OK, so Vicky, Washington, and Burger King are pretty doomed. I think Washington's position is pretty strong so maybe he can luck out some decent finishes. Huayna's position is interesting, pretty isolated and I think weak? So he might not be very strong here either. At a guess before looking at the results Napoleon's position might be good?
OK, looking at the results, #1 has as many kills as wins. I guess Huayna's position isn't that weak after all!
Then two leaders racked up a crapton of kills. I'm comfortable saying that Napoleon's likely the one with the five wins thanks to his relatively safe position that was good for Kublai with the actual lineup. I could call it a day there but I'm not that disinterested; I do want to submit a full prediction!
There are multiple other warmongers whom I might suspect of amassing 36 kills, but I'm going to guess Julius is the actual culprit. His position looks a bit dangerous but it was strong in Amica's AHs, and Burger King ought to be a popular target for him to grow strong off of without too much resistance.
One other leader who got few kills but could win a couple... I'll guess Washington. He's isolated enough for 40% survival to be feasible, I think. And for the other relatively successful leader, I'll guess Stalin, who has better proximity to the map's unpopular leaders and thus more room to move.
That leaves Shaka, Brennus, and Qin as simply too cramped in the east, without great targets, to be viable against those out west. Shaka with the most kills and Brennus accomplishing the least in general checks out. And then Burger King and Vicky are essentially doomed in this setup, with Vicky more likely to snipe a couple of kills thanks to her more sheltered position.
And I just realized I missed the other solo winner with only ten kills, and forgot to lump Peter anywhere. He fits in that position as well as anybody, though. I think most of these statlines are similar enough that they can't be predicted all that accurately.
Final answer: Huayna Capac, Napoleon, Stalin, Washington, Julius Caesar, Peter, Shaka, Qin, Brennus, Victoria, Charlemagne