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8 City Challenge

- Agree with building jails and generally all happy / health buildings available.
- Grocer in Naval for health. Also needs happy buildings. Workshop two grass forests?
- More workshops in production.
- Workshops for army plain forests?
- Work lake and grass hill in GP.
- Build forge in Money for production and happiness. Start wall street in Money, after GP finishes bank.
- Fire two scientists to work 4 hammer hills in science?

I wouldn't trade Bio, steel or Steam power. What's the rush for Rifling? We don't really need it before tanks. I don't think we need security bureaus to combat enemy spies. I doubt they will send many oversies, if at all.

I think it's important to start our conquest as soon as possible. We can leave Wang for last, since he is so much behind in techs. So my recommendation for techs:

Medicine (hospitals) -> AL (factories) -> Combustion (oil well, start to build transports and ships) -> Electricity -> Indrustialism (we can trade Rifling now, start tanks) -> Artillery (science 0%, upgrade cannons) -> Kill everybody :D

We can even use US to buy our troops. What more techs we even need after this? :)
Ok the set is played. It was very quiet for us (as expected), but not so quiet for Suleiman. He's lost Ankara now and Churchill has gotten a GG. Wang decided to join the party as well.

I started by trading Rifling + 630g for Bio with Peri and Demo, 40g and Map for Bio with Suleiman.

Prod was building SoL but lost out on the turn before the one the save is at, is building a market for the happy (see below). Got 917g of failure to fund deficit research.
Army is on MG>Airship alternation. Prod and Cap built a few cannons, Cap just finished a Sec Beaur and put on Hosp this turn. Esp is on Globe. Money just built a Forge and is starting Wall St. this turn. Navy produced ships of line all set.

As regards the oil, it is on Egyptian land now, there is a fort built so in six turns we'll be able to use it when combustion comes in.

Emancipation unhappiness is biting, with both money and production unhappy right now.

Apart from that nothing doing, except I refused a DR for GPowder & gold trade from Wang (he wanted 175 gold and GP for that useless tech).


  • 8 City Challenge AD-1710.CivBeyondSwordSave
    366.2 KB · Views: 66
I think we're going to want Fridge at some point, both for faster naval movement, and Supermarkets.
I'm not that sure about this.. I'd rather go flight for the airports to reinforce our oversea troops.. So the additional movement seems kind of useless to us after flight! And the supermarket.. hmmm.. I don't build it very often so no idea whether it's worth it..
The Supermarket is the most efficient late-game health building. Four health (if you have all the resources, which we do) and 1 food for 150 hammers, whereas the Hospital is three health for 200 hammers.
Minor mm suggestions:

- Can we got those workshops instead of forest lumbermills for army and naval? :)
- Production, naval and GP all need happy and health buildings
- I think it's about time to change GP artists to some other specialists
- Slot a two turn colosseum in Money to solve unhappy problem
- Unhappiness is hurting is more than unheath, so I'd trade our only clam to Charlemagne for gems.

For tech path I suggest Combustion (start ships) -> AL (start factories) -> Electricity -> Indrustialism (start tanks) -> Artillery (upgrade cannons) -> Fridge (supermarkets, +1 naval movement) -> shut down research and use US to buy everything. We don't need Flight, since we cannot capture any cities.
The Supermarket is the most efficient late-game health building. Four health (if you have all the resources, which we do) and 1 food for 150 hammers, whereas the Hospital is three health for 200 hammers.

I think we can bypass Refridge for a while by revolting to Environmentalism, +6:health: & +2:health: from Public Transportation. So that is +8:health: in all cities, incidents were not running corporations we don't have to worry about the 25% maintenance costs.
Minor mm suggestions:

- Can we got those workshops instead of forest lumbermills for army and naval? :)
in Army you would lose the +2:food: for those two tiles which would stagnate the city, Naval in I think would be okay with that.
- Production, naval and GP all need happy and health buildings
- I think it's about time to change GP artists to some other specialists
fire all the artist's and hire merchants and one engineer, hopefully we can pop a GM to save for later for a TM to help with our cannon upgrades
- Slot a two turn colosseum in Money to solve unhappy problem
- Unhappiness is hurting is more than unheath, so I'd trade our only clam to Charlemagne for gems.
:agree: gems will give +2:) in all cities. I think that Science after the bank can just build :gold:

For tech path I suggest Combustion (start ships) -> AL (start factories) -> Electricity -> Indrustialism (start tanks) -> Artillery (upgrade cannons) -> Fridge (supermarkets, +1 naval movement) -> shut down research and use US to buy everything. We don't need Flight, since we cannot capture any cities.

I am comfortable with that tech research path, like I said Fridge can be last if we revolt to Environmentalism


cripp -
Brian - just played
Matrix - up
Meiz - ready
yena - tokyo
Turn 0 (365):

Fired artists and hired merchants and a citizen (to mazimise hammers) in GP. I didn't hire a priest instead of the citizen because that little bit would mean even less chance of getting a GM.

