Against All Odds: The Struggles of the Noyyau

All that stuff in RL is never as pretty as those on the pic. It smells terribly, but it tastes good. It must be the sauces.

I used to eat a lot on subway.
It can smell kind of eh, but I absolutely love the meatball marinara.
I guess we italians are accustomed too well with food.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

The inhabitants of Noyyau glimpsed the emissaries of another foreign nation crossing the floodlands, though they did not seem keen to stay there for long.
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Tales of a new kind of weapon spread from returning hunters, something of a peculiar form, able to kill much farther than a thrown javelin.

What did I tell you? Barbarian archers already!
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The Noyyau ancestral Warriors, by now completely at home in the forested expanses, began actively hunting anything that moved.
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Tragedy struck Noyyau when locusts swarmed in immense numbers, darkening the sky, and leaving behind only barren land.

Seriously, RNGod? I built my first improvement in the whole game, and you go and destroy it a turn after it's finished?
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We don't really need The Wheel right now, but it's a prerequisite for Pottery, which is a prerequisite for a bunch of stuff, so it was just on the way.
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The feral beast captured in the woods was finally brought to Noyyau, where it was put on public display for the amazement of the people.
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The Warriors, leaving Noyyau again, spotted a giant beast led somewhere by foreigners. Its meat proved to be of a very interesting taste.
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Noyyau grew larger, and some young adventurous fellows decided the life of a farmer was not for them, leaving the village for the wilderness.
A week's travel from Noyyau, they found a small village overlooking the great water, but they were greeted by angry men waving strange weapons. They decided safety was the best option, and quickly left.
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Continuing their travel along the coast, the Scouts saw in the distance a settlement at the mouth of a river, but their previous experience with the angry villagers made them cautious, and they decided to keep their distance.
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The Warriors then continued exploring in the general direction that the foreigners were traveling, discovering the large nation (compared to Noyyau, anyway) of Iran.
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These Iranians seemed quite adept at capturing wild beasts. But they weren't as much proficient at protecting them from Noyyau hunters...
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While the Warriors were having fun at Iran's expense, Noyyau came under attack from wandering nomads, but the villagers rallied against the enemy and drove them away. The Deer herds in the nearby jungle, however, were scared away by the fighting, and it would take some time before meat would return as a regular part of the Noyyau diet.
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The wilderness proved to be more violent than they had thought possible, and the young Scouts disappeared without trace, like many others before and after them.
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Silent and swift, the Warriors were able to surprise and massacre anyone unfortunate enough to be on their path, even if better armed.
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Soon after the first attack, more raiders approached Noyyau. Despite some losses, the harsh fighting saw the Noyyau defenders prevail.
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An expedition was sent to locate the origin of the raiders, and tracks led the vengeful Javelineers to the village spotted years before by the young Scouts. Taking the chance while their defenders were away, the Noyyau raided the village, taking what they could and burning the rest.
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On their way back, battle was engaged with the foreigners, resulting in casualties on both sides. Ultimately, the Noyyau exterminated their foes, and limped back to their village with barely half the men they had started with.
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As you all probably already guessed, I made a proper Noyyau civilization for this story! Here's our Unique Building: it's a normal Forge that gives a free Engineer specialist.
Alas, we have no Copper near Noyyau, but luckily we can make Spearmen and Axemen with the Obsidian that is on our doorstep.
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A new kind of javelin, longer and heavier, proved to be an effective weapon even against Archers.
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The Warriors once again return to Noyyau, in time to engage some more raiders, before they could reach the village.

Our Nomadic Warrior has reached 40 xp, the maximum obtainable by killing barbarians. Such a feat should be properly rewarded...
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For their bravery and fighting prowess, the Chief himself bestows the Warriors with a special gift: new weapons called Axes, with a sharp blade made from the best Obsidian. The leader of the fighters is personally elevated to a status lower only to the Chief himself.

