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Answer an official survey for Civ VI

interesting survey, i liked the pick 1 from 3 multiple times as an idea to find what yor liked/hatrd. for me any multipleyer/weekly item was ranked last. then i looked at the rest.
After that, were there anything more in the survey?
I don't know how many times I had to pick 1 from 3, but eventually was thrown an empty page (and later the message "Thank you for your interest in sharing your feedback, but this survey is no longer accepting additional responses at this time." then reloaded).
I agree. I am really happy that they are asking these sort of questions, but I would have liked more specific AI questions. But then again, I do believe they know that the AI has severe issues. Anyone going through this and other forums would know that, but the cost probably outweighs the benefit for them, which is a real letdown. Regardless, it is a good indication and I will take it as a win.
This is a standard format for this type of questionnaire. The options were definitely not random and the inclusion of an item with other sets of items yields, as someone indicated, a statistically valid overall analysis. It's amazing the amount of information that can be developed in surveys like this. Oftentimes you had to decide between something you really wanted, coupled with something else you could care less about, or a different combination of options you liked but not as much as the one coupled with one you didn't care about. Psychologists use this all the time to get valid answers that are better than can be obtained by a simple questionnaire. If you've ever taken any personality profile tests of this type, you were probably amazed at how accurately it was at really finding out what 'makes you tick.' this was an excellent way to determine what the majority of the fan base, at least those taking the survey, really want to see in future content/expansions/games as well as measuring the price resistance associated with various alternatives.

Nature No. 7766 p. 447 said:
Four years ago, the world of psychological research was rocked when an attempt to replicate 100 studies resulted in successful replications for just one-third of them.

Such a discovery is not unique to psychology. Failure to replicate influential results has also been documented in preclinical cancer research, behavioural social science and experimental economics, among other fields.
Klein et al. 2018 said:
We conducted preregistered replications of 28 classic and contemporary published findings with protocols that were peer reviewed in advance to examine variation in effect magnitudes across sample and setting. ... Seven (25%) of the replications had effect sizes larger than the original finding and 21 (75%) had effect sizes smaller than the original finding. The median comparable Cohen’s d effect sizes for original findings was 0.60 and for replications was 0.15. Sixteen replications (57%) had small effect sizes (< .20) and 9 (32%) were in the opposite direction from the original finding.
Just something to remember when talking about validity.

Aww man I had mentally clocked out of Civ 6 thinking nothing new was coming (And that I would never see my beloved Vietnam) but now I missed the survey :< Great to hear they are considering more though! Heres to hoping we get more civs (PLZ VIETNAM)
Most of you miss what the survey actually was trying to find, how best 2K can monetize Civ VI. That is all it was. If enough of you showed a greater preference for free content, I expect 2K will drag out adding new content to ramp up calls for Civ VII. Which may be designed as player money pit from the start, in the vein of CK2/EU4.
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