All Leader Challenger
Round 11: 1820 AD to 1895 AD (65 turns), Part 1
After a turn of research, Shaka was much more agreeable about trading steam power.
And, doing more tech brokering, I got some cool stuff from Cyrus for it.
I figured that I'd better get what I could from Cyrus. He was destined to become Shaka's worst enemy, I figured, and if I attacked him at the same time he wouldn't be too fond of me either.
So with my eye on catching up on techs, I had a look at the board and chose to research a tech no one else I had, one which I figured the AI would value and trade a lot of goodies for:
And then I didn't trade it to anybody!
Hannibal already had it. Cyrus was researching it and would only trade divine right for it. Shaka needed corporation before I could trade it to him, and I would have to gift that first tech to Shaka. And somehow the idea of making Shaka even more powerful didn't appeal to me. So I kept AL to myself.
Shortly after this, the AP elections came up, and I was a little surprised at who the candidates were.
My and Cyrus? Yup, it seems Shaka had changed civics.
Well, it made no sense to stick with organized religion anymore, since it wasn't doing me much diplomatic good. I still needed to catch up on techs and a lot of my infrastructure was now built, or my cities were quite capable of building it without OR's production boost.
So I switched to free religion too.
And then, after a surviving through a tough game, my luck finally started to turn around. I got exactly the great person I was looking for out of Nidaros.
Sweet! By this point New York was far and away my best commerce city, so I sent him there to found Mining Inc. I planned to build Wall Street in New York (appropriate, don't you think?) soon.
Based upon what others have shared about the subtleties of the game, Shaka was up to something.
Ah yes, the dreaded WHEOOHRN--a sign that the civ in question is preparing for war. Of course, I was pretty sure that Shaka was preparing to attack Cyrus, so I wasn't too worried. By the way, Shaka had dropped to "pleased" with me and I also had WFYABTA with him, so it was looking like I'd have to research railroad on my own.
My next tech was also reasearched with an eye towards trading it...
Which I promptly proceeded to do.
Then Shaka finally did what we all thought and knew he would do. He declared war on Cyrus.
Since I wanted my continent all to myself, I did the same.
There were several advantages to this. One big one was that it pushed my rating with Shaka back to "friendly", so he was willing to trade techs again.
I then managed to capture the two Persian cities on my continent, securing it entire for myself.
Shaka, meanwhile, was tearing up Persian cities on the other continent. Would Cyrus become Shaka's vassal before I had a chance to take any more advantage of the situation?
To be continued...
After a turn of research, Shaka was much more agreeable about trading steam power.

And, doing more tech brokering, I got some cool stuff from Cyrus for it.

I figured that I'd better get what I could from Cyrus. He was destined to become Shaka's worst enemy, I figured, and if I attacked him at the same time he wouldn't be too fond of me either.
So with my eye on catching up on techs, I had a look at the board and chose to research a tech no one else I had, one which I figured the AI would value and trade a lot of goodies for:

And then I didn't trade it to anybody!
Hannibal already had it. Cyrus was researching it and would only trade divine right for it. Shaka needed corporation before I could trade it to him, and I would have to gift that first tech to Shaka. And somehow the idea of making Shaka even more powerful didn't appeal to me. So I kept AL to myself.
Shortly after this, the AP elections came up, and I was a little surprised at who the candidates were.

My and Cyrus? Yup, it seems Shaka had changed civics.

Well, it made no sense to stick with organized religion anymore, since it wasn't doing me much diplomatic good. I still needed to catch up on techs and a lot of my infrastructure was now built, or my cities were quite capable of building it without OR's production boost.

So I switched to free religion too.
And then, after a surviving through a tough game, my luck finally started to turn around. I got exactly the great person I was looking for out of Nidaros.

Sweet! By this point New York was far and away my best commerce city, so I sent him there to found Mining Inc. I planned to build Wall Street in New York (appropriate, don't you think?) soon.
Based upon what others have shared about the subtleties of the game, Shaka was up to something.

Ah yes, the dreaded WHEOOHRN--a sign that the civ in question is preparing for war. Of course, I was pretty sure that Shaka was preparing to attack Cyrus, so I wasn't too worried. By the way, Shaka had dropped to "pleased" with me and I also had WFYABTA with him, so it was looking like I'd have to research railroad on my own.
My next tech was also reasearched with an eye towards trading it...

Which I promptly proceeded to do.

Then Shaka finally did what we all thought and knew he would do. He declared war on Cyrus.

Since I wanted my continent all to myself, I did the same.

There were several advantages to this. One big one was that it pushed my rating with Shaka back to "friendly", so he was willing to trade techs again.

I then managed to capture the two Persian cities on my continent, securing it entire for myself.

Shaka, meanwhile, was tearing up Persian cities on the other continent. Would Cyrus become Shaka's vassal before I had a chance to take any more advantage of the situation?
To be continued...