed self out of the game :mischief: .

Belichik will 'let' the league handle it. Jeez Bill... thanks. Makes me sick :mad: .

Broncos beat the crap out of the whole team. :goodjob:

I think 49ers need a new play caller (OC). :scan:

Yes, Pete is a weird guy that grates on the nerves. 2nd oldest coach in League IIRC.

I would vote to never interview coaches at halftime, or players just after the game.
No matter what... Sherman shouldn't have said anything about Crabtree IMO. Going to the Superbowl... but instead talking crap about the other teams reciever. Who, btw is pretty dang good. No way mediocre. Sure wish Kap had thrown that ball about 2 more feet... that would have been nice. All summer watching the ball pass inches over a burned Sherman for the game winner. :D

I thought the Browns were waiting for playoff coaches to interview? Why the Falcon's OC now :confused: . I'm getting worried about those guys :sad: .
I had a long defense of Alex Smith written yesterday but the tab got closed by mistake and I lost it and didn't feel like rewriting it.

I'll just say I don't think he gets nearly enough credit. Like Arachnofiend pointed out he played really well the 2nd half of the season. It was weird watching him throw 40 times a game, put up good numbers, and still lose because they got shredded by Manning, Rivers, and Luck. They lost Jamaal Charles in the 1st quarter against Indy and Smith went 30/46 for 378, 4 TDs/0 picks, and ran 8 times for 57 and was almost their rushing leader because they were down to their 3rd string back. That was why he overthrew him when he was open, too, he said later they had understandably never practiced the play with the third string running back so the timing was off. He was SO close on that pass to Bowe too. I don't care if he dropped off a little in the second half, scoring 44 points on the road should win ANY game. Andy Reid blew that game with time management and play calling(I think Philly fans are nodding their heads right now).

I gained a ton of respect for him in that epic 2011 playoff game between the Niners and Saints. Saints scored two seperate go-ahead TDs in the last four minutes and Alex led them back from both of them. If you had told me the Saints would hang 32 on that ridiculous defense I would have the 49ers no shot. I don't think he's elite but I think Harbaugh and Reid both put him on a tighter leash than he deserves.

Exactly... he didn't even hit the guy. I bet Talib didn't say little ole Wes took his bad-a..ed self out of the game :mischief: .

Belichik will 'let' the league handle it. Jeez Bill... thanks. Makes me sick :mad: .

Broncos beat the crap out of the whole team. :goodjob:

I think 49ers need a new play caller (OC). :scan:

Yes, Pete is a weird guy that grates on the nerves. 2nd oldest coach in League IIRC.

I would vote to never interview coaches at halftime, or players just after the game.
No matter what... Sherman shouldn't have said anything about Crabtree IMO. Going to the Superbowl... but instead talking crap about the other teams reciever. Who, btw is pretty dang good. No way mediocre. Sure wish Kap had thrown that ball about 2 more feet... that would have been nice. All summer watching the ball pass inches over a burned Sherman for the game winner. :D

I thought the Browns were waiting for playoff coaches to interview? Why the Falcon's OC now :confused: . I'm getting worried about those guys :sad: .

I was surprised he was that old, there's other coaches I thought were older but are slightly younger(only by a year or so). I didn't even have to look to see if Coughlin is the oldest, he's like 115 :p

They were waiting on Adam Gase but he said "Wait, I can be OC for Peyton Manning and I'm considering going to coach Brandon Weeden?" and pulled out.

I really do feel horrible for Browns fans. :( I grew up as a Saints fan so I know what it's like to have your heart crushed over and over before Payton and Brees arrived(though I'm only 25, so I didn't live through the really, REALLY bad Winn-Dixie paper bag on your head 'Aints years). They've put up with so much crap for so many years and now management set themselves back even more. They looked brilliant in hindsight trading Richardson for a 1st and having him be pretty "meh" in Indy but they're probably going to waste it and trade up with the Rams for Manziel. I dunno what coach would take that job right now, not if they fired a first year coach after the atrocious QB situation he was forced into when Hoyer tore his ACL and they traded Richardson(he was still better than anyone on that roster, McGahee is beyond done). The only way they could have redeemed this was by having a guy lined up already but they clearly didn't. Their roster isn't even that bad, their defense has been pretty good and Hoyer looked pretty legit for a while there, but I wouldn't want a job where management sabotaged the last guy by trying to tank and then firing him for tanking.

