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ADDON :Revolution & DCM for Rise of Mankind


Thanks for making addon with BUG included - always wanted to include BUG to RoM but was just enough difficult for me to add few features from it to RoM and after seeing that they kept adding more and more features I delayed my own attempts of merging it (didn't want to go through merge each time BUG gets updated).

Now then, been reading forums a bit and seems it's unlikely that BtS receives more official updates when the dev team is concentrating on new games (Civ Rev and Civ 4: Col releases) so I've been thinking that I'll finally merge your addon with RoM in v2.3. That patch is some weeks / months away so there's time to flush out all the bugs from RoM 2.2 and from RevDCM :)

Actually, I could set up RoM 2.2:RevDCM + BUG full download so that people would have less problems with installing the addon to RoM.

Thanks man! I am so glad to hear that. I also agree that 3.17 is more likely to be the last official patch for BTS. It has already received more patches than any other Civ version or expansion. It would be quite nice if you released a full download with RevDCM and BUG included. Any updates for the components will just need small patches from time to time. I will continue maintaining such patches if you allow me to do so.

Mods in general are always works in progress. Updates fixes bugs and some times introduce new ones. This is because the creativity of modders in this thriving community never cease to introduce new features that are likely to have some issues in the beginning. There is a lot of work done on RevDCM by Glider to make sure all bugs are got rid of. The current and coming releases also include enhancements to the AI from the Better BTS project worked on by JDog.

One point to note however is that every single component in RevDCM can be turned on\off so if a component is suspected to cause any trouble it can be turned off until the issue is solved.

Thanks again for your hard work that gave us such a wonderful mod.

Of course I'll let you maintain RevDCM patches - you know the addon much better than I do (I hardly have looked into those files, just have had it enabled to enhance my game play :)). I did take a look at few files now that I'm making the full download with addon ready and noticed few small bugs which I fixed: in addon python files sevopedia shows incorrectly route bonuses for improvements so I change it to this format to fix it (file SevoPediaImprovement.py):

for iRoute in range(gc.getNumRouteInfos()):
			for k in range(YieldTypes.NUM_YIELD_TYPES):
				szYield = u""
				iYieldChange = gc.getImprovementInfo(self.iImprovement).getRouteYieldChanges(iRoute, k)
				if (iYieldChange != 0):										
					szYield = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_PEDIA_ROUTE_YIELD", (gc.getYieldInfo(k).getTextKey(), iYieldChange, gc.getYieldInfo(k).getChar(), gc.getRouteInfo(iRoute).getTextKey()))
					screen.appendListBoxString( listName, szYield, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1, CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY )

Other small fix was to widen tech boxes in tech screen as they are in RoM 2.2. Changed line (almost at the start of CvTechChooser.py file):


Addon had number 27 there which is original value for BtS. Checking if there's other minor things that require fixing now before zipping and uploading the package.
First off, I love this mod completely....it is probably the best mod I have played since the early time of Civ IV Vanilla when people were first starting to create mods.

I have been running into CTDs, inbetween human player turns, that are probably very similar to what I have been reading, but not exactly sure...so I thought I would throw it out.

I am running Rise of Mankind 2.2 and RevolutionDCM for 2.2. I have had the error running on 3 different machines, all with specs well and above the minimums (ie, 4GB RAM at a minimum, high end video card, etc.) I've also put all Here is the specific(s) of my issues:

1. When I run this mod and mod addition, I am getting CTDs in the modern age. I have tested this about 15 times using AIAutoPlay on the 3 different machines getting similar (not exact) results.

2. I have tested this mod with small maps and a limited number of civilizations on blitz speed, with large (huge) maps on epic or snail speeds, and various standard combinations therein. Again, it always seems to crash in the modern age, usually (from a 6000bc start) beginning in the 1900s and sometimes into the 2000s (year)

3. I have launched games directly in the modern age only to have them crash within 20 turns (which leads me to believe it is an issue in the modern age)

4. I have turned everything off on DCM, IDW, and all of the mod additions (revolution, IDW, Tech Diffuse, etc.) and still get similar CTDs.

