Anno Domini Rise of Cities edition

Anno Domini: Rise of Cities edition (latest version dated November 9th 2016) 27

Given that Mercia is supposedly being added in, will Alfred also be added as the leader of a Wessex faction (as a re-skin of JFD's Anglo-Saxons)?

Perhaps. I'm trying not to get too carried away at the second, but focussing on getting the mod to a point where at least a test version can be uploaded with many of the existing civs and some new ones - but only ones that are "ready to go" without any real creating required, just adding. However, once uploaded, I can do that.

Incidentally, Viregel and COF kindly allowed me to use this leaderhead for Anno Domini. I'm using it for Adminius of the Cantiaci.

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Perhaps. I'm trying not to get too carried away at the second, but focussing on getting the mod to a point where at least a test version can be uploaded with many of the existing civs and some new ones - but only ones that are "ready to go" without any real creating required, just adding. However, once uploaded, I can do that.

Incidentally, Viregel and COF kindly allowed me to use this leaderhead for Anno Domini. I'm using it for Adminius of the Cantiaci.

Spoiler :

Totally understandable man, it was just a spur of the moment thought that occurred to me :p

It's also really good to see that LH again, though i really hope that it finds life in a full Strathclyde/Alt Clud civ in the future.

Anyways, best of luck with the eventual rerelease of the mod - hope all goes smoothly!
Hey Rob!

I dont want to pressure, but do you think you can put the most recent version (15) on somewhere so we can play it until you feel better and can release v 16? It would be great if you could, or at least if someone else could provide me a copy of theirs.

Also, I am glad you have chosen to stick with the 100+ civs - I love the diversity each one brings into the mod :)
Hey Rob!

I dont want to pressure, but do you think you can put the most recent version (15) on somewhere so we can play it until you feel better and can release v 16? It would be great if you could, or at least if someone else could provide me a copy of theirs.

Also, I am glad you have chosen to stick with the 100+ civs - I love the diversity each one brings into the mod :)

I no longer have v15. I have the version inbetween that and what will be v16 ;). Sorry!
Actually, that's why I asked: I *haven't* noticed any difference in mod times. Whether I'm just loading the mod to fix the Krakatoa spawn location or the mod that completely overhauls every aspect of the game, the "Configuring Game Data" screen seems to be shown for the same amount of time.

In any case, I was just curious. As mentioned earlier in the thread, I haven't had a chance to give the BNW version of Anno Domini a whirl, so for all I know this version of his mod actually *does* take a while to load. FWIW, the G&K version didn't take especially long to load.

Oh I see. I suppose that doesn't bode well for the problem I'm currently experiencing. I have tried loading it a couple of times now and the game just seems to stop answering after a while. I'll just cross my fingers that the upcoming v16 will work for me instead.

Thank you for the reply, though! :)
Try pressing the 'ESC' button. I think I had the same problem, and it solved it. I'm not sure though.
Oh I see. I suppose that doesn't bode well for the problem I'm currently experiencing. I have tried loading it a couple of times now and the game just seems to stop answering after a while. I'll just cross my fingers that the upcoming v16 will work for me instead.

You need to be a little more patient than with other mods. This mod is over 1 GB and for me, it takes about 3 minutes to load during which the game shows as "not responding" in Task Manager. Just give it some time. Also, make sure it's the only mod you load to rule out mod conflicts that screw with the startup.

As for v15 (and earlier versions), I've kept backups of these. However, I wouldn't know where to upload them because they're huge. Hmmm, I *do* have 2GB on Dropbox. But then again, it's Rob's mod and I wouldn't want to put unsupported versions into circulation. (Plus, I'm still on vacation and internet here isn't the best, so the earliest I could upload anything would be October 5th.)
As for v15 (and earlier versions), I've kept backups of these. However, I wouldn't know where to upload them because they're huge. Hmmm, I *do* have 2GB on Dropbox. But then again, it's Rob's mod and I wouldn't want to put unsupported versions into circulation. (Plus, I'm still on vacation and internet here isn't the best, so the earliest I could upload anything would be October 5th.)

