2nd British Civil War 2012

really says something dont it? the fact that we don't NEED high military spending? as for space programs, canada is one of the leaders in space programs, up there with your country. Diplomatic connections? My county isn't backward, we have as many diplomatic issues/connections as you do
to answer ssharifi, it's the first.....didn't know much about commies but liked the idea of man helping man. When you look at the whole system without analyzing it further it looks great. At first look it seems like the system of choice, but when you take a deeper look at it, all that comes to mind is that big gov = waste. Everybody complaigns about how the government is wasting money on this and that, then how would you feel giving everything to them, it would be even more waste.
I would not say that canada is up there with the US in the space program, don't get me wrong because I do know that canada provides tech. and platforms to the international space programs, but I work with satellites in my daily job and no one tops the us in space funding
This thread has gone somewhat off topic huh? Well nm, its still an interesting political discussion.

Just a brief note in response to Music_theory's comments (because, though I mean no offence, I find them, in my personal opinion, a dangerous US view of things):

1) Your comments on the European economies not matching America's because of our support for state welfare systems is frankly ridiculous, the USA's economy is superior to European country's because your population is 5 times the size us here in the UK or in France or Italy and 3 times that of Germany. Also, your country's economic dominance of world affairs began due to the European bankcrupcy and massive international debt that followed World War I and was magnified by World War II. Obviously European nation's GDP will not match the USA's, for these reasons, plus the fact that simply due to the perceptive realisation that the USA forms the centre of the world economy, the vast majority of world bussiness centres its activites in your nation. Of course this will change in the future, China and Inida most of all will eventually overtake the US in GDP, they are both nations full of natural resources, will over a billion population each, four times the US' 270 million. The same is true if Europe eventually unifies to be a stronger Federal political bloc, already Europe has a combined GDP only 15% or so less than the USA's. But an uninformed (and I do not mean un-educated, I don't doubt your education, but we live in Europe and your comments on the European economy are simply not true) opinion that social welfare systems cripple state economies and that socialism and social democracy will always be inferior and are stupid compared to pure capitalism is dangerous and, without getting heated, I imagine quite insulting to all those people who strongly support socialism and firmly believe, with good reason, that Capitalism is not the best system possible, or even the best system around for a nation's economy.

2) The whole Capitalism vs. Communism/Socialism arguement strikes me as an essentially misguided one. Firstly as was mentioned earlier, politics is not a linear scale liek that, better to use that of a 2 dimensional circle or compass, between Left and Rightist economics and Authoritatian and Liberal Government. The anger most people level at Communist states is the same as that against Fascist states - its the extreme Authoritarianism rather than the extreme Left-Wing economics. The truth is that both the left wing and the right wing of economic policies have advantages and disadvantages, there is no 'best system' for every country, it depends what you are trying to achieve. For many country's in the world Capitalism, or more accurately, Social Democracy, since pure capitalism has been abandoned by practically every nation on earth, same as Communism, is indeed the system which induces the most propserity, the greatest economic growth. But equally for many other nations, strong Socialism is a better idea. It depends on your priorities.

So, there's my points. As I say, I have no wish to insult anyone or their views, but I strongly detest the arrogant, fundamentalist viewpoint of BOTH sides of the Socialism/Capitalism debate that their system is so ultimately superior, and the other doomed to failure (and I am not referring to anyone here, I make this comment generally). Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I feel that the oft-quoted Capitalist view that the poor people who would be subisidsed by European welfare systems should get of their feet and stop being lazy, get jobs and invest in medical insurance is horrifically ignorant. Structural unemployment, as was first uncovered in the late 19th century, is the fault of no individuals, simply some people CANNOT get work and CANNOT afford insurance, through no fault of their own. A state welfar system is essential, I believe, to care for all people in society, a reliance on insurance and the power of big bussiness to create better welfare in society is idealistic and completely ignorant of what the lives and economic status of most of the lower segments of all societies in the world are. I would far rather live in a society where the state welfare system was complete, even at the cost of a less laissez-faire economy, that in a total capitalistic society such as that envisaged by the novel Jennifer Government, which deserves a read by anyone interested.

And aplogies for the long off-topic post. :)
some good inputs phantom....it makes a smart point. By mixing the two sides you get good ideas from both. I do agree that no matter which way you go, if you go extreme the majority of the people do not like it. This is why I like our current setup....equal numbers within republican/democrat parties or conservative/labour parties, so that you get a wide range of choices to choose from. I also agree that China and India have tremendous potential, but only time will tell if they use it correctly.
Just a quick response from someone whose grandfather never returned from WW2's D Day invasion. After WW2 the US economy was understandably superior as we hadn't had anyone bombing our factories to dust. We used that superiority in the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe's economy and give a headstart on todays..did we give you your economy? no, excellent work by Frenchmen,English,Germans,Italians, etc did that, but it was the US that gave the initial ability, as well as the US, in money etc that kept the EU countries(and Canada) from having to have large military forces by spending billions to hold the line during t he cold war, whose ultimate result did show also the difference between communism and capitalism, in that communism can not really be a viable system by itself..the Eastern Europeans were only too happy to be rid of their "perfect"system,turning out by the millions to celebrate its demise.
Meant to add this above..good scenario communisto.
Hope my post did not offend anyone. I also plainly disagree with you on alot of things communisto :) but you seem like a good guy , and have turned out a few great scens.
Dark Phantom is clearly educated and has valid points. But recall the lessons of Adam Smith- inidividual competition serves the greater good, thats why the IMF, the World Bank is keeping the third-world in poverty so that the export inport ratio is in our favor. Europe and US does this togather so we can live wastfully while millions die for our luxuries.

