Age of Absolutism

Thanks for the tech ideas Ajidica. I currently have them opened on my desktop. And thanks very much for the pop info, Androrc. I really needed that. I am going to start making a tech tree in excel, now and will also start making units (Not scripting). I think I will make one scenario using only the Europe map and one with a world map, if time permits.
I just realize those PDFs aren't really the Empire tech tree. They are simply the building upgrades. I'll see if I can get screenshots of the actual tech tree.
Thanks! They actually do halp some, though.
Here is the Military tree for Empire Total wAr. I can't get any good screenshots of it. I'll post the Industry and Philosophy ones later.

>>Plug Bayonet->Ring Bayonet->Military Syllabus->Socket Bayonet->New Model Bayonet Drill->Reorganized Procurment->Light Infantry Doctrine->Platoon Firing->Mechanized Rifling.
>>Square Formation->Cadence Marching
>>Carbines->Wedge Formation (cavalry)->Diamond Formation->Shortened Carbines
>>Fire by Rank->Fire and Advance->Percussion Cap
>>Anglo-Dutch Firing Drills
>>(mid 1700s) Artillery Standardization
>>Cannister Shot->Improved Grenades->Explosive Shot->Carcass Shot->Explosive Rockets- ----->Quicklime Shells->Shrapnel Shot->Percussion Shells
>>NAval Shore Facilities->Advanced Naval Architecture->Reformed Naval Administration
>>Flintlock Cannon->Improved Grapeshot->Carronades->Rifled Cannons->Sheet LEad Cartriges
>>Seasoning->Copper Bottoms->Improved Coppering->Top Gallants
>>Sextant (wasn't this already invented?)->Longitude Watch->Lime Juice/Saurekraut (combat scurvy)->Preserved Foods.

>Carronades were short cannons that fired a heavier shot. They were shorter ranged and IIRC used more powder in the shot to keep a semblance of accuracy nescesitating higher speeds as a result of decreased barrel length.
>Top Gallants are top masts designed to increase speed.
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