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Pre-thread: This world is yours 2: Solspace


Jul 30, 2009
Hello and welcome to EltNES: This world is yours 2 - Solspace
In this thread we will work collaboratively to generate an alt-map of Solspace, the immediate volume surrounding Earth's star system, Sol.

https://i.imgur.com/vomv6tF.png - link to blank map


What is this?
A collaborative galaxy building game, inspired by nutranurse's StarNES: Updates Without Number and EltNES: THIS world is yours.
There will be multiple phases in which different layers of the universe will be developped. See Phases

How do I play?
Players earn a base income each turn + a dice roll's worth of addiional spending power. This is known as "creation points"
Players post in-thread what they want to spend their creation points on for the current turn.
See price list for the current phase.

Can I play?
Yes. Post in-thread expressing interest and you will be given points.
If you join after turn 1, you will be given extra "catch up" rolls, equal to the number of turns since the start of the current phase.


The creation phases of the game will be turn-based and RNG fueled with player direction.
Each phase will consist of turns.
Each turn a player will be assigned CP.
Each turn a player will submit their orders in-thread, spending those CP.

Order format:

Spoiler :

Orders: Eltain
25 total CP
10 CP - this hex, this item - item is called x
10 CP - this hex, this item - item is called y
5 CP - bank
Write whatever other information or details you want here.

--Please follow this format when posting orders. It is easy for you and makes it easy for me.
--If you deviate from this format your orders may be missed or ignored.
--if you are late or don't send orders or don't use the format above, you earn one pogs
--If you earn 3 pogs your points are distributed amongst the remaining players
--That wasn't very pogs of you

Phase I: Astrography - Astrography is the art and science of mapping out interstellar volume.
In this phase we will detail the map at the subsector level - stars, nebula, etc. Planets will come later.
You must name the stars that you place. If you do not, your CP will be banked for that item and the star will not be placed.
This phase will continue until I feel the map is full enough

Phase IIa: Stellagraphy - Stellagraphy is the art and science of mapping out interplanetary space.
In this phase we will detail the map at the system level - planets, moons, etc. Inhabitants, culture and ownership will be detailed later.
The number of star systems that we develop in phase II is the number of players x 2. These star systems are considered active. Everyone is encouraged to detail any active system.
The phase will continue until I feel the chosen star systems are full or complete enough - then we will develop a different set of star systems.
Each player earns 1 special point per phase

Phase IIb
Phase IIc

And so on

Phase IIIa: Stellar Anthropology - the science of the study of humanity
In this phase we will detail the map at the planetary level - demographics, economics, language and religion - this informs the conflict of the narrative
We will select a cradle of "core worlds" to detail, likely in a ring of expansion surrounding Sol.
The first person to interact with a planet must name that planet. It should be "in theme" with the system - E.G New Karachi might orbit the star Urdu, or Sicilia might orbit Byzantium, or Puebla might orbit Anasazi.
The first person to interact with a planet must give the residents a demonym. E.G residents of Manchester might be Mancunian, residents of Venus might be Venusian
Demonym - "a name for an inhabitant or native of a specific place, usually derived from the name of the place"
Each player earns 0.5 special point per phase. You must collaborate with other players to place special objects.
Non-terran worlds may be inhabited E.G underground cities or surface domed arcologies.
See price list below.

Phase IIIb
Phase IIIc

And so on

Note on creativity, purpose and the future of this game / misc opinions

In reality, the function or purpose of a location is informed in part by its geography and resource access.
In fiction, the geography and resource access are informed by the locations' purpose and function within the narrative.
That in mind, I will disclose now my initial intention for the universe, in hopes that it informs our collective creative decision making process.

I envision a game set just after the collapse of a multi-star system spanning human empire, which was governed from our star system, Sol.

Factions (corporate, political, religious, military, etc) vie to establish themselves as the dominant stabilizing force that either returns Solspace to normality or changes it to better reflect their values

To date, there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life of sufficient complexity to be considered sapient.

Fuel for interstellar travel is chemical based and will likely involve gas giants in some manner.

System naming conventions: either named for the fictional constellations they appear in from earth, astronomers or by the residents therein. EG Urdu was settled by Iranian colonists and the inhabited planets may have a name in a similar theme, such as: New Karachi, or Shiraz, or Samarkand.

Note it is unlikely that every star system will be inhabited at game start. That is determined in a later phase.

