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A New Dawn Beta Builds

Gamespeed was epic in every example.

I am not sure about financial difficulties but, while the map was somewhat crowded there were no raging barbs or the like and there was room for at least one or two unhindered cities.

A pretty funny example:

I start a standard, epic, hemispheres map with 12 civs. Scouting around i find the romans approx 15 tiles from me. After about 50-60 turns i start heading that way with a small stack of 5 javelins, when i get to Rome, i find it is protected by 1 warrior, it has a settler doing nothing inside and nothing else, the rice next to it wasn't worked, the city was barely size 2.

I am quite shocked myself, everytime i turn it on my fps grinds to a halt, it is the only option that makes that happen o0

The good news is that I think I've got the interface problems sorted out.

As for the AI, it could just be a bad fluke, but I'll make sure I look into some of my changes, so they aren't too severe.

OK, a few of things I've noticed with beta 11:

1. I don't have a date or turn number in the upper right. I do have a percentage (which I don't really know what that is.

2. I also don't have an icon or number of turns for golden age when I am in one.

3. This has been mentioned, but I also am getting multiple religious holy cities even with limited religions on.

The limited religion bug is due to the new way Inquisitions are handled. I hope to get it working again eventually.

Coupla things:

-The 'Industry' tile improvements do not create unhealthiness (even heavy and dense). I know Vincentz had some trouble getting this to work but he did manage eventually. Without the unhealthiness these improvements can be rather overpowered IMO.

-If I found more than one religion in a city my population often get (very) unhappy, saying "We desire religious freedom!". This happens even if one of those religions is the current state religion. Is there a penalty for having multiple religions in a city? Note I am NOT using Revolutions.

1.) Are you sure? I just tested with the Worldbuilder, and I got unhealthiness

2.) Many civics give religious anger for Non-State Religions.
I've gotten more OOS with the current beta Afforess. Do you want me to keep sending logs?

From my point of view it seems pretty random.
Not right now. I'm going to include a more advanced OOS logger in Beta12, so I should be able to find the cause of these errors faster...
Inquisitions is an integral part of Revolutions. It's pretty much impossible to deal with Religious Anger without it. The fact that it is part of the Revolutions Mod is a testament to that.

OK, I'll stop playing with revolutions at all. I almost never encountered Religious Anger or I always countered it in other ways and I always go for as many religions as possible in all my cities. Also founding as many religions as possible. What can I say I have a polytheistic leaning.

Also, I didn't hear any complaints when I had inquisitions always enabled and hidden from the player during beta3-8.

I un-hid it and turned it off. In fact it is part of my tweeks so I forgot about it.
OK, I'll stop playing with revolutions at all. I almost never encountered Religious Anger or I always countered it in other ways and I always go for as many religions as possible in all my cities. Also founding as many religions as possible. What can I say I have a polytheistic leaning.

Okay, but so what? Even with Inquisitions on, it's not like you ever need to use it. I'm really confused as to why this is an issue at all, inquisitions is not a feature that can be forced on a player in the first place, since the player would need to build an inquisitor...
Okay, but so what? Even with Inquisitions on, it's not like you ever need to use it. I'm really confused as to why this is an issue at all, inquisitions is not a feature that can be forced on a player in the first place, since the player would need to build an inquisitor...

Oh, so they (inquisitor) can't be used in enemy cities. Last time I played with it on the AI used them on my cities! This was my main problem with them.
No, Inquisitions can only occur within the same team.

OK, I will give it a try again. As I said having 3 shrines, 9 cathederals, 9 monistries and 9 temples destroyed by one unit when they purged all but a state religion from your city was just to much power in one unit.
It's almost impossible to win a peaceful Religious Victory without using inquisitors on rival cities.
I'm playing with Beta 10 and noticed this when I build Adam Smiths Trading Co. Is it a bug?