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That's a badass unit.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

The influx of foreign prisoners gradually made it common for the wealthy Noyyau to own several of them, and Slavery became an accepted part of life. Just as foreigners were considered nothing more than property, down on their luck Noyyau could hope that a wealthy patron would take them into their service, more often than not for menial tasks like running errands or watching over the slaves.
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Despite being located on elevated terrain, and thus considered “safe” from the regular flooding of the great river, Cart Paths linking Noyyau to the Obsidian Quarry were destroyed after extremely intense rain.
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Cid Raynor's Axemen returned to Iran and began raiding the foreigners, massacring their victims and disappearing in the forest before anyone could follow them.

Meanwhile, someone has already discovered Athletics, having founded Hellenism!
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Despite the dangers, some Noyyau were always eager to leave home and explore the unknown: towards the setting sun sailed the first large Noyyau ship, while to where the sun rises went a cadre of Javelineers.
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With the food surplus and population growth that the sedentary lifestyle provided, a select few could afford to spend more time pondering the great spiritual questions, instead of only worrying about daily survival.
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Raids against the Iranians continued. The “monsters from the forest” quickly became what mothers would tell their children about to keep them quiet. And the leading cause of violent death for Iranian soldiers.
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The exploring Javelineers met a traveling group of people, and “somehow” convinced them that going to Noyyau would be in their best interest.
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The ongoing stratification of Noyyau society began to take an established form, as shamans began preaching about “knowing one's place”.
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I love the Battlefield Promotions option.
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Hunting remained an important part of the Noyyau food gathering process. The time spent in the forest brought more knowledge about the natural world.
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The growing Iranian fear of the forests surrounding Meshed had a very real basis.
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Back in Noyyau, the growing population also meant a growing number of dead bodies to be disposed of. Rituals developed over time to commemorate the deceased, and possibly grant them a pleasant afterlife.
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The exploring Javelineers followed the coast of another great sea, all the way to a mountain range with their summits covered in perennial snow. They couldn't travel further, though, as the gap between the mountains and the sea was inhabited by hostile foreigners. The Javelineers captured some slaves from the outlying villages and turned back.
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The Noyyau expanded the search of useful materials beyond Obsidian Hill, and harvested the lumber from a nearby forest as building material for Noyyau.
The abundance of raw materials allowed many apprentices (and masters as well) to indulge in their own experiments and contraptions, starting the Noyyau tradition of “getting distracted making weird stuff that sometimes even worked”.
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The Iranians became increasingly more desperate, sending masses of their own soldiers to die in the vain hope to eliminate the Scourge of Meshed. Cid Raynor's Warrior Axemen accepted the challenge eagerly.
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At long last the Noyyau managed to begin producing their own bows and arrows, after many failed experiments and people lost to enemy archers.
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After long running battles in the forests, the Axemen approached Meshed, and saw the city had much fewer garrison troops than they expected.
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The exploring Javelineers, on their way back to Noyyau, encountered even more easy prey.
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Worsening sanitary conditions among the poorest areas of Noyyau led to protests against the Chief and the rich in general, accusing them of treating the poor the same as the foreign slaves. The protests were crushed by the Chief's Guard, raining arrows upon the people.
In the wake of the massacre, an Edict established that whatever situation a person was born in, that was the will of the spirits, and it was a sin to want anything more than that, and refusal to accept one's fate (and the Chief's orders) were deemed a capital offence.
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Escaping from persecution and possible enslavement, a large group of families left Noyyau for good, hoping to find a place where to build a better life for themselves and their children. Remembering the tales of early explorers, they went searching for a fabled fertile river valley, hidden among forests and mountains.

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Dem axemen. Seriously you're invading a nation with one unit. Beautiful. :D

Also, you found the Ligurians. I feel like I'm in the game. :lol:
With a bit of care, GG-led units are overpowered exterminators.
Consider also that we're both Charismatic (less xp for promotions -> more promotions) and Imperialistic (double GG rate, so with all those victories we're gonna get a lot of them!)

