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After 1919 - NES

I like this NES....to bad that everyone else didn't think that......
edit: I sent orders too. ^_^
Well join my spoonforking NES for crying out loud, firkdingflap I mean sheeze, give it a try!?

I'll just have 42 NPC's KILL EACH OTHER THEN! WAAAAAAAHhhhhhhhhhhh
das, what would you have done if i invaded and annexed Lithuania? (as i would have had the NES not been closed)
just wondering
NES closed? D***! But thanks for a great NES anyway Kalthzar. It's been fun playing with everyone here. Shame my Austrian invasion won't happen now.
I didn't need to send orders....they where open for everyone....just buy the territories and that's all.....This was a very great NES Kal'thzar...thank you
das, what would you have done if i invaded and annexed Lithuania? (as i would have had the NES not been closed)
just wondering

Depends on when exactly, and how my other plans turn out. I might have just used this to grab Latvia and Estonia, but if I managed to win one of my ongoing and newly-started wars, I probably would have moved on to crush you.
i was going to do it this exact turn - if there would have been a final update now, you'd see me invading and (perhaps) annexing completely Lithuania
I did expect you to start something there, though not on this turn.
Oh, PS: I was going to develop the nuke and take care of Moscow and St. Petersburg. :)
Never understimate the power of the burgoise.
Petrograd, actually. And your nukes would've a) came too late and b) only infuriated the people further. Besides, you seem to have free press. Free press is a great impediment to any decisive action, especially at war, because somebody will always criticise any activity or inactivity. ;)
das said:
Petrograd, actually. And your nukes would've a) came too late and b) only infuriated the people further. Besides, you seem to have free press. Free press is a great impediment to any decisive action, especially at war, because somebody will always criticise any activity or inactivity. ;)

Awww, the USA and Britain did win the war you know, just like the USA is winning the war in Iraq despite all the press. You just need some strength in the leadership or people it doesn't have to be tyranny.
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