I'm glad Norv Turner gave them a piece of his mind after Chud got fired. Norv sucked as an HC but he's actually a pretty good OC, Ray Horton is an excellent DC(who I think deserves a head coaching job somewhere) and now they're both gone. Good job Lombardi/Haslam.

It's not a surprise their fans vent with videos like this.
I thought the Browns were waiting for playoff coaches to interview? Why the Falcon's OC now :confused: . I'm getting worried about those guys :sad: .

Yes, but Denver's OC said "Thanks, but no thanks" even before he could interview.

Also, no guy who wants a real chance to succeed as a head coach will touch the Browns with a 10 foot pole, because owenership/management has clearly demonstrated that any coach they hire will probably not be given a fair chance.
I think the whole "classless" thing is getting vaguely racist. It's kinda disturbing. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Sherman was excited - he should be, his last second play just sent his team to the Superbowl. I think you're allowed to get yelly and excited when that happens. Moreover Sherman is an outstanding CB, probably the smartest in the game.

Still not looking forward to the SB, but between this and the popcorn thing (which was apparently an accident), Niners fans are once again making mountains out of molehills.
You don't call your opponent 'mediocre at best' and not expect your class-ness to be questioned.
I think the whole "classless" thing is getting vaguely racist. It's kinda disturbing. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Sherman was excited - he should be, his last second play just sent his team to the Superbowl. I think you're allowed to get yelly and excited when that happens. Moreover Sherman is an outstanding CB, probably the smartest in the game.

Still not looking forward to the SB, but between this and the popcorn thing (which was apparently an accident), Niners fans are once again making mountains out of molehills.

I'm not sure how it becomes "racist" outside of the diphorsehockys on Twitter being legit racist. I don't like when a lot of players or coaches run their mouths like this(I loved when Brandon Jacobs told Rex "SHUT UP FAT BOY"), Sherman just happens to be the loudest and biggest mouth remaining in the field.

You can yell and be excited(lol Bart Scott), but it gets dumb when you start crapping on the other team and their players or tell people you're "better at life" than they are. Like I said, someone should ask him why he was stuck covering a "medicore" receiver all game.
Sherman is exposing the stupidity of expecting athletes to be barbarians on the field and goddamn politicians off of it. Both teams fought hard my man, both teams fought hard.

Crabtree is a mediocre receiver, but Kaep likes to force him the ball and so it's smart to stick Sherman on him to prevent Kaep from getting into a groove. That's how I would interpret that. They usually had Maxwell on Boldin and Thomas on Davis right? I mean as vague assignments, they weren't man-to-man the entire game.

Pete Carroll is probably a truther because he's an ill-informed hippy. I still love him though. Just like I love Bill Parcells and his "jap plays".
I don't see Crabtree as an mediocre reciever. A mediocre receiver wouldn't have made much of a difference returning from injury.

I don't check stats much... maybe that is where he seems mediocre :confused: .

Still, it is just my opinion that you shouldn't call out your opponent... especially when winning.

If he keeps acting like that... the Broncos may send Welker after him.
They should just see if Chud will take the position back, everyone who could potentially be better (and Josh McDaniels) have pulled out of the hiring process.

Also I just realized that nobody's talked about this

Bill Belichick is a sore loser and makes Richard Sherman look like Kurt Warner yes or yes

Well if there was one guy whose presence was sorely missed in that game it was Talib. The passing game opened up a lot more with him off the field.
That's not the point... SF was weaker after Bowman got his knee blown up.

Mean old Wes Welker. Wasn't Talib already banged up some?
Well if there was one guy whose presence was sorely missed in that game it was Talib. The passing game opened up a lot more with him off the field.

There's a difference between saying "the injury to Talib had a big impact on the nature of the game" and saying "the twice-concussed smallest receiver on the roster was without a doubt attempting to injure Talib on that play". I mean seriously, the claim could not be ridiculous. Even if Fox wanted to take out Talib he would have never had Welker do it when we've got two guys who are big enough to bully anyone in D. Thomas and Decker.

Also we played the entire game without Miller and still sacked Brady twice so yeah
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