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@ Ganja

Adam Smiths Trading Co works for every city in your empire. If you have many large income generating cities or specialist cities, it will multiply all of their power. It might be too powerful, but I don't think it is a bug per se.
I see what you mean Cykur. My empire is quite large at this stage of the game, 17 cities. I guess it is a must build :)
After missing a few betas I have started a Beta 11 game. Here is some feedback I noticed:

1) I think the BUG option "Sentry While Healing" should be off by default. Units already have the commands "Heal" and "Sentry While Healing" - that BUG option just makes both options work the same way.

2) I noticed that the nationality of a tile is no longer displayed, i.e. "100% Spanish". Is that expected? I missed a few betas as I said. When you discover the borders of a rival in the early game and can't see their cities yet, if a couple of civs have very similar border colours then sometimes you can't tell which civ you have bumped into for a while.

3) It occurred to me with the Revolutions Exposed mod that the related information against for example Civics is extremely texty and not as intuituve as things like +10%:hammers:. I think that new icons should be introduced to represent "Stability" and "Unrest" so that those extra details would be more graphic and adhere to the Civ style more and be more concise and accessible. Just cosmetic perhaps but I think it would make the Revolutions mod feel more integrated. Also the numbers in the Revolt Status bar in the civic screen need cleaning up a bit - and perhaps the totals don't need to be displayed at all as the bar itself shows the change.

4) I think you really might be on to something with the Ruthless AI changes. It seems as though you have a genuine handle on the difficulty of the AI players that doesn't involve artificial boosts to their productivity. Once the total effect of these changes is well understood, you might be able to include these changes in a gradual fashion against the various difficulty levels. At lower levels the AI players are more inclined to "role play" their civ type even if it's a bit suboptimal, and as you progress across the higher skill levels the AI players will behave increasingly ruthlessly, and be increasingly likely to do the things you've pointed out like blatantly backstab and kill a friend purely because it's advantageous and they can't stop you. That of course more resembles a cutthroat free-for-all multiplayer game where all alliances are fragile and the balance of power defines everything. You might even find that you can reduce some of the numerical bonuses that they receive at higher levels if they are significantly more threatening. I think this has the potential to be one of the best AND features!

5) I like the new interface too, although I'd argue it's Mint, not Forest!
Started a game and played for a while and noticed that Sitting Bull spawned from the Aztecs(through revolutions), and had no techs. I then caused a Revolution in my colonies and got Hirohito to spawn with a few(being only up to Medieval techs, when this was in the Industrial Era) techs. I'll try to get it to happen again to post a screenie(those civs were killed almost instananeously).
I cannot seem to progress past early or middle medieval era with this mod using the recommanded setup. I end up getting so much lag, and I end up crashing. sometimes I even get a crash when I alt-tab back out too...
I was having a great game with Beta 11 but a bug tripped me up, by way of making it too easy. I researched Aristocracy and bamm! I get 10 more techs because of it, then it asks me what tech I want to research next. But all of the ones I can choose say it only takes one turn to research. I only have about 350 research pts, and there is no way even taking out the ten free techs I just received that I could research these medieval techs in one turn.

Here is the save file. The very next turn gets me ten free techs, so just hit enter.


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Here's something interesting.

In my games, after researching Bronze tech, and gaining woodchopping, I set my workers to chop some wood, and it goes thru just fine, accelerating buildings/units, except for one. That would be the Dog Breeder. Apparently it's not hurried by woodchopping.

In the domesticated animals mods, wouldn't some of these buildings be best served by limiting them to certain latitudes... I mean, I had one source of elephants/ivory, and I could build elephant trainers in every city, even in the far northern/southern cities... elephants are primarily tropical animals, no?
Okay guys. Beta12 is out.

Notably, it updates to BUG 4.3, and the laggy interface is mostly fixed. The city screen is still slow (but it's faster than it was), but this isn't something I can fix. :sad:

Also, I optimized some more code, so the game should be faster than beta11.

Beta12 is save-compatible with Beta11, but only if you install the same components. ;)
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