Back from a short break. Thanks, everyone, for the bug reports and suggestions.
yes, i thought bout that, probably steam is interfering
Or the Steam logs folder is ... somewhere else.
where have you disabled these? in the kmissions part where the gettime() thing
kMission - I guess that's a delay for bombardment animations. The delay for on-screen messages comes from the bForce parameter of addMessage.
Here's the commit.
although, i did notice that the ai rarely rarely offered to trade resources.
In my games, I usually make all the resource trades I can whenever the resource trade alert triggers, so I don't really give the AI a chance to propose resource trades. That's something I should test someday. Perhaps by disabling AI-AI resource trades through the DLL, running a game on AI Auto Play for some time and then end my turn a few times to see if the AI will propose any resource trades. In theory, it should – the per-turn probability (assuming that the AI can find a legal and resonable trade) is, personality-based, between 5% and 50% (Civ4LeaderHeadInfos.xml).
defensive pact,decisions regarding other ai's, were never available. always red. im thinking of changing ai attitude threshold for these to be allowed, like on cautious and lower,
i find that these add some diplo value to the game, otherwise, most of the game, these diplo options , wont come to pass.
"Pleased" isn't normally difficult to reach, but most leaders actually require "Friendly". The attitude needs to be strictly better than the threshold in LeaderHead XML. While having extra rewards for "Friendly" (which is much harder to reach than "Pleased") is nice, some of the thresholds should probably be lowered. I've already lowered Bismarck. Octavian (Augustus) also wasn't averse to joining arms with his rivals. There are probably others where a good argument could be made for a lower threshold on historical grounds.
Or you could just change the '<=' in CvTeamAI::AI_defensivePactTrade to '<'.
There is currently no AI evaluation of defensive pacts though. Sooner or later, the AI will sign all pacts that satisfy the (mutual) attitude conditions.
I think the passable tech thing is
this bug.
That should be it. It's among the bugfixes that I already merged over the last few weeks. I'm through with ~30% of the MNAI commits I had bookmarked.
It might also be helpful if the in game tooltip showed what tech makes the terrain or feature passable. As of now, there is no information given in the interface for what unlocks the terrain or feature.
Civilopedia shows it and the tech tree also does (not for Warrior though). I hope the new-tech splash screen also shows it; forgot to check. A good time to show it might be when hovering for movement over an invalid tile. Or where would you show it?
Not sure if this one is the same issue. The green-color -25% should be red-color under the defending Lion?
I think I merely lost a minus sign somewhere along the way, i.e. it should be +25% in green, which is also what BtS does. The modifier gets subtracted from the defender strength, but that's true for all the non-generic strength bonuses (screenshot attached).
Yeah, I’ve noticed similar issues when modding feature and terrain attack bonuses. It doesn’t show up right in the game.
In a quick test, I see a Forest Attack bonus in green on the attacker's side. That seems to be consistent with the other non-generic bonuses.
I'm not really happy with the perpetual city revolt on a captured city as implemented.
Until you get to infantry, it takes a huge pile of units to keep a city at 0%. Then it suddenly only takes 2-3.
I haven't noticed such a stark difference. It's intentional on my part that revolts become easier to suppress in the late game when there isn't much time left for conquered cities to amortize. With respect to game balance, I see revolts mostly as a means of slowing down wars of conquest in the early game and midgame, or to encourage opportunistic wars with limited objectives. Moving units around to suppress revolts is a bit fiddly, so I think it also makes sense from a usability perspective to dial that down toward the late game when micromanagement becomes really tedious overall. That being said, the exact numbers may well be off.
The garrison strength value is currently computed from the iCultureGarrison values in Civ4UnitInfos.xml, for example Infantry 10, Rifleman 8, Warrior 3. These values increase too slowly over the course of the game in my estimation, so I'm taking them to the power of 1.4 in the DLL (and times a normalization factor). Then I'm taking the sum of the per-unit values to the power of 1.2 in the end. Perhaps that last step is the problem. My goal was that a "large" garrison should result in a 0% revolt chance regardless of how large exactly. I'm not sure if exponentiation really helps with this. And revolt chance being (linearly) proportional to garrison strength would make matters easier for players: doubling the number of Riflemen in a city would halve the revolt probability. Better yet for usability, garrison strength should be proportional to combat strength, i.e. I'd like to get rid of the iCultureStrength values. iCultureStrength raised to the power of 1.4 is almost proportional to combat strength anyway.
At some point, I'd like to make the "fear for our safety" anger dependent on the defensive strength of the garrison – defensive strength meaning combat strength with defensive modifiers (e.g. Archer, Walls). Ideally, the same strength formula could be used for both fear-for-safety anger and revolt suppression.