any ideas what may be wrong with my game? space settlers


May 9, 2014

in the past when I wanted to create settlers for space (cislunar, lunar, planetary) it was needed to send heavy rocket to space station and then upgrade there, but seems it does not work anymore like in the past? I only see option for resupply space station lvl 3, was it changed recently, or I am doing something wrong?

shark destroying heavy rocket, that must have been sharknado:D
thanks:) I will use same thread as it's related to space economy too, any idea what I may be doing wrong? earlier lunar bulldozers were able to create lunar path, but now it can't make it anymore as it's replaced by planetary maglev, which is not constructable on moon because there are no copper wares and I see no building for it (but it's constructable on mars or venus as there are factories), any ideas what I should do now? should I wait until solar trajectories to connect moon to earth and then can build maglew there? but if yes, why is lunar path not possible to construct, or why is there no moon building which would provide copper wares? but most likely I am doing something wrong

I made collage which shows copper wares (1, -1) as exported, could mean that somewhere on moon is source of 1 copper wares but it's exported and I can't make another


  • copper wares.png
    copper wares.png
    3 MB · Views: 51
Yes, it's a rather annoying bug, but the entire space part of the mod is still very incomplete. You have to wait for more than half an era until you get copper wares to the moon.

IMO the problem is not so much that it is hard to get copper wares there, but that the lunar path is disabled at this point. There is no way to build maglevs on the moon for a very long time, and if you have built cities on the moon that are not yet connected at this point, you cannot get any resources there and you will run out of buildings to build.
Yes, it's a rather annoying bug, but the entire space part of the mod is still very incomplete. You have to wait for more than half an era until you get copper wares to the moon.

IMO the problem is not so much that it is hard to get copper wares there, but that the lunar path is disabled at this point. There is no way to build maglevs on the moon for a very long time, and if you have built cities on the moon that are not yet connected at this point, you cannot get any resources there and you will run out of buildings to build.
I'll remove copper requirement from planetary maglev, as players seem to forget to connect Moon/Venus with Mars, and that lunar pathes get hidden/disabled.

This copper requirement was copied from original Maglev, when I separated Earthly routes used by space workers.
Hmm this solar route are buildable much later compared to planetary maglev, so it seems like it was tech timing issue after all.

Change to planetary maglev, so it doesn't need copper will be in SVN in hour.
SVN with this change is now out.
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You also cannot upgrade lunar paths to maglevs, but that is less of an issue.
You also cannot upgrade lunar paths to maglevs, but that is less of an issue.
Workers can't replace lunar path to maglev?
Probably there are few more example of space routes, that could upgrade by themselves.
Maybe this should be explicit just like improvements are upgrading.
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