And I'm not even using Great Commanders, those are even more insane.

I always wondered what does Liguria have to do with barbarian cities :confused:
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Eventually, Meshed fell to the Noyyau attackers. While pillaging the town, the Axemen found many clay tablets with strange signs upon them, that the Iranians claimed had meaning. Some of these tablets would find their way back to Noyyau, as proof that “foreigners are crazy”.
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While Meshed burned, the Noyyau refugees reached their promised land, and settled on alluvional terrain between a great river and a bay surrounded by steep cliffs.
The new settlement soon faced danger in the form of bands of raiders, but the Robertians were able to defend themselves.
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Anger in Noyyau kept growing, and erupted in the first revolt (of many to come) of slaves against their masters and oppressors. Many died, but the survivors managed to obtain at least a meager improvement of their squalid living conditions.
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Danger always lurked in the forests, and even experienced rangers could fall victim to vicious savages.
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For the first time in anyone's memory, representatives of some faraway civilization approached the Noyyau without hostile intent.
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The Iranians mounted an expedition to avenge the razing of Meshed. Along the densely forested valley carved into the local mountain range by a river, they met their doom.
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Back in Noyyau, the ongoing incursions by hostile raiders spurred the Chief to form another group of strong warriors, led by his son, himself an accomplished fighter. They soon proved their worth.
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Already considered long lost by the Noyyau, the intrepid navigators had come a long way along the coast, always going toward where the sun settled every day. They happened upon a large city, built on a peninsula, but there their luck ran out, as these foreigners did not take well to intruders in their territory.
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After their first bloody fight, the First Axemen returned to Noyyau to heal their wounds and replenish their numbers, while the hunting grounds near Noyyau were patrolled by Spearmen, ready to repel anyone foolish enough to enter Noyyau territory.
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Following the tracks of the doomed Iranian Expedition, Cid Raynor's Warriors reached the Iranian capital, Tehran. Lacking any means of climbing its walls, the Axemen opted to pillage the surrounding countryside.
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Although Mathematics technically brings us to the Classical Era, I just needed the chopping bonus, and for all other intents and purposes we are still Ancient, so please ignore this small detail.
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Mud from the Twin River banks was mixed with straw and left to dry in the nearby desert, supplying a cheap and durable building material. Coupled with the growing amount of slave workforce, it allowed the construction of massive monuments, dedicated to the spirits of the ancestors, including those recently departed.
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The new Chief, after having buried his father in the Pyramids, sent the First Axemen to reestablish contact with the emigrants that had gone to found Robertia. The Robertians anwered that they would restore relations only if the Axemen would deal with some foreigners that lived further along the coast, and called themselves Serbians.

The Barbarian city that was to the northeast has settled into a civilization, which is nice because it will allow us to rack up xp for our second GG-led Axeman beyond the barbarian limit of 40.
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Life in Noyyau continued as usual. Raiders approached and were repelled. The discovery that fermented grains could be made into an intoxicating beverage did wonders for the appeasement of the lower castes.
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A Serbian ship was spotted approaching Noyyau fishing waters. To delay these maritime raiders, the Noyyau built one of their own as quickly as they could, fully expecting it to be sunk, and having a second one on the way to finish the weakened foe. Against all expectations, the inexperienced crew managed to ram the Serbian ship and sink it before its crew could react.
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Further east, the First Axemen received reinforcements from Noyyau, and began a long siege against Belgrade.
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Having laid waste to Iranian lands, Cid Raynor moved his Axemen towards the sunset, returning to the territory of the Picts. These foreigners, however, had developed their own version of the Axe, and their Archers were substantially more disciplined than the Iranians, forcing Raynor to withdraw after a bloody fight.
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The First Axemen could not believe their eyes when they spotted an enemy host marching towards them from the endless forests in the north, and were even more bewildered after witnessing these new arrivals also attacking the Serbians.
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Patrolling Axemen near Noyyau spotted a caravan crossing the desert. Greed took hold of the warriors, and soon enough the peaceful Traders found themselves surrounded.
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Despite the good intentions of the original emigrants, the institute of slavery found its way into Robertia as well, bringing with it the inevitable uprisings and bloody retaliations.