Phase I

Spoiler :

Point gain
Each turn 20 cp + 2d6 cp
Each phase 1 sp


Star20 cpA star is an astronomical object comprising a luminous spheroid of plasma held together by its gravity.Spectral class is determined by RNG. This can be influenced by spending after initial creation.
Nebula10 cpA nebula is a distinct luminescent part of interstellar medium, which can consist of ionized, neutral or molecular hydrogen and also cosmic dust.
Influence existing star class10 cpSpecify what kind of star you'd like to see and RNG will determine success.
Spectral class special decision10 cp, 1 specialSpecify what class you'd like 1 specific hex to contain. This change is permanent and can only be undone with another spectral class special decision.

Phase II

Spoiler :

Point gain
Each turn 10 cp + 2d6 cp
Each phase 1 sp

ObjectCost in CPDefinitionNote
Planet - Terrestrial10A relatively small planet with a solid core and rocky crust. Terrestrial planets typically have sufficient gravity to retain an atmosphere of varying density and composition.Diameter (mass), hydrosphere, biosphere, volcanism and temperature are determined by many factors including RNG. Specify what class you want and the results will shift towards that class on the RNG table. This can be influenced by spending after initial creation. In general, objects nearer the star are hotter and any liquids might evaporate, and likewise any objects farther from the star are cold and liquids may freeze.
Planet - Jovian12A large planet of relatively low density consisting predominantly of hydrogen and helium.
Planetoid - Dwarf5A relatively small planet with a solid core and rocky crust. Dwarf planets do not have sufficient gravity to sustain any significant atmosphere, but they have enough mass to become a spheroid.
Comet -2A comet does not have sufficient mass or gravity to self-acrete into a spheroid. It is also too small to retain any kind of atmosphere.Set a comet on a collision course with an existing body - alter 1 aspect of the target - mass, hydrosphere, biosphere, volcanism, orbit????
Planetoid - Moon5A planetoid orbiting a planet primary. Primaries might have zero to many moons.Moons must be at least 2 classes smaller than the primary that it will orbit.
Asteroid belt3An asteroid belt is a region of space occupied by millions of asteroids. Some dwarf planets reside here. Everything in the asteroid belt revolves around the primary star.
Special Resource12, 1 special pointSpecial resources are placed now but serve no function until phase IV.

ENERGYPassive energy income
MINERALSPassive mineral income
FOODPassive food income
RARE MINERALSPassive rare minerals incomeThese metals have unusual fluorescent, conductive, or magnetic properties—which make them very useful when alloyed, or mixed, in small quantities with more common minerals such as iron.
HYPERMATTERPassive hypermatter income. Can only be found in Gas GiantsThis matter is refined into hyperfuel, which is consumed in interstellar travel

Phase III

Spoiler :

Point gain
Each turn 10 cp + 2d6 cp
Each phase 0.5 sp

ItemUpgrade costDefinitionRequires written descriptions for:
Colony I910^2 (100s of civilians)primary language, primary politics, primary religion, name of primary settlement with starport
Colony II1210^3 (1,000s of civilians)Imports - basic
Colony III1710^4 (10,000s of civilians)exports - basic
Colony IV2810^5 (100,000s of civilians)secondary language, secondary politics, secondary religion
Colony V3810^6 (1,000,000s of civilians)imports - refined
Colony VI5510^7 (10,000,000s of civilians)exports - refined
Orbital Station24, 1 special pointMust orbit size IV or greater colony. Counts as a size II colony.Requires all requisite descriptions of a size II colony
Megastructure100, 3 special points"That's no moon!" Planetary mass starport orbiting the star or a gas giant. Counts as size III colony and has 4 passive resource gain of players choice. Resource choice is found under "phase II prices". Has special function or purpose defined by purchasing playersRequires all requisite descriptions of a size VI colony.

Each of the pre-reqs can be bought independently to alter already established colonies

Independent AspectCostPurchase these to alter an existing colony
Exports - refined4What are the refined exports of this colony? EG Hyperfuel, plasteel, domestic or consumer goods
politics, primary - incumbent4What is the ruling body of leadership for the planet. EG clergy, republic, dictator governorship, corporate fascism, etc
politics, secondary - opposition3What is the political opposition - EG a political party, a guerilla movement, a religious cult
Religion - primary3What is the religion with the most followers on this planet?
Imports - refined2What are the refined imports of this colony? EG alloys, electronics, heavy machinery?
Exports - basic2What are the basic exports of this colony? EG ore, food, livestock, slaves?
Religion - secondary2What is the religion with the second most followers on this planet?
Imports - basics1What are the basic imports of this colony? EG food, water, ore, wood,
Language - primary1What is the most widely spoken or written language? EG russian, mandarin, english
Language - secondary1What is the second most widely spoken or written language? EG portuguese, slavic, welsh

Example orders

Phase I

Spoiler :

Orders: Eltain
42 total CP
20 CP - 1012d, yellow star - New Jerusalem
10 CP - 1013d, nebula - expand the Crab Nebula
10 CP - 1313a, nebula - expand the Crab Nebula
2 CP - bank
Write whatever other information or details you want here.