Started the workers near Naval on workshopping a lumbermill.

Switched to Environmentalism. I was like "wat" when I did it because there was no anarchy. Then I remembered that we're SPI. :D It's less trade routes, but it's a quick solution to our health problems, and hey no anarchy.

Traded clam to Charlie for Gems. Environmentalism more than makes up for the loss in health from losing the clam. And that takes care of our unhappiness.

Put the engie in Naval on a plains farm for faster growth.

However, Production is at its cap, so I'm letting the market there finish.

Since the Capital doesn't need a hospital anymore, switched that to a Cannon.

Also put a market ahead of the customs house in GP. Even though it's two below the happy cap, it will get there fairly quickly if we let it grow fast before getting more happiness.

Turn 1:

Churchill cancels Cow deal and doesn't feel we can pay for it anymore, so we can't renegotiate.

Science: Bank > Wealth

Naval: Ship of the Line > Market (it is rather close to its happy cap, like GP)

Started workshopping over a farm in Production.

Turn 2:

Capital: Cannon > Cannon

Production: Market > Hospital

Also MMed Production off of two engies and onto a farm and newly constructed workshop.

Started on another workshop over a farm in Production.

Got a GArtist in GP, settled him there.

Turn 3:

Charlie DoWs WK.

Turn 4:

Charlie asks us to go to war with WK, I say no.

Started on another workshop over a farm near Production.

Army: MG > Airship

Peri adopts Rep

Turn 5:

Combustion > Assembly Line

Capital: Cannon > Cannon

Production: Hospital > Cannon

Started workshopping over the second lumbermill over in Naval.

Turn 6:

>Workers: Begin railroading!

Turn 7:

Production: Cannon > Cannon

Turn 8:

Capital: Cannon > Cannon

Army: Airship > Transport

Turn 9:

Production: Cannon > Cannon

Naval: Transport > Transport

Holy crap, the AI is actually conducting a naval invasion.
Spoiler :

What is this world coming to?

Turn 10:

Suleiman asks us to go to war with Korea, I say no.

Turn 11:

Capital: Cannon > Cannon

Production: Cannon > Cannon

Money: Wall Street > Colosseum

Turn 12:

Money: Colosseum > Public Transportation

Army: Transport > Transport

Production: Cannon > Cannon

Naval: Transport > Public Transportation

Espionage: Globe Theatre > Security Bureau

Turn 13:

:science: 20%

Turn 14:

Assembly Line > Electricity

Capital: Cannon > Factory

Production : Cannon > Factory

:science: 0%

Turn 15:

:science: 100%, Electricity in 7


Played 15 turns, ending on a nice, round 380.

So we can just pretty much go as has been previously said, Elec > Int > Arty > Fridge

Peri will trade us Coal, but we can't just up and give up one of our happiness resources, not yet anyway. Perhaps we should cancel one of those "GPT for one of our resources" deals to get Coal?

Charlie, Churchill, and Suleiman will trade us Cow, but the to the former we would have to trade one of our singular happiness resources, and the latter two want Marble and Oil for it.

I think Broadway should be a priority once we get Elec so we can trade away those hits. GP would be a good place for its culture modifier, but we might wanna build it in say Capital instead to get it done quicker.

The Save

Matrix - just played
Meiz - up
Spellcraft - on deck
yena - tokyo

Looks like we settled a GA in GP? I'd rather used him for GA, oh well...

Slot a factories in Army, Naval, Money and Science

Turn 1

Wang is two turns from Gunpowder, sell it to him for 390 gold

Turn 2

Beg 200 gold from Pericles

Turn 3

Suleiman asks for Medicine, denied. Don't they have doctors there?

We get GS, I save him for GA.

Suleiman makses peace with Churchill. Pericles builds Broadway. Pericles is no longer willing to trade coal.

Turn 4

Churchill adopt Emancipation, so Money goes unhappy.

Cancel gold for 11gpt deal with Churchill and trade gold for Incense with Charlemagne.
Cancel silk for 11gpt deal with Charlemagne and trade silk for hit musicals with Pericles.

Turn 5

Wang adopts Emancipation, so we have 8 unhappy from that alone :(. I switch CS to Emancipation, since GP can run enough specialists without it.

Turn 7

Charlemagne gets a boatload of money, but is only willing to pay 1715 gold from RR,
so he is researching it himself. We take that money.

Turn 8

Start Indrustialism.

Turn 9

Charlemagne captures an island city from Wang, just north of us.

Turn 11

Mostly building units so switch OR to Theocracy.

Turn 14

Wang is two turns from Rifling so we trade it to him for 475 gold.

Turn 15

Wang loses a city right below Naval, but manages to capture it back right away :)

I suggest we start a golden age once we learn Indrustialism. Then it's just a matter of getting tanks out as soon as possible, so we can start our invasion. I think Pericles needs to die first, since he is the GNP leader.

cripp - on deck
Meiz - just played
Spellcraft - up
yena - tokyo
Wow, great sets guys! We're in a great spot now, start getting factories online now. Once Ind (4) go Arty > Refridg.