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Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

The First Axemen, with support from another cadre of Axemen, managed to loot and burn Belgrade, taking advantage of a temporary retreat of the Latvians to lick their wounds. From the slaves captured that day, the Noyyau learned that the Serbians were not ruled by the strongest warrior, but by the descendants of one that had claimed to have a divine mandate to rule.
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After recovering from the previous raid, Cid Raynor and his band lay siege to Epidii, whittling down its defenders, but every time they seemed to have taken the city, new Pictish reinforcements were spotted, giving the Noyyau Axemen no time to loot the place.
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To save themselves from slavery, the captured Traders had revealed that, along the course of one of the great rivers, at the edge of a great desert, were fertile lowlands and heights rich with precious metals, gems, and rock salt formations. After having established an outpost in the area and confirmed these claims, the Noyyau Elder Council sent an expedition to settle these lands for the Noyyau. The Traders were given a choice: join the colonists, or suffer very unpleasant consequences.
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The First Axemen followed the tracks of the Latvian expedition. The unsuspecting Latvians were not prepared for a sudden attack from the forests.
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With the Serbian threat eliminated, Robertia recognized Noyyau authority. Trade made both cities flourish, with only the occasional nomad raider disturbing the peace. Robertia's surroundings were rich and productive, allowing the city to reach and surpass Noyyau.
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Disappointed by their leaders' return under Noyyau rule, some descendants of the original refugees from Noyyau left Robertia, to repeat their parents' fate and find their fortune elsewhere.
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After the initial surprise, the Latvians rallied their forces and hit back with astonishing force, surprising the Noyyau. What especially scared the First Axemen were some Latvians Archers riding on top of some kind of unknown animal, giving them incredible mobility. The Axemen decided to retreat, the forests giving them a small advantage against the riders. The prisoners, unfortunately, had to be left behind, to be freed by their contrymen.
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In the main square of Epidii, Cid Raynor was met by a fearsome Pictish warrior, that identified himself as their King. After an entire day of non-stop duelling between them, both recognized the other's prowess in battle, and they agreed upon a cessation of hostilities between their peoples.
Cid Raynor began the long march back to Noyyau, pondering along the way the words of his opponent. “Let there be one ruler, one King.”
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The passage of time and the yearly cicle of the seasons, an immutable fact of life for most, was a deep existential mistery to those privileged few that had the time and means to ponder such abstract questions. In their attempts to find some sort of meaning or explanation, they developed the first Noyyau calendar.
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After recovering their strength, the First Axemen once again prowled the Latvian border, looking for easy prey, this time being careful not to come too close to Riga and the defending Archers. As soon as a Latvian contingent was spotted approaching, the Noyyau Axemen withdrew into the forest.
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Instead of taking the most direct path to Noyyau, Cid Raynor decided to pay another visit to Iran, discovering that they had quickly rebuilt what he had pillaged not long before.
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A sudden boom in the wool market demonstrated the limits of the traditional barter economy, leading several thinkers to theorize about some exchange good whose value was equally recognized by all, and small enough to be convient to carry around.
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After their last raid, the First Axes returned to Robertia, bringing with them not only slaves, but battle experience as well, recounting their fights with the well trained and organized Latvians. The First Axes also discovered a small but growing community of deeply religious people, converted to a strange faith by a wandering monk from a distant land.
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As a last parting gift before returning home, Cid Raynor razed one last Iranian settlement. Among the slaves captured that day, some were skilled craftsmen, able to work a material the Noyyau did not even know about yet.
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After having heard tales from foreign traders of a metal even better than bronze, Noyyau tinkerers managed to secure some samples of Iron, realizing its potential. However, no sizeable deposits of iron-bearing mineral ore were found in Noyyau lands.
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Passing through Fiamma and its surrounding territory, Cid Raynor thought about how much had changed since he had last been home. He had only heard of the new settlement being founded through the occasional courier that found his way to his ever moving troops. And now here he was, staring at a village with much potential, the wealth of its surroundings barely tapped.
The whole of the Noyyau Nation was at such a stage, he realized, having the potential for great things. They just needed a firm guiding hand, and the resolve to endure and overcome whatever the world would throw at them.
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It was an early summer morning when Cid Raynor entered the Chief's Palace, a stone construction of impressive size, compared to the wooden houses and straw huts that made up the rest of the city.
He was followed by his most trusted fighters, seven massive warriors with axes that could easily cut a man in two, and the strength to swing them all day long.
“Ah, my greatest warrior returns! What brings you...” Began greeting him the Chief, who then noticed that the warriors were dragging a bound and gagged Shaman. “ today? What is going on?”
“It saddens me to be forced to such actions.” began Cid Raynor, motioning to his men to free the shaman. “But my travels and battles have taught me many things in these years, and I have learned that our ways must change. And change they must now, or we will perish as a people.”
The Chief stood up, slowly and deliberately picking up his war club and donning the ancient bone necklace handed down from Chief to Chief for countless generations.
“Is this a ritual challenge you are issuing, old friend? Has it really come to this?”

