After a few runs at it now I notice a unpleasant trend.
My goldincome seems to go out of control rather quickly, sure now I usually focus on economy as that is my playstyle of choice, but I find myself sitting on crazy sums of gold without even trying. Yes I suppose I could bump the difficulty up to immortal or deity but considering I normally only barely can handle immortal, that doesn't really feel like the way to go about.
I finished my last game rather sloppy with a simultanius tourism and science victory around year 1800, with a diplovictory 3 turns off, having something like 120k gold and 2k gold/turn, having also filled out Tradtion, Liberty, Knowledge, Asthetics, piety, currency most of exploration, half honor and the entire freedom ideology tree. and that was only with 6 cities (and 2 of them being founded in the modern era)
The AI doesn't seem to have this "problem" however and got behind of everything.