3-square radius cities mod


Nov 16, 2003
Three Square Radius Cities Mod
Roger Bacon and Strand

Version 1.0 (5/04/2006)
Designed to work with Civ4 version 1.61

File is located here at Filefront.

Also located here because filefront doesn't always work.

New located here at civ fanatics.

Warlords version by Konradius here:


What it does:

This mod makes it so that cities can work squares as shown below:
       X, X, X,     
    X, X, X, X, X,  
 X, X, X, X, X, X, X,
 X, X, X, C, X, X, X,
 X, X, X, X, X, X, X,
    X, X, X, X, X,  
       X, X, X,     

C= city

I've also added in my "Borders over Ocean" mod. It allwos cultural borders to extend over ocean. Previously they stopped at the first ocean square.

How to Use

Copy the CvGameCoreDLL.dll into your \Civ4\Assets folder, overwriting the existing dll. You should backup your original dll first in case you want to undo this mod.
The .cpp and .h files are included in case someone wants to compile their own dll or combine this mod with another mod.

Roger Bacon

Added a picture because everyone likes pictures. :)
Added a second download site.
Great job Roger(that didn't sound weird :P)
This MODCOMP must be a part of every full MOD. I hope.. :)
GIR said:
cool idea - reminds me on civ-call to power 1/2
is it possible to give this "3-square city radius" only to one city (nat. wonder)??

Not the way it is currently implemented. The city area is defined at the game level and not at the city level so that means every city must have the same area.

It could be possible to move that code to the city level and make every city have its own area. Someone did something similar with the counter that updates GreatPeople. He made each city have its own counter. So, it could be done... but not by me at this time. ;)

Roger Bacon
I'd like to point out that with the "Three Square Radius Cities Mod", all tiles that are a distance of 3 away from the shore can both be worked and reached by culture. This makes more ocean square useful and it also decreases the necessity of using this mod with the "Borders over Ocean" mod.
Strand said:
I'd like to point out that with the "Three Square Radius Cities Mod", all tiles that are a distance of 3 away from the shore can both be worked and reached by culture. This makes more ocean square useful and it also decreases the necessity of using this mod with the "Borders over Ocean" mod.

The borders ovef Ocean mod, which is incorporated into this one, is still useful because it allows cultural borders to extend irregardless of the type of terrain. For those who have mods that have 10 culture levels or more. the difference between 2-city radius and 3-city radius is small potatos. You are right, however, in that the vanilla code checks if a square can be worked qand, if so, always makes sure the cultural borders go out far enough over ocean to include it.

Roger Bacon
Funky, although there seems to be slight problem with the northernmost tiles being only half visible. Isn't there a way you can change the camera zoom?
The Great Apple said:
Funky, although there seems to be slight problem with the northernmost tiles being only half visible. Isn't there a way you can change the camera zoom?
TGA, you're the UI expert :) I think that this could probably be done through XML, or am I wrong?

@Bacon: (mind if I call you Bacon? ;)) Another small but very cool mod. I'm definitely going to try it out and I've got a feeling it'll find a permanent place in my CustomAssets folder. :)

Now, if I understand correctly the extra "circle" of squares becomes available to the city as soon as they're withing the culture borders, right? Would it be possible to modify it so that instead the city is required to be of certain size before it can work those tiles? Just seems to me that getting access to so many city tiles early on could be unbalancing, but if it can be set to, for example, only be accessible to cities of size 16 or more then it would make it easier to grow large cities without potentially unbalancing the early game.
The Great Apple said:
Funky, although there seems to be slight problem with the northernmost tiles being only half visible. Isn't there a way you can change the camera zoom?

Yeah, the zoom level controls that. In my GlobalDefines.xml I'm using:

You could probably change that to 4250 and it should work better.

Roger Bacon
Pardon my ignorance, but what's the point of this modcomp?

    X, X, X,  
 X, X, X, X, X, 
 X, X, C, X, X, 
 X, X, X, X, X, 
    X, X, X,     

C= city
Is that the way it's done in vanilla?

If you could explain in your first post how the vanilla game is, and then what this mod changes, it would be easier to understand :)
Look harder at the first post. And compare with your diagram. Veeeery different.
Pilotis said:
Look harder at the first post. And compare with your diagram. Veeeery different.
Well that's helpful :rolleyes:
Wow, I'd love to try this, I always love to have a lot of resources per city.
However the filefront link has troubles. It claims some files from people with usernames M-S are temporarily unavailable (Roger Bacon falls in that category)
Is it possible to upload it to a second site..?

Weird, it does report more downloads now, but I've still not been able to download it.
I like this one a lot, though would like it even more if modders were given slightly more control over it. GlobalDefines for "MinPopForCityRadiusOfN" in XML, where the nth city radius only becomes available after a certain population size is reached (radius 2 available to size 4+, radius 3 available to size 12+ for example) and/or an "EnablesCityRadius3" XML tag added to the Technologies (e.g. City Planning > Enables CityRadius 3).

I also like the idea mentioned above about "Radius 0 cities" and "Radius 1 cities with only 4 workable plots". If combined with tech-requirements, it would add another decision to the early game - "When do you go for the 'Territory Tech' to expand your city area?"
trancers21 said:
excellent ideas vehem

Thanks - but having looked at the implementation so far, it's not going to be at all easy to change to the above.
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