Merry Christmas to all! 

You know, the beta 2 build has a lot of missing art and media assets(movies, sounds, etc).
I had to butcher 1.75 to get those as well.
Why not include it in?
Also Happy New Year!
The point is, in the capital of a large empire, the maintenance in the capital will be above 100 gold on deity, due to number of cities having that as a max. OK... I did want to hurt myself playing on gigantic map on deity, but still... The Capital Admin (and all the other buildings like that) have a HUGE negative impact on you civ. At least 100 gold more in maintenance. That is absolutely not worth it. .
Is this the correct place for suggesting "balancing" things? I think a few of the additions gets us away from better balance, rather than towards it (but can't use older versions due to none since 1.75 having been stable enough). This time it is the village hall --> building line.
I think these are done wrongly. The point is, in the capital of a large empire, the maintenance in the capital will be above 100 gold on deity, due to number of cities having that as a max. OK... I did want to hurt myself playing on gigantic map on deity, but still... The Capital Admin (and all the other buildings like that) have a HUGE negative impact on you civ. At least 100 gold more in maintenance. That is absolutely not worth it. However a large capital in a large capital should have an admin center, really. Maybe you should make this in the same idea as the aquaduct and sewer system in CIV2, that getting past a certain size is difficult without it; either using heavy angry citizens without it, just giving some happiness or the best, that it reduces a maintenance that is heavy the larger a city grows. (maybe need to introduce size maintencance them too, maybe take some off number of cities maintenance, and replace it with a city size maintenance that is negatable using the admin buildings.) These buildings could also cost a flat amount of gold and reduce a percentage, so that the player needs to balance over-admin with under-admin to optimize costs.
Costs are a fact of bigger empires, and without a cost penalty, the larger civs would just steam roll across the map.
Maintenance is superior to flat gold per turn costs because Maintenance increases with city size, and Maintenance increases with empire size. This helps keep larger empires in check.
I urge players here to try the One-City-Challenge. The changes in the maintenance and empire growth makes it an achievable, if difficult, challenge.
Maintenance is superior to flat gold per turn costs because Maintenance increases with city size, and Maintenance increases with empire size. This helps keep larger empires in check.
Pretty sure the wonder caps are auto-disabled with OOC. If not, that is a bug.
The game is intentionally hard on Diety mode. That is the nature of difficulty levels. I don't really see a problem with the maintenance costs. Pick better civics, civics have by far, the largest effect on city maintenance.
My suggestion would be to limit population growth to between 25-30 WITHOUT a Metropolitan administration building or the Capital Administration say at 35.
Costs are a fact of bigger empires, and without a cost penalty, the larger civs would just steam roll across the map.
I think Civ 2 had a population limit without certain buildings, Sewer, administration buildings etc
Maintenance is superior to flat gold per turn costs because Maintenance increases with city size, and Maintenance increases with empire size. This helps keep larger empires in check.
I urge players here to try the One-City-Challenge. The changes in the maintenance and empire growth makes it an achievable, if difficult, challenge.