3.16 possibilities

"Gladiators" policy doesn't actually give arenas, or make existing ones free. Unless my 3 testruns all bugged out somehow.

Also I feel like the nerf to the Atroll and oasis pantheon-beliefs were kinda uncalled for, those tiles are both so rare anyways.
Okay. I thought it worked on mine. I'll check it.

I feel like the culture in particular was called for. They could remain at 2 for faith, but 2 food or 2 culture on a pantheon is really strong. No matter how rare that tile is. If we are going to have beliefs that add that much culture or food, it should have to be from a religious belief, not the pantheons, or the pantheon should only impact one or two things per game (natural wonders?, capital city?).
Correct. It was on mine but not on the zipped directory build.

Copy this into the policies end.sql file near the top and that should work for now. We'll look at whether it needs adjusted further from there. You may be able to run it without starting a new game, but if it doesn't work, check on a new game.
Spoiler :
INSERT INTO Policy_FreeBuildingClass(
FROM Buildings WHERE BuildingClass IN (
The Forum still isn't listed as a unique for Rome (The only unique showing in the previewscreen is Legion). In the civpedia the Forum now have the correct name, but still isn't listed as being Roman, and in the Techtree I see see the base market, not the Forum. Haven't actually tried it ingame, guess I'll have to do an advanced start. But even if it works those 3 above are still issues that need fixing.

Edit: Nope I was correct, Rome still uses the base market. Atleast on my verson

Edit2: Found another bug, the policy Scientific Revolution does not give +3 science on academies and does not give a free great engineer (supposed to be scientist? either way doesn't work), the 25% increased great scientist rate works, and I have no idea about the research agreement thing, because I really can't be bothered to calculate that atm.

Edit3: Ancient Ruin upgraded my Manducav to a dragoon instead of a lancer.

Edit4: Sovereignty doesn't seem to work either, got no happiness from it at all.
Scientific revolution worked on my version. I will investigate. That sounds more like a lua log is needed to track that (knowledge may not be loading or policies end). I was pretty sure that one was in my files too. Checking though. May also need lua on the Forum to see if Rome isn't loading?

There will probably be a bunch of uu upgrade path issues. I will check those in relation to dragoons in particular. They may be delayed from lancers to the next tech. Which would have to be the land ship. It should be the lancer though.

update: sci-rev needs one-shot, true added to the files uploaded for the engineer to work and the engineer itself it seems. uploaded my version for that. Sovereignty should work as is and was in the file (worked on mine so far.). Ditto the academy bonus. I'll have to look into that. Running down the forum now and looking at uu upgrades.
Forum should just be a text error (change "Roman" to "Rome" on the building override) and that should do it.

Checking the knowledge effects in game. Then come back to UUs.
My academies provide me with 15 science each, that's 6 base 3 from scientific theory and 6 from new deal. I suppose Scientific theory could be bugged instead, but I kinda doubt it.
Sovereignty I was watching the happiness when I picked it and it didn't move, and I can't find it on any screen now after reloading with your attached file.
Also, minor things, Endowment of Sciences in the freedom idiology is still called Universal Healthcare after it's picked for som reason.
And the 10% extra gold from stockexchanges from Economic union doesnt' show up on the building, I think it worked however, but the stockexchange still says 25%

Edit: Same with Hotels and Airports, they building doesn't show a change but the effect still works.
I am not sure what controls the text on the ideology screen. I don't believe any ui changes were done to it, so hopefully I can figure that out and change it. The important part was getting the picks to work correctly and changed. Making sure they are displayed correctly will come next.

Sovereignty on mine shows up as happiness on the national wonder and did move the happiness count. I don't see a difference in the code between the upload and my copy, so I'll run a test with ige and see if that moves the needle. It could be bugged somewhere and I'm just imagining things. If it's not bugged on my end, send a lua.log and database log file and we'll see if maybe the sql isn't loading correctly.

The yield modifier from a policy on the buildings shows up in the city total I believe, but not on the building. That's a UI issue. Check to make sure it sums correctly with what you are expecting. It's a pain if anything is glitched because it doesn't break down what the sources are, and they don't all appear on the building (but some do).

Found the academy problem though. That was all screwed up in the code version uploaded (and the one earlier somehow). Looks like two lines got mushed together somehow.


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An easy way to check if any of your edits are stuffed up is to look at the LoadedFile table in the database. There are all the sql and some of the xml files that contain any data changes. You will see at the bottom of most of these files a line like:

UPDATE LoadedFile SET Value=1 WHERE Type='Somefile.sql';

If you have somehow messed up some of the code, the entire file will be skipped by the game engine and the table will have a 0 (zero) in the Value column. Also any text edits you make should also be reflected in the en_US column, assuming you just edited the text files in the main distribution.

I use SQLiteSpy to look at the database. It is a very useful tool for checking on your edits. It can also be used to test your sql commands on the database without firing up the game.

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After a few runs at it now I notice a unpleasant trend.
My goldincome seems to go out of control rather quickly, sure now I usually focus on economy as that is my playstyle of choice, but I find myself sitting on crazy sums of gold without even trying. Yes I suppose I could bump the difficulty up to immortal or deity but considering I normally only barely can handle immortal, that doesn't really feel like the way to go about.
I finished my last game rather sloppy with a simultanius tourism and science victory around year 1800, with a diplovictory 3 turns off, having something like 120k gold and 2k gold/turn, having also filled out Tradtion, Liberty, Knowledge, Asthetics, piety, currency most of exploration, half honor and the entire freedom ideology tree. and that was only with 6 cities (and 2 of them being founded in the modern era)
The AI doesn't seem to have this "problem" however and got behind of everything.
The first couple of games I ran, yes the gold was high but the AI seemed to be able to accumulate it as well and was getting RAs and buying things. If the AI isn't able to churn out gold in your games, then there's a problem.