The setting sun made the top of the Pyramids look like small miniature suns, their reflective golden tops almost unbearable to look at directly.
At the base of the largest monument, almost the entire population of Noyyau was gathered, to mourn the passing of their old Chief, who had brought prosperity and some semblance of peace in his long years of rule. Without realizing it, they were also mourning the end of an entire era.
That morning, Cid Raynor had come out of the Palace, with the still dripping severed head of the Chief dangling from his axe, and declared himself to be the first King of the Noyyau, and that from that day onward, there would be no more challenges and no more ritual duels.
He would rule the nation, and after him his descendants, and their descendants after them, for he had been chosen by the spirits of the ancestors, and they had blessed his lineage for eternity.
A terrified Shaman was pushed forward to confirm this claim.
Raynor declared he would be a “strong but just ruler”, and as his first edict, he allowed any who disagreed to leave the nation, guaranteeing they would not be pursued. Any who wished to stay, would have to kneel in front of him, and swear loyalty to him and his descendants.

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Expect an update sometime this week with the first audience with the King. There are issues that need to be resolved, decisions to be taken.
Strange, pictures aren't working for me.
Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Soon after having crowned himself, Cid Raynor, the new King of the Noyyau, called for a meeting of all the high caste patriarchs and matriarchs of Noyyau nobility.
While the nobles assembled, the King sent his men back to Iran, with orders to “enjoy themselves”.
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To the King's attention came the works of a smith with a fervid imagination. He was sent to Robertia, to oversee and improve the production of metal weapons.
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Pieced together from various sources (captured slaves, traveling merchants, and some independent experimentation to make it all work), the Noyyau acquired the knowledge to produce glass items, and realized that they had the necessary resources to make glassware in large quantities.

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Author's suggestion: Play this in the background.

Dear readers, the time has finally come for you to have a say in this story!

First of all, here is an overview of the current situation.

Our current civics are:

Government – Monarchy. Long live the King!

Rule – Junta. The real power is in the hands of the King and those closest to him. Their word is law.

Society – Caste. People are not equal, and their place in the world is set and unchangeable. To challenge this order is to defy the will of the spirits.

Economy – Slavery. At the bottom of society are those unfortunate enough to have been born in a foreign land, and their descendants. The Noyyau are decent masters, usually, but life is only labor and servitude.

Military – Banditry. There is no formal military structure. Bands of warriors obey their commander, usually, and all must pledge allegiance to the King, but beyond that anything goes. Locals levied into being city guards usually receive some form of compensation, while independent groups prefer to loot foreign lands for their income.