5. I have attempted to merge AIAutoplay into plain RoM2.2, without success (everything works except it will not autoplay), so I cannot determine if the issue is with RoM or with the add-on.

As I have made a number of edits to various config files in order to pinpoint where there could be an issue, and I have not been able to pinpoint.

I'm attaching a savefile before CTD from a clean RoM2.2 + RevolutionDCM for RoM2.2 to test. This game started on Modern, standard map, etc. It is already set up in AIAutoplay, so you will need to Shift-Control-X to move into human play. I think it went 4 turns before crashing.

Any help would be appreciated, as I really love RoM and RevolutionDCM.

Also, you may be able to simply replicate this error by loading a new game in the modern age and then running AIAutoplay.


I launched a game of RoM2.2 without any addons at all. Again, started in the Modern age, standard map, all graphics settings on low, 7 civilizations, etc. Within approximately 40 turns, I got another CTD. I've attached the last five autosaves for this (and will post this issue in the RoM main thread as well).

I suspect that the issue is with RoM as when I run RevolutioinDCM on AIAutoPlay at the basic settings, I do not get any errors.

Again, any help would be appreciated.


  • AutoSave_AD-1898.CivBeyondSwordSave
    64.4 KB · Views: 89
  • ROM2-2CTD.zip
    599.4 KB · Views: 78
Is it possible to upload the 2.12 version of this add-on.
I think it was a rather stable version.

Of course I'll let you maintain RevDCM patches - you know the addon much better than I do (I hardly have looked into those files, just have had it enabled to enhance my game play :)). I did take a look at few files now that I'm making the full download with addon ready and noticed few small bugs which I fixed: in addon python files sevopedia shows incorrectly route bonuses for improvements so I change it to this format to fix it (file SevoPediaImprovement.py):

for iRoute in range(gc.getNumRouteInfos()):
			for k in range(YieldTypes.NUM_YIELD_TYPES):
				szYield = u""
				iYieldChange = gc.getImprovementInfo(self.iImprovement).getRouteYieldChanges(iRoute, k)
				if (iYieldChange != 0):										
					szYield = localText.getText("TXT_KEY_PEDIA_ROUTE_YIELD", (gc.getYieldInfo(k).getTextKey(), iYieldChange, gc.getYieldInfo(k).getChar(), gc.getRouteInfo(iRoute).getTextKey()))
					screen.appendListBoxString( listName, szYield, WidgetTypes.WIDGET_GENERAL, -1, -1, CvUtil.FONT_LEFT_JUSTIFY )

Other small fix was to widen tech boxes in tech screen as they are in RoM 2.2. Changed line (almost at the start of CvTechChooser.py file):


Addon had number 27 there which is original value for BtS. Checking if there's other minor things that require fixing now before zipping and uploading the package.

Sevopedia comes with BUG and it is optional so I confess I didn't actually look into it at all. I appreciate the fixes :goodjob:. Once the full RoM is uploaded I will start on a patch to include Revolution1.62 and whatever new updates BUG might have.
Is it possible to upload the 2.12 version of this add-on.
I think it was a rather stable version.

2.12 used to work with BTS 3.13. If you already have patched BTS you won't be able to play it. On the other hand I assure you that the latest Add-On is actually more stable than any previous version. The reported CTDs in modern era are most probably coming from some minor issue like the Riot Police unit in RoM1.0. I am sure Zappara will be able to find out the cause behind it soon.
Heh, just had added new download link for RoM2.2:RevDCM+BUG and then realized I forgot to add the maininterface.py fix to it from the first page in this thread.. Got to upload full zip again now with correct maininterface.py file :D
reinstalled everything and happily playing so far I've only found the odd TXT key and a sound error but those i can attribute to using the extra Civ pack which hasn't been updated yet

Truly a massive addon to what was already a fantastic mod

Kudos to all

Addon file CIV4ArtDefines_Interface.xml is missing art define for Inquisition execution button. Add following to that file for the next update:

