Announcing Civilization Network!

Sid, if you are reading this, please PLEASE tell me if Civ 5 is in development! This Facebook thing sounds nifty and all, its just that actual PC games are so much more cool (and fun).

Oh, btw, can I have you signature? Here's a piece of paper :deal:
Commented in the news thread but will here as well.. Just have no interest in a social network based game.

Hope it does well but I can't see myself playing it.

I'm waiting for either another Civ4 expansion or, preferably, Civ 5. :>))
Currently lots of Facebook games out there such as Mafia Wars and Farmville don't have much gameplay and are repetitive, but lots people still play them. Imagine if you make a Facebook game that actually has tons of gameplay... :)
Currently lots of Facebook games out there such as Mafia Wars and Farmville don't have much gameplay and are repetitive, but lots people still play them. Imagine if you make a Facebook game that actually has tons of gameplay... :)

Oh man, don't get me started on Farmville. That game is soo stupid. It's all the worst parts of an MMO, the grinding, without any of the fun MP action...
Fantastic news, this.

As I've been getting spammed by messages from FaceBook friends playing FarmVille and Mafia Wars, and reading the news on Gamasutra about the remarkable numbers that the social games are now achieving on FaceBook, it's become clear that there's a giant market opportunity for turn-based strategy games.

The asynchronous nature of FaceBook communications means that multiplayer games that don't require highly coordinated actions are a natural fit. But so far the games offered have been incredibly mindless -- pure destruction, cute animals, etc. So far I know of no products marketed to those of us who enjoy thoughtful simulations, and for whom turn-based strategy games are very popular.

Personally, I have some ideas for a highly distributed science-fiction, galaxy-exploration game using FaceBook. ;) But until that happens, Civilization for FaceBook is about the closest thing... and it'll be a great guide to whether the traditional TBS game is as good a fit as I suspect it is for the FaceBook paradigm.

P.S. Hello, by the way! I've been a CivFanatic back since people were throwing out ideas for Civ III; I just haven't felt I could offer more than what the folks here had already dreamed up. Now? Maybe. :)

Sid Meier !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would be happy to beta-test!
Cool but: How will you make money from this ie pay your developers?

I am more than happy to go out and buy a Civ CD but paying for stuff on facebook...
This post is so fake and ungenuine that it almost hurt reading it. Can't he talk to us like we're actual people, did he really have to go into marketing mode and spout ® this and ™ that.

Whatever. This isn't the direction that Civ should be headed. I could understand a separate website for this, but a Facebook app? Really? Where the hell is Civ 5?
I've been thinking, this may possibly be a prelude for Civ V. If put on Faceboom, EVERYONE will have access to a Civ game. It will spread like wild fire. And Firaxis is going to PERFECT this before releasing it, because it will have the chance to either recruit more fans or deter them. People who have never heard of Civ will get invites, which will open up the Civ market. And the more customers Firaces gets mean the more the demand for a new game (not to mention $).
Civ V may already be in its testing stages, but they may not announce it until the market explodes like I'm predicting.
God speed Sid!

If you can create a game to get all my friends to STOP playing Mafia Wars, Knighthood, or whatever other stupid thing they can find ... that would be worthy of a nobel prize. However, nobel prizes seem to be getting cheap lately ...

I would also love to be a beta tester.
Didn't I put this idea for what I'd like to see in Civilization as part of my application for the Colonization beta?

welp, I'm sure it wasn't a unique idea anyway!

It wasn't. I said something similar during a civ III beta, IIRC. Or maybe it was on these forums. I think civ can be a great MMORPG, it will just take soem creativity of thought, and doing things differently than most mmorpgs.
Very good news, I'm happy to hear that you Sid continue your "Way of Civilization" :D

Since 1991, I' am eagerly awaiting each new version of Civilization from you, and the poll I made this summer that almost half of the people wants a "new" Civilization :)

BTW, please make your new Civilization as "modderfriendly" as you made all your civilization versions. I learnt all acquired literacy of modding because of you cool, "open" games, thank you for that :goodjob:

It would be my honor to be a beta tester
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