Phase II

Spoiler :

Orders: Eltain
31 CP, 1 SP
12 CP - 1012d, gas giant - in orbital position 16, called Galilee
5 CP - 1012d, planetoid moon - Antioch should orbit the planet Galilee
12 CP, 1 SP - 1415a, rare minerals - these rare minerals are on the planet Ganges
2 cp - bank
Galilee is a blue, hydrogen-rich gas giant in the New Jerusalem star system. It is orbited by Antioch.
At some point in its cosmological history, a meteor cratered on the planet Ganges, depositing rare minerals deep within its crust.

Phase III

Spoiler :

10 CP, 0.5 SP
9 CP - size I colony, 1012d - on the planet Jericho in the New Jerusalem star system.
1 CP, 0.5 SP - bank

Jericho -
primary language, primary politics, primary religion, name of primary settlement with starport
The lunar colonies on Jericho were founded by Canaanite immigrants, lead by Abner Saxon.
Language - German / Hebrew
Politics - feudal theocracy - decision making is done primarily by the Pharises, the elders of the church
Religion - Judaic offshoot, popular on the planet Canaan
Capital - Saxons' Landing, an underground arcology built by manufacturing billionaire Abner Saxon, a political influencer from Canaan.

Phase IV:
Spoiler :

TBD - will be typical IOT/NES style orders

I am open to critique/comment/questions and welcome any feedback. It has been years since I've last played and want to have a good time.

I will reserve three to four more posts in-thread.
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Reserve 2.
Reserve 3.
Reserve 4.

Spoiler :

Does anyone know how to go back to the "old style" spoilers, which collapsed the page size considerably?

Thanks, TerrisH!.
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Thanks, Terris!

TerrisH: 29 CP, 1 SP

I will post the updated map on Friday 4/14/23.
Looks cool. Do you fill the map by going from sol outward or in any way we wish?
Anywhere you would like. Bear in mind,, during phase 3 we will select a cradle of "core worlds" to detail, likely in a ring of expansion surrounding Sol. There may be exceptions, but in general, profitable/valuable world's near earth are more desirable than the same, but much farther away.

Not discouraging any playstyle, just keeping communication clear.

Erez87: 25 CP, 1 SP
I'll play!
Eltain: 23 CP, 1 SP

Traveller76: 27 CP, 1 SP.
Orders: Eltain
23 total CP, 1 SP
20 CP - hex 0909A, star - Enoch Secondus, prefer a red dwarf
3 CP - bank
I’m a sucker for space games. In.
Welcome to the 'Verse!

NinjaCow64: 28 CP, 1 SP
Orders: erez
25 total CP, 1 total SP
20 CP - 1011a, orange star - Olympus
5 CP, 1SP - bank

Did the game already begin?
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Orders: erez
25 total CP
20 CP - 1011a, orange star - Olympus
5 CP - bank

Did the game already begin?
Hi Erez,

I may not have been clear in the intro posts, but yeah we are starting now.

Orders: Traveller76
27 Total CP, 1 SP
20 CP, 1 SP - 1412A, Yellow Star - Aditi

7 CP - Bank
Hi Traveller,

SP can be spent on a spectral class special decision combined with 10 CP.
Would you like to:
-a: create a random star with 20 CP, or
-b: create specifically a yellow star with 10 CP, 1 SP, and bank the other 10?
10CP, 1SP: hex0809f, Neutron star (recently create)- Iris
10CP: Hex 0810-Corona nebula
9CP: bank

The Corona nebula is an extremely young nebula, still expanding from the supernova that created it a mere 2,300 years ago. it's fairly rich in heavier elements, and is sure to be the birthplace of several new star systems within a few hundred million years.
The neutron star at the heart of the nebula, Iris, is still quite bright, and tends to light up the nebula in an inconstant manner, providing a spectacular light show for any observers.

(small young nebula with a neutron star lighting it up from within, making it a highly visible object in the night sky for many worlds)
Hi Erez,

I may not have been clear in the intro posts, but yeah we are starting now.

Hi Traveller,

SP can be spent on a spectral class special decision combined with 10 CP.
Would you like to:
-a: create a random star with 20 CP, or
-b: create specifically a yellow star with 10 CP, 1 SP, and bank the other 10?
B: create specifically a yellow star with 10 CP, 1 SP, Bank the other 10.
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