This is a standard format for this type of questionnaire. The options were definitely not random and the inclusion of an item with other sets of items yields, as someone indicated, a statistically valid overall analysis. It's amazing the amount of information that can be developed in surveys like this. Oftentimes you had to decide between something you really wanted, coupled with something else you could care less about, or a different combination of options you liked but not as much as the one coupled with one you didn't care about. Psychologists use this all the time to get valid answers that are better than can be obtained by a simple questionnaire. If you've ever taken any personality profile tests of this type, you were probably amazed at how accurately it was at really finding out what 'makes you tick.' this was an excellent way to determine what the majority of the fan base, at least those taking the survey, really want to see in future content/expansions/games as well as measuring the price resistance associated with various alternatives.