Religion – Folklore. The people's spiritual needs are handled by the Shaman caste, tracing its traditions back to the mists of time when our people were nomadic wanderers. Almost anything in the natural world is the work of some kind of spirit, be it a disease, a river, or a good harvest.

Welfare – Charity. It is considered “a good thing” for a rich Noyyau to offer something to the lower castes, to show their magnanimity towards those less fortunate. Such offerings are merely scraps, for the high caste nobles.

Foreign Policy – Isolationism. There is no foreign policy, as such. Foreigners are not to be trusted, and are better enslaved or dead, when possible.
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The Noyyau are not complete primitives, but their knowledge and culture lacks, compared to that of other civilizations.
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The Noyyau know little of the world beyond their immediate vicinity, as almost every expedition sent into the unknown has failed to return.
We have met several neighboring foreign civilizations, and their approximate locations are indicated on the map.

Each of the Noyyau three cities is protected by a garrison of one Axeman, one Spearman, and one Archer.

Robertia has a Barracks, and with its Great Instructors, new units receive either 11 XP (Melee) or 8 XP (Archery), allowing three promotions.
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A small force of two Axemen and two Archers had gone to support Cid Raynor's Warriors in their pillage of Iran, and another small force of Axemen and Spearmen, all Woodsman-promoted, is moving towards the Latvian forests, to try and intercept their attempts at expansion.

These forest-capable units have made two worrying discoveries: the worst is that a sizeable Latvian stack is moving towards our territory, composed of 8 Horse Archers, 8 Chariots, and 5 Catapults.
Also somewhat annoying is that the Czechs are encroaching on former Serbian territory, close to our borders.
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Finally, a deposit of Iron (and other useful resources) has been found in an area to the west of Noyyau, and a tentative location for a city has been projected.
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So what can you do? Anything and everything!
There are no set rules (yet), so you can simply suggest a strategy to follow, or choose a unit to command (except Cid Raynor's Warriors), or anything else you can think of.
Any questions you have, ask and ye shall be answered.

Imagine yourselves to be the high caste leaders of powerful families at the King's Council: you can suggest policies, or you can discuss strategies that your warriors will follow.

To keep going, the main problems that need to be solved are:

1)The Latvian stack: should we try to broker a cease fire, or try to stop them while training more troops? Maybe recall Cid Raynor's Warriors and other units from Iran as well?

2)The Czech encroachment: should we declare war on them and raze their new settlement?

3)The city to the west to get Iron: should a Settler be trained immediately, or wait for the solution of the Latvian Problem first?

4)Religion: Taoism has spread to all our cities, but our current Religion civic does not allow for a state religion. Also, we do not control the holy city for Taoism, we do not even know where it is. To change to another civic will take at least 3 turns of Anarchy. Having Taoism as a state religion would allow our units to get the Waidan promotion, a nice +20% Strength bonus. The Taoist Monastery in Robertia already gives new Melee units the Martial Arts promotion (a small bonus vs Archery and Melee units).
Would you let us take a deeper look at your situation by providing the savegame and your modmod? I'm really interested in this after seeing that SoD next to your door :lol:

BTW, is Magnus at war with the Czechs? That would give us time. For rp effects I'll try to develop someone related to the Warrior Caste or something (not pretty sure if there are ranks within castes, or if I'm in a "noble" caste that has as a purpose to bring together a band of warriors).

We will need a lot of good statesmen, advisors, generals and opinions all over if we want to succeed. I love challenges like these ;)
The Czech and the Latvians are not at war with each other at the moment.

Also, I forgot to mention that while playing these last turns I had updated the mod to rev 962.

I could upload the Noyyau civ if you're interested, it works with AND's Megacivpack so you just drop the Noyyau folder among the other extra civs.

I'm debating with myself whether to upload the save or not. Probably I might do it after the situation has been resolved.

For the RP stuff, do whatever you like best! Anything is possible, I'll try to accomodate any wishes as best as possible.
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