Add another UU, particularly in the sea!


Dec 11, 2009
In my humble opinion there should be another unique unit, possibly one in two different ages. One unique unit does not define an entire culture. One particularly lacking aspect of the game is naval combat and few unique naval units. IN FACT, every game I have won in Civ 4 I have little to no navy.

Civ 4 had a UU and a unique improvement, perhaps the third can be a WILDCARD - UU (land, sea, or air), or another unique improvement.

What do you think? Can this be improved? :goodjob:
The real problem with Civ4 and the Navy is that it completely fails to scale for gamespeed. A ship taking 20 years to move through 10 miles of sea? Ridiculous.
personally i want them to have fewer civilizations, but make the civilizations much more unique. Most of the civs in civ IV feel pretty much the same, to me.
The real problem with Civ4 and the Navy is that it completely fails to scale for gamespeed. A ship taking 20 years to move through 10 miles of sea? Ridiculous.
All unit-moving-reated stuff in all Civ games is ridiculous. Club-wielding warriors from Beijing, reaching Berlin at 2000 BC? Nice.

I'd be very happy to see exploration (and general striding away from homeland) very hard. For example, it'd be interesting if support costs for units X tiles away from borders began to grow. To grow very fast. Of course, special recon units like scouts and especially explorers should have less problems with that.

Ships, on the other hand, could be redesigned, making them VERY fast, but limited in free sea movement. Your first caravel mapped whole Pacific? Nice. I suggest to make some kind of “fuel” limit of all (except perhaps very large and modern) ships. On galleys and caravels fuel = fresh water and food, and it can be refilled either at ports or at native villages. Industrial age and modern ships require coal and oil, they can be refilled only at ports.
Another problem with having a naval UU is that on some maps and map types, naval units are of little use anyways, so it'd be an unfair disadvantage to civs with a naval UU since they can't really use it.

Probably the best thing, as suggested in some of the posts above, is to somehow change the way ships work.
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