Why is there a GS hanging around in the Capital, he should be settled in Science. I know a GA would be good, but we have enough of a tech lead and we're #2 in production. Once our factories kick in we'll jump to #1.

We need to plan on what naval fleet we need and our army divisions should be. Let's get 2 caravals or send 2 ships to scout out the coastal cities we're going to attack.

How many battleships, destroyers and transports are we going to need?
Are we going to have a 2 pronged attack? If so, who do we attack?

I think having like a 2 fleet scenario would be best. One that transports our land based assaults, tanks and arty. While the rest loaded with marines goes coastal city razing essentially eliminating the AI from forming any naval fleets.

We'll have to watch our East Coast[/i] from Churchill and Charlie once war starts with them. Also if Wang get brought into it, then we can wipe him out.

I notice the rules stated things that we bent the rules on, so me being the rule creater will say that if GP gets a GM then we use him for a TM for our upgrades. Also take note of Rule #1
Capital: Must be built as a cottage/Bureacracy city. Late in the game I may convert this to a production powerhouse for unit production by replaceing towns with watermill or workhouses. We do not have to stay in bureacracy, but at least build the captial towards it. NO SPECIALISTS. We also need an academy here.
Start converting it to farms and mills and switch civics to Vassalage for the +2XP
We need to plan on what naval fleet we need and our army divisions should be. Let's get 2 caravals or send 2 ships to scout out the coastal cities we're going to attack.

Or we can use the two airships that we have built for this express purpose.
Why is there a GS hanging around in the Capital, he should be settled in Science. I know a GA would be good, but we have enough of a tech lead and we're #2 in production. Once our factories kick in we'll jump to #1.

I forgot the settling variant and was saving him for GA :(

How many battleships, destroyers and transports are we going to need?
Are we going to have a 2 pronged attack? If so, who do we attack?

I think having like a 2 fleet scenario would be best. One that transports our land based assaults, tanks and arty. While the rest loaded with marines goes coastal city razing essentially eliminating the AI from forming any naval fleets.

I think we should leave Wang and Suleiman as last targets (as long as Suleiman is willing to give OB's), since they are behind in techs. I would start with Charlemagne, then Churchill, then Pericles. Good idea to raze coast cities first. Maybe two different stacks which both start with coast cities, and then finish the mainland cities?
Ohhh I'm sorry but I didn't realize earlier that it's me who's up.. But to make things worse: I won't find a single civ-playing minute this week, so cripp please take it!

No problem Thy, understand that!

cripp said:
Start converting it to farms and mills and switch civics to Vassalage for the +2XP

Actually, we switch to US we'll gain +1:hammers: per town so we'll leave it alone.
Slot in Plant(7) in Science

Turn 396-
Capital, MC, Production, Naval inf > plant

Taejon (Wang) captured by Charlie, south of Naval
GS settled in Science
workers laying tracks
Church <> Pericles have a DP
move an airship to Prague and Athens

Turn 397-
Army transport > plant

Wang captres Taejon back
Otto <> Wang peace
workers start farming Esp
Trade with Church
Spoiler :

Turn 398-

Turn 399-
Ind > Arty
Capital plant > tank
Production plant > tank

GP pops a GS, sent to Science
Wang offers DR+280:gold: > Chem...no
3 sources of aluminum
Revolt to Vassalage
Trade with Charlie
Spoiler :


Turn 400-
Esp barracks > factory
GP jail > factory

GS settled
Trade with Church
Spoiler :

Turn 401-
MC plant > hospital
Prod tank > pt (public trans)
Naval plant > grocer

Turn 402-
Army plant > grocer
Production pt > tank

Turn 403-
Capital tank > pt

Turn 404-
Production tank > tank
Naval grocer > hospital

Charlie <> Wang peace
Trade with Wang
Spoiler :

Turn 405-
Science grocer > *marine

Turn 406-
MC hospital > *tank > *marine
Army grocer > battleship
Production tank > *tank

Get an event
Spoiler :

Trade with Pericles
Spoiler :

needed that :gold: for cannon upgrades

:science: to 20% to finish Arty next turn +525gpt

Turn 407-
Arty > Refrige
Capital pt > tank

:science: to 0%
Pericles DR+20:gold: > AL...no
start cannon upgrades

Turn 408-

Wang asks cancel deals with charlie...no

Turn 409-
Naval hospital > destroyer

upgrade 4 cannons

Turn 410-
Capital tank > *tank
Army battleship > *2x destroyer > * battleship

Stop here @1800AD, we're all set for war production. I think revolting to US for the +1:hammers: in towns will help a lot.
Army: fleet gets nothing but Marines for coastal city attacks, once the AI's coastal cities are gone we don't have to worry about a fleet
Naval: main land force with tanks and arties.

Don't forget to fortify Esp & GP from sea attack, also the inner cities with MGs incase Wang gets called in even though he's Friendly atm.

8 City 1800AD
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