Also the US has many things that we need for pay for. For example the past war that cost us way over 500 billion dollars and to mantain the peace in Iraq is costing us still a ton of money. America has always been about free-enterprize and free trade. father Pure captialism works and is effective and most of all fair. Besides the US has always been the life of the rich and the wealthy.
here in the states man I have seen the beggers stand in front of a store with help-wanted signs out. The unemployment level is somewhere between 4-6% That is a tiny fraction compared to many countries.....add it up man if there is massive poverty in the states how can the us gov be as rich as it is, it has to have a tax base. That tax base is the middle class, thats because most americans fall under this and there are massive numbers of us.
America is leading the world in technology because in capitalism I know that if I have a good idea or invent something I can make lots of money with it, same goes for music. American music is all over the place, because we know that if it is good then we can make money off of it..........incentive.
Where as on the flip side (socialism or communism) if you have a good idea the state can make lots of money off of it.....no incentive to try harder. The people are economically under a strict rope, which in turn prevents that higher tax base, so overall the state is poorer.
Plus of there is massive poverty in the US how come millions flock to our soil each year in search of the American dream. Look at Arnold Shwartznegger(sp) he grew up in a communist society, hated it and fled to the us when the soivet union collapsed, and now he is a republican governor. Which by the way governor Davis was a leftist and completely screwed up california budget and bankrupted it, but now arnie is fixing it with some good ole fashion conservatism, can you tell I am a republican?
ashep5000 said:
........ but now arnie is fixing it with some good ole fashion conservatism, can you tell I am a republican?

As are most of us in the military who have seen enough. :)
Of course the US maintains a relatively low poverty level compared with the rest of the world, you can't be the most powerful richest nation in the world and not have some of that shared out to the whole populace. And obviously I accept Adam Smith's economics, though I would note that few people now conform to them wholeheartedly, Keynesian and Supply-side economics having largely superceded Smith's work which essentially recommends pure-capitalism. Now, in the west at least, we live in an age of Socialism and Social Democracy for the most part.

When people talk about high poverty in the US it is generally in relative terms. The point is that DESPITE being the world's most powerful and richest nation (and, let me state right away, I believe that for all my disagreements with US foreign and domestic policy, the USA has for the most part used that position better that any other in history, including my own) the USA has a much higher poverty level, or a much higher number of extremelly badly-off people, that most people assume. The American dream and US capitalist economics has generated vast wealth for many, but the downside of this is that people tend to underestimate the large proportion of America's populace who actually have extremelly low incomes and do reach poverty levels. Though the US' social indicators are good worldwide, I think the feeling in Europe is that considering America's power and wealth, particularly when this is heavily built on its poorer citizens, as well as welathy bussinessmen, that it probably ought to repay them through a better social welfare system.

Also, in response to Navman, though the Marshall Plan was highly beneficial to many European economies, the UK, my own country, receiving the greatest aid of all at around 3 billion US$, if my memory serves, it was extremelly obviously intended to combat communism in Europe, not for the altruistic purpose of helping Europe rebuild (even if that was the official line).

I am firmly left-wing, though by no means a communist or even probably socialist. I am not suggesting that the US should suddenyl become socialist, for a start it would crash your economy, and much of the rest of the world with it. Also, any dedicated left-winger would probably be unscuessful in America as their hands would be so tied by resistance to left wing policies in the US political structure. But there is an innacurate perception of left-wing economics I believe in the US where you see it as actually failing or 'not working' when the truth is that it doesn't work well IN THE US, and won't till more subtle changes are made to the US economy I suppose. But its wrong to see this as a sign that left-wing policies, and communism, are poorly thought out or don't work full stop. As I said before, it depends what your trying to achieve, and the situation in the nation in question.

Also, to give proper due to Communisto, and make this not entirely a political rant, good scenario, its a fine piece of work, and to hell with the fact that the British Empire don't exist no more :).
And sorry that I keep posting such long posts...I appreciate people's patience for reading them. ;)
1st, :D i like when theres long posts!
2nd, of all i am not a full communist, rather a comunist in the idea of marxism and the ideals of Socialism more (man helping themselves). I am not a big fan of modern communism.
Wanting to see the US go to socialism is a typical european view, many european countries have very socialist governments. Many people think that America should adopt more socialist programs and it would make us better, if that is so then how come the US is already at the top. Our unemployment is at 4.8% right now.......that is not even a dream for many countries....that is a very low number. This is one of the ways I see it.....if you "steal" money from a richer person, someone who has earned it through hard work or brains and give it to someone who has not earned it, then all the richer person will do is lay-off several workers to make up for this loss. Now you have several more workers that you have to support by stealing other peoples money. Then you are starting the downward spiral of socialism. And although I mean no offence to our european friends, I have served with british troops in Saudi at PSAB, I believe that if our economy is not broken then don't fix it.
To: darkphantom..............Margret Thatcher, a real lady with real balls.
Privatized medicine is the answer. There is a DEMAND (supply and demand) for new medicines and better research all of the time, no matter what country. But in America with individuals paying, then the amount of money taken in is more than what a government will provide for, governments tend to penny pinch (rightfully so too) so we have now created the supply for this demand. Pharmacutical drugs are expensive in the US, because the money added to the cost is used for that research to create new and better drugs. Thus in turn making a new product to sell on the market for that demand. The majority of medicines and PhX drugs in the world are created in the US. Now in a socialist gov. the government will buy at the cheapest price and penny-pinch the whole way......so in the long run the demand is met short-term but the supply is never upgraded as fast as a capitalists countrys' is. Research is staggnated, comparitivly.
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