I don't know how much gold I had added. I would think somewhat less than I added on the cost scale with higher upkeeps and fewer free buildings available, things like that (many of the additional sources were later game for ideologies too). So the gold problem is probably an issue with the base mod. I usually found myself swimming in gold before too. It was probably worse since villages were good very quickly and exploration paid for half of your cities for free. I think I added more gold by looking at it, but it's spread out over many possible sources.

I'd think that the quick solution would be to put inflation back active at some setting (it hasn't been in the mod for months) and adjust that to go from there. Then maybe adjust building upkeeps somewhat and look at the sources of income to reduce some of them or reduce some of the bonuses.

I figured culture costs were too low. I wanted them low so people/I could test the policies to make sure they were working. I'll set them to a higher amount of turns, say 16-18 per policy on average. I was getting them in around 10 and that sounds like a similar figure for yours as well. I think the ideal point would be to be able to "finish" say 5 trees and an ideology (or 6 trees and half the ideology, etc), or dabble around in most of the trees and finish a couple of them.

One other question: are you playing with opportunities? I found those will add quite a bit of gold, since the default choice is usually "add gold", happiness choices seemed bugged, and I didn't need more culture, so I was getting a lot of +2-4 gold rewards floating into the game to add even more gold to the piles.
Yes I wanted to mention that aswell, the happiness from stories seem to just not work at all, have been like that forever, I know, but is it fixable?.

Also I know you didn't change this, but considering how rare the situation is I doubt anyone have reported and fixes this since I first noticed it half a year ago: You're not able to buy the Swedish Publicschool, Folkskola, with faith using jesuit education.
Also while I cleverly steered us in this direction, could you tell me what the difference between the folkskola and the publicschool is? (What does "Great Scientist Beaker modifier" mean?)
1) It is available earlier (or it was supposed to be)
2) It has that GS beaker modifier. I believe that increases the GS bulb effect.

I think faith buying it should be possible to fix. I will look into it tonight.

Happiness from yields should work, but I would guess the code for it wasn't updated from GEM. Stories in general are poorly balanced I think on yields. I didn't mess with them because I usually turn them off. I left them on in test games to see what impact they have. If happiness doesn't work as a yield, I'd say we may be better off just turning it off as a possible yield than trying to fix it and replacing it with other things (faith isn't a yield right now that I'm aware of for stories for example).
For the time being I would advise steering clear of any stories related buffs. Perhaps it would be best to disable them for the moment, the Happiness yields for ALL stories DON'T work and are therefore useless.

I'll have a look at the code the first chance I get. It most likely is a simple lua fix to make the yield available to the YieldLibrary.

Simple! Ha, I nearly fell off the chair as I wrote that.:D

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Stories are awesome for speeding the game up and giving some flow and flavor early on, but it's really easy getting ed over by the randomness of it all. Like getting the first one a few turns before you can afford to pay for it, or just not getting one of the ones giving a worker.
Had one game where I started near a couple of mountains and my first 3 stories were that damn mountainstory that's kinda useful, but you'd rather have anything else, on different mountains each time ofc. The crown on top of it all was machu pichu missing all 3 of those mountains aswell.
Speaking of stories are there any thoughts of changing/adding more or doing something like in this thread: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=523337&highlight=stories

Thal seemed to like the idea of 'timed stories, stories with a quest to achieve, "The story so far..." box summarizing important events in our nation's history'. Not everything has to be added but I confess that I really like the idea as well, it feels like it could give a more...in depth/deeper connection with your kingdom.
The actual code that handles 'stories' is fairly straight forward. We can add/modify/remove just about anything.

It shouldn't be that difficult to add in a timer element to them, and as he said there is already a savegame util for handling stuff in the database over saved games. Even I can make sense of that code.

I would however caution against stories as a 'balance' tool. They really should be placed in another section entirely were what they do is not governed by game speed/size/level.
This is because the values that are used in the stories aren't drawn from the game database but are hard-coded in it's own code. Until we figure out how to do that they will always throw up some strange results.

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I agree that stories are more an immersion feature. I'd rather make them more interesting and unique than just "hey you got some free gold or paid to get some free science/worker/happiness" if they are going to be around as all of that is imbalancing and imbalanced. That's a broader overhaul to them than I'm willing to entertain though. Since I don't use them right now.
Fixes from the original version posted a few posts ago

Academies correctly give +3 science in Scientific Revolution and a free Great Engineer
Arenas correctly granted in Gladiators
Folksola correctly available sooner than regular Public School
Forum correctly appears as Roman Market replacement
Previous fixes of no farming on jungles, Dutch Trade office being coastal only, polder/terrace receiving bonuses from Freedom as regular farms.
Increased policy and culture border costs slightly

todo still
happiness on stories fix?
check sovereignty happiness
fix UU upgrades from goody huts
consider giving moai/chataeu/brazilwood policy bumps?
reactivate inflation
change text on ideology screen to reflect renamed policies
+ phase 2 options


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