There's a download link on the database page, about 10 MB. The archive does not include the manual and source code, which are hosted on GitHub. For feeback and discussion, please feel free to use either the (more recently) created subforum or this thread.
AdvCiv is primarily an AI mod building on K-Mod. I've tried to address the most common gripes with K-Mod and to improve some aspects of the game that K-Mod doesn't touch.
Status: I'm only planning on bugfixes from here on. Version 1.11 has been released only recently, and, despite being a rather minor update, may have introduced bugs yet to be uncovered. Overall, the mod has become quite stable over the years, in no small part thanks to feedback from players and fellow modders. Special thanks to @SuperXANA, @keldath, @Lanstro, @crullerdonut, @Elkad, @Cruiser76, @VDNKh, @Bestban, @Pepo, @xyx, @Jorunkun, @SantaFlagship, @carp, @dreamyeyed, @eXalted, @DeepWell, @Leoreth, @Montezuma12, @Lanstro, @Long try, @spqkfk, @Rawwwrr, @arcvoodal and (via the Taurus sister project) @Deaf Metal.
Mod-mods: @keldath's Dawn Of The Overlords (Remastered) is based on AdvCiv 1.10 and @spqkfk's Advanced Civ Plus on AdvCiv 1.08. @DeepWell's Ethnic Artstyles pack is easy to install on top of any recent version of AdvCiv. The AdvCiv Cultural mod expands on this by adding more Unique Units; based on AdvCiv 1.10.
AdvCiv is primarily an AI mod building on K-Mod. I've tried to address the most common gripes with K-Mod and to improve some aspects of the game that K-Mod doesn't touch.
- War AI: The BtS and K-Mod code dealing with war planning and peace treaties has been replaced almost entirely. I like to think that the new code makes more sensible decisions about war and peace, and strikes a balance between K-Mod aggressiveness and BtS passiveness. AI personalities and attitudes still play a big part but can be outweighed by strong utilitarian motives.
- AI attitude: I've gone through the AI diplo modifiers and tried to make them a bit more rational; e.g. the "mutual struggle" modifier is now based on war successes, not just war duration. Overall, these changes make it more difficult to reach Pleased attitude. Another aim has been to make relations less inert; to this end, I've set decay rates for all AI diplo memory and reduced the impact of the "first impression" modifier between AI civs.
- Trade AI: The AI evaluates resource trades based on the needs of its cities and may give up its only resource of a kind or refuse to import a resource that it has no need for. The AI will sometimes trade cities at peacetime.
- Misc. AI improvements: My changes in the "back end" of the AI are not nearly as extensive as those inherited from K-Mod. I've focused on amending some K-Mod changes that imo had serious deficits (e.g. sacrificed population, malicious espionage) and on AI decisions with an easily visible outcome, e.g. city placement.
- Barbarians: The unit creation rate increases gradually and peaks (usually) in the last millennium BC. Fewer Barbarians on Tundra and Jungle, none on foodless Desert and Snow. Barbarian land units can appear aboard Galleys in the fog of war. Reduced spawn-busting range. And many smaller changes.
- Culture: Tile culture no longer vanishes when a civ is eliminated. The dead culture can cause anger and revolts, and revolts can happen in any cities, not just those near a border. As a result, revolt suppression plays a significant role in wars of conquest. On the other hand, my formula for the revolt chance works more like the BtS formula than the one in K-Mod, so that some 5-10 units are normally enough to hold onto a mature city, and a decay rate for tile culture makes it easier to acculturate conquered cities.
- Map generation: Low-key tweaks, especially to starting positions and resource placement, mainly for greater fairness. And added a customized version of the PerfectMongoose script.
- Misc. balance changes: I've weakened some overpowered unique units, leader traits and Slavery, and nerfed worker stealing. Similarly game-warping imbalances remain (e.g. collateral damage, tech trading) because I either didn't find a simple remedy or the time to address them. No full balance overhaul was attempted; most of the stats are just like in BtS. Various game rules may work a bit differently in the mod; for example, the entire path to a city needs to be revealed in order to enable a trade route. Most of these changes concern only minutiae.
- Player handicap: Reduced AI discounts and freebies on Emperor and above, but humans face increased production costs, research costs, city growth and GP thresholds. These changes also keep the pace of tech progress somewhere near the historical time line.
- UI: I've merged or replaced some essential BULL features missing in K-Mod, e.g. the Show Hidden Attitude mod, Sentry-Heal and holding Ctrl to stop worker builds before completion ("pre-chop"). I've also added dozens of new (minor) UI conveniences, many of them optional through the BUG menu.
- Game options: "Rise & Fall" divides the game into chapters and lets the (single) human player control a different civ in each chapter. The objective is to maximize a score awarded for each chapter. "True Starts" chooses civs based on the geography of the starting locations. "Start Points as Handicap" lets the human civs start with a Settler and Warrior as normal while the AI civs get Advanced Starts.
- Performance: Despite adding computationally expensive AI code for war evaluation, AI turn times are, according to my measurements, shorter than in K-Mod and far shorter than in BtS. This is accomplished through various small optimizations across the codebase.
- Tweaks from other mods: I've been keeping an eye on the change histories of most mods that are still in development and have adopted simple bugfixes and AI, UI and performance tweaks – mainly from Kek-Mod, We the People, More Naval AI and Caveman2Cosmos.
Status: I'm only planning on bugfixes from here on. Version 1.11 has been released only recently, and, despite being a rather minor update, may have introduced bugs yet to be uncovered. Overall, the mod has become quite stable over the years, in no small part thanks to feedback from players and fellow modders. Special thanks to @SuperXANA, @keldath, @Lanstro, @crullerdonut, @Elkad, @Cruiser76, @VDNKh, @Bestban, @Pepo, @xyx, @Jorunkun, @SantaFlagship, @carp, @dreamyeyed, @eXalted, @DeepWell, @Leoreth, @Montezuma12, @Lanstro, @Long try, @spqkfk, @Rawwwrr, @arcvoodal and (via the Taurus sister project) @Deaf Metal.
Mod-mods: @keldath's Dawn Of The Overlords (Remastered) is based on AdvCiv 1.10 and @spqkfk's Advanced Civ Plus on AdvCiv 1.08. @DeepWell's Ethnic Artstyles pack is easy to install on top of any recent version of AdvCiv. The AdvCiv Cultural mod expands on this by adding more Unique Units; based on AdvCiv 1.10.
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