Napoleon, Ramesses, Justinian, Gandhi, Julius, Pericles
This is actually a really tough read. Someone clearly ran the table here, and the 34 kills seem to rule out the high PWs. But then, to stop them from winning by culture, I'd expect there to be a second strong leader with a high kill count. But there isn't really! I'd guess that someone is snowballing hard enough that they can't win in time and/or they're splitting the cultural prizes too evenly for it to be that strong of an option for any of them.
Justinian is the obvious pick for juggernaut due to reputation, but (and this is where my predictions get really unreliable, since they hinge on the chaotic Wildcard's pick being correct) Napoleon has the position to make it happen. Immediately improvable double corn + double ivory + immediate copper to quickly go on the warpath with his uber-capital? Seems like it could work well. 34 kills if anything seems a little low in that scenario - maybe not the most Domination finishes as opposed to early space from running away with all his extra land? I don't know. Or maybe a more balanced warmonger made it to this spot and that explains it, although it doesn't give me any points

. Anyway, that's what I went with.
One of the high PWs is probably the four wins (Justin or JC would have more kills if it was them) and Ramesses seems the safest. Some of those kills might be against Gandhi tbh. Gandhi himself survives a surprising amount, though probably in beat-up shape (I think that's more likely than the eight kills from the position above), while Justin can only manage one win and a smattering of kills thanks to getting beat up a surprising amount by the leaders around him (the Napoleon buzzsaw is very bad for his health, perhaps?)
Julius has perhaps the safest position on this map but I don't believe he can exploit it effectively beyond beating up on Pericles and maybe stealing some kills. As for Pericles, he's surrounded by unfriendly faces and has very low-production land. Last place is a natural fit.