Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp

Heard or Depp?

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Mar 27, 2009
I dont usually do celebrities. But it has been so over the press im just curious. Heard or Depp?

My twenty cents - I was never there, either in person or the courtroom - obviously. But seems to me that she initiated the whole thing by writing that article. If you are going to make accusations of domestic violence, the only place that should belong is with the police and in the court (and close confidantes of course). Not in the press. There is a tendency amongst celebrities in particular but also the western world in general to try and be the victim - as if thats the most desirable position to be in. Seems an odd psychological profile to me.

So there is that for starters. As for the rest, i dont really have an opinion. Seems like they were both a piece of work. And thank god im not married to either of them.

Poll just for fun
Was there really no thread on this already? CFC you've outdone yourself.

I'm glad Johnny won, but they were clearly both horrible to each other.

As you say they both seem like awful people. Don't think I'd trust either to tell the truth.
Both probably have no career anymore so its just fighting over the spoils.

edit: I think Vardy vs Rooney was much more entertaining but there was an obvious black hat in that case.
It's a shocking and horrific thing to be lied about in court. Johnny was lucky (or careful) @ least that he didn't have kids w her. Having someone lie about you in an attempt to hurt your relationship w your kids is the worse.
Looks like this caused many #topics and most of them go like "snake Amber, poor poor Johnny".

Have no idea about those 2, i just know everything i checked was childish social media talk-style.
Like cults for Johnny. He's prolly not that innocent.
I was on the fence as them both being horrible people for a while, but there have been enough pieces to convince me that even if neither of them are perfect, Depp seems to be intentionally gaming the system (or at least, his team is). This isn't me saying "Heard never did anything wrong" (which a surprising amount of people online will tell you is the case if you even suggest there might not have been fair play from Depp's side), but to me the real kicker is how people take this legal decision as Depp "winning", despite the fact he already lost in the UK courts on a similar subject (against one of our trashy tabloids, if I'm remembering right).

Also, this poll ain't going to be winning any prizes, hah. I'm not voting either way for sure.
I only heard of a few of the more sordid details but not enough to get an accurate picture of everything that went down. The Internet seems strongly anti-Heard though.
First off; couples fall in love, believe the best of each other, quarrel, fight, split up,
believe the worst of each other, and say things driven by emotion rather than wisdom.

It really is best to keep the lawyers out or limit their role to negotiating a fair settlement.
Once involved they want to go to court to maximise their profile and their revenue stream.

Amber Heard was married to Johnny Depp for less than 2 years, but got $7 million in the divorce.

She should have enjoyed the money, kept quiet according to the deal, but she had to sound off.
Winning in the UK merely provided an opportunity for her to over confidently talk herself out of depth.
Some of her allegations were not credible, which discredited her, so the jury believed none of them.

In my view the critical point was when Kate Moss turned up and refuted a second hand allegation.

I think that Johnny Depp ought merely to have had his solicitor get her to lower her tone.
But winning the case won't help him that much.

IMO he wasn't getting jobs because his acting was slipping (complacency of success) and
he was asking for too much dosh (after a while Hollywood fancies a new younger lead).

What I find incredible is that the jury awarded £2 million against Johnny Depp because his lawyer
said something. Only in the US would juries make people liable for what their lawyers said.
They were both pretty horrible spouses, I reckon. But Heard was the one accusing Depp for assault and posted pics of her face to back up her claim. From the facts that have been revealed though, her claim now seems highly suspicious; no one can attest to the picture or accusation being truthful. If she faked it, attempting to put her ex-husband behind bars, that is true malice. I'm glad not to be familiar with either of them on a personal level; I'll still watch their work if it's good. I can separate the artist from the art. However, I reckon that Warner Bros/DC executives and their legal teams are working double time right now, figuring out how they can cancel any contracts they have with Ms Heard. Will the new Aquaman be recast and have scenes reshot with a new actress?
However, I reckon that Warner Bros/DC executives and their legal teams are working double time right now, figuring out how they can cancel any contracts they have with Ms Heard.
Pretty much every contract has an exit/option clause. For high-level actors, it's just exorbitantly expensive and usually a PR nightmare.
Was there really no thread on this already? CFC you've outdone yourself.

I'm glad Johnny won, but they were clearly both horrible to each other.

There were posts about it in the dumpster fire thread.

The thread poll needs at least a third option of 'neither of them.' The only real winners are all the lawyers and people who enjoy celebrities airing their dirty laundry in public.

As you say they both seem like awful people. Don't think I'd trust either to tell the truth.
Both probably have no career anymore so its just fighting over the spoils.

edit: I think Vardy vs Rooney was much more entertaining but there was an obvious black hat in that case.

Yeah - not to derail the thread - but Rebecca Vardy really was a ticket wasnt she? Id be embarrassed if i was Jamie (after all - it was his money and his personal life with his family splashed all over the papers). It would have been ok if she was defending herself but she brought the stupid court case. Celebrities eh!
Given she lost, is it a PR nightmare to drop her?
I think so. The discourse surrounding the case has grown incredibly divisive. If you support Heard, you get flamed by Depp fans. If you support Depp, you get labelled a misogynist who wants to silence victims. If you support neither, you get attacked by both sides.
Pretty much every contract has an exit/option clause. For high-level actors, it's just exorbitantly expensive and usually a PR nightmare.
Legally, I reckon nothing stops a studio from paying Ms Heard the amount stipulated in a contract, while telling her not to show up on set; her role has been recast. As long as the actor is paid, the producers are in the clear.
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