Looks like you removed accidentally Inquisition define from it when you added all those BUG mod art defines to that file.
Thanks for catching this. Merging this file was difficult as BUG duplicates many ArtDefines for Sevopedia which were already in RoM's file but a little different. WinMerge were not helpful at all with it. A fixed file is included in the patch. I will release it in a few minuts.
Heh, I have couple more fixes for you - I just fixed Inquisitor unit and did the same for RevDCM files so that I save some time from you to trying to figure out where the changes are ;) I'm just testing python fixes in RevDCM (already tested in normal RoM 2.2) so I can upload soon CvEventManager.py. Seems you had also disabled CvCustomEventManager.py by changing its file type so I re-enabled it and modified the file so that Civ4lerts+Revolution are no longer triggered from this file since BUG has already alerts enabled and revolution is triggered elsewhere. The file is still needed in RoM 2.2 for enabling EnhancedTechConquest and Colonist/Architect special features.
Heh, I have couple more fixes for you - I just fixed Inquisitor unit and did the same for RevDCM files so that I save some time from you to trying to figure out where the changes are ;) I'm just testing python fixes in RevDCM (already tested in normal RoM 2.2) so I can upload soon CvEventManager.py. Seems you had also disabled CvCustomEventManager.py by changing its file type so I re-enabled it and modified the file so that Civ4lerts+Revolution are no longer triggered from this file since BUG has already alerts enabled and revolution is triggered elsewhere. The file is still needed in RoM 2.2 for enabling EnhancedTechConquest and Colonist/Architect special features.

CvCustomEventManager.py wasn't disabled. I changed its place to be in the contrib folder as per BUG mod. I will look at the changes you made to the file and include it into the patch. :goodjob:

Edit: Looked at the file. Sorry but the version in original release is the right one. All event triggers for Revolution and BUG should be set-up in this file otherwise both won't work. I will include CvEventManager.py in the patch and re-Upload.
Oh, then you can ignore CvCustomEventManager.py. I didn't notice it had been moved to another folder :D

The changes to eventmanager.py are almost at the start:

PyCity = PyHelpers.PyCity
PyGame = PyHelpers.PyGame

and bit later:
def onModNetMessage(self, argsList):
		'Called whenever CyMessageControl().sendModNetMessage() is called - this is all for you modders!'
		iData1, iData2, iData3, iData4, iData5 = argsList
		print("Modder's net message!")
		CvUtil.pyPrint( 'onModNetMessage' )
		# Rise of Mankind start
		iMessageID = iData1
		#Inquisitor's Effect on a City
		if ( iMessageID == self.m_iNetMessage_Inquisitor ):
			iPlotX = iData2
			iPlotY = iData3
			iOwner = iData4
			iUnitID = iData5
			pPlot = CyMap( ).plot( iPlotX, iPlotY )
			pCity = pPlot.getPlotCity( )
			pPlayer = gc.getPlayer( iOwner )
			pUnit = pPlayer.getUnit( iUnitID )
			self.doInquisitorPersecution( pCity, pUnit )
		# Rise of mankind end
Basically the needed code block that enables Inquisitor to perform persecution... I think those were the only changes to it (been going through lots of files today so lost track of it :lol:)
OK, good deal.

So I have downloaded the following files...Are these the three files I need to run this mod?

ROM 2.2 with RevDCM and Bug (Full File)
@Edward The Big

Kalimakhus (and me) are just working on patch for RevDCM addon that will include all in one package:
Revolution updated to 1.62
Fixed Inquisition interface not showing
Add hot fix for flanking ability
Fixed Inquisitor persecution functions

Once Kalimakhus has added the latest Persecution fix to patch, I'm sure he'll let us know. Once the patch is ready, you'll just have to download one zip file to get all the above changes.
It appears Kalimakhus has released the patch on his page...

So I've got the full mod and the patch...I'll try it out tonight...This is awesome!

Well done to both of you!
Wonderful mod. I actually did not believe any module could compete with Total Realism, but wow. Incidentally, I had a lot of initial computer trouble installing this until I realized there's a 3.17 patch for BTS. Regardless; thanks.
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