That would be great! I understand if you don't want to, but it would be wonderful to have v15 since my virus swiped it from me this past summer.
As for v15 (and earlier versions), I've kept backups of these. However, I wouldn't know where to upload them because they're huge. Hmmm, I *do* have 2GB on Dropbox. But then again, it's Rob's mod and I wouldn't want to put unsupported versions into circulation. (Plus, I'm still on vacation and internet here isn't the best, so the earliest I could upload anything would be October 5th.)

FWIW, I'd also like to download v15. Of course, given that Rob said v16 should be available a couple days later, I don't know if it's worth your trouble to upload it & make it available.
FWIW, I'd also like to download v15. Of course, given that Rob said v16 should be available a couple days later, I don't know if it's worth your trouble to upload it & make it available.

I'll see if I can upload it today maybe, just leave the computer running for a couple hours and go to the beach in the meantime. I *think* they have a flatrate here.

However, I think I'm going to upload my own, slightly modified version in which I've fixed one bug that made it crash once Garrisons became available and made some balance tweaks to my personal preference, the most important one being the adjustment of city defense strength so you'd still be able to conquer cities in the Anno Domini and Anno Obscuri eras. (City strengths are now around 45 base plus defensive buildings, and the strongest unit is 45 as well; without my modification you'd have the same unit strengths but city strengths climb to 100-150 in the last two eras, so the AI won't be able to even scratch enemy cities, and it's near impossible even for human players to capture one of these.)

The other changes are relatively minor; a few tweaks in the policy trees, a few resource requirements and building yields changed where I felt it reasonable. I'll try to pack the changelog with the whole thing so you can see what I changed compared to Rob's original. It's all just XML stuff that can be reverted back even midgame (well, you still have to exit and then load the game again, obviously), so if you don't like it, you can just change it back. I *cannot* upload both versions, though, because I'm sure I won't have enough space for that.
Ok, so the upload is running, says it takes 2 hours. I'll share the link here once it's done. I packed it in 7zip, however, so you'll need that (free software) to unpack. It managed to compress it to 650MB, from 1.4GB. I'm impressed.
Ok, so the upload is running, says it takes 2 hours. I'll share the link here once it's done. I packed it in 7zip, however, so you'll need that (free software) to unpack. It managed to compress it to 650MB, from 1.4GB. I'm impressed.

I would appreciate it greatly as well. I'm playing v5 at the moment :D
Oh wow, things sure have changed since v5. :D (I think I started playing this mod at v8.)

Anyway, here you go, Anno Domini (BNW) (v15) with a few custom changes of mine. As far as I know, everything's working and that's the version I'm playing with. I suppose I'd be the one to ask if you encounter any problems with the version downloaded from my link. I would encourage you to send me a PM rather than post in this thread if you have any concerns about these, my, changes.

A brief explanation: There is one .txt and one Excel file in there in which the changes I've made are logged. The Excel sheet lists all resources required by any buildings and wonders, and the changes I've made are marked in yellow. Many of the changes (not in terms of resources) are changes I've carried over through several versions; like for example the change in the Honor policy tree, or the increased yields of the Alehouse.
Thanks for the upload Unedjis! I lost all my previous versions and I couldn't play for ages!

I noticed you can build boats and improve fish banks, but then you get the message "you need Sailing". This makes the Fisherman Hut not fully functional until you get Sailing, which I think is not even in the same Era. Is this a known bug?
Thanks for the upload Unedjis! I lost all my previous versions and I couldn't play for ages!

No problem. I know I'd love to have a link if I had missed the window.

I noticed you can build boats and improve fish banks, but then you get the message "you need Sailing". This makes the Fisherman Hut not fully functional until you get Sailing, which I think is not even in the same Era. Is this a known bug?

I wouldn't call it a "bug" as such. But yes, it's been like this for a couple of versions. Not sure why though. I never felt like it was worth fixing because the first era is usually relatively short anyway (depending on your luck with goody huts), and then you can go straight for Sailing if you want the bonus.
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