Thanks - I already have such a program. I also have 3ds max. While I can't do animated leaderheads for Civ IV, I'd prefer to stick with Poser .
I think this has been done. I'm not sure though.R8XFT said:One question (being a veteran Civ III modder, but new to Civ IV modding) : are unique techs available - i.e. I want to have Danelaw as a tech but only give it to the Norse. I've done this in Civ III, but can it be done in Civ IV?
R8XFT said:Actually, going back to religions, I've another question : does a civilization have to have researched the tech leading to a religion to have that religion in its borders - e.g. if Mysticism is required for Buddhism and you've not discovered it, could one of your cities be "converted" by a Buddhist missionary?
Originally Posted by R8XFT
One question (being a veteran Civ III modder, but new to Civ IV modding) : are unique techs available - i.e. I want to have Danelaw as a tech but only give it to the Norse. I've done this in Civ III, but can it be done in Civ IV?
R8XFT said:One question (being a veteran Civ III modder, but new to Civ IV modding) : are unique techs available - i.e. I want to have Danelaw as a tech but only give it to the Norse. I've done this in Civ III, but can it be done in Civ IV?
def cannotResearch(argsList):
ePlayer = argsList[0]
eTech = argsList[1]
pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(ePlayer)
if eTech == gc.getInfoTypeForString('TECH_DANELAW'):
if pPlayer.getCivilizationType() != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_NORSE'):
return True
Ok....what if I amend it like this?dh_epic said:The Israelite leader is pretty close to how I might imagine an Ethiopian leader, actually!
I'm sure the colours could be changed if absolutely necessary. Remembering the timescales of the mod (i.e. up to around 1215AD), who would the Ethiopian leader be? Does anyone like the updated Teuta?dh_epic said:I like the ethiopian leader! It's a good look. Although I might make the colors more "biblical". Ethiopia founded one of the first Christian Churches (and claim to possess the ark of the covenant).
It's due to not having enough time for both . I'm modding for Civ IV exclusively now. Making these into Civ III leaderheads would take hours of work for each one. Thanks for the interest though!Partizanac said:rob why don't you make those new LH's for civ3 to!?
Do you mean animated? If so, where have you seen this?catwhowalksbyhi said:Good news. The first leaderhead that I have seen has been made for Civ 4, meaning, with 3ds Max, at least, it should be very, very possible to do this now.