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Are you a loyal friend?

What would you do for your best friend if you had to in order to save your friendship

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There is no problem in not visiting CFC again. I would just do that, because the rest is tougher.
How exactly would dying help your friendship? :hmm: Just imagine it. "Hi fellas, this is my best friend, he's been dead a few years but he's still the one I hang out with and talk to..." *everyone else backs off* :dubious:
Hmmmm.... ya shouldn't have to do any of those things to SAVE a friendship. I do alot of those things for my friends, but not to save the friendship.
Pikachu said:
What if the friend doesn’t ask you to do it, but you realize that practical problems will make a continued friendship impossible unless you do something immoral or harmful to yourself?

Maybe your friend’s mother will send him to a monastery in Tibet for the rest of his life if he fails to convert you to her religion? Or what if your friend has unknowingly been involved in some unfortunate business with a mafia guy and will have to seek cover and cut all contacts with his former life unless he borrow all your money to pay off his debt or if you kill the mafia guy? Eh, that wasn’t very good examples. Maybe you could come up with something better?

The question is not why you had to do it, but if you would do it when the alternative would be to give up your friendship.
I'm afraid that is far too much theorical. What make my friends my friends, is, like I said, that we get along and share trust. It usually imply them to have a temper and a behaviour making these things quite unlikely. In the case it happens anyway, I don't know how I would actually answer, and what I would actually do.
Pikachu said:
We are not talking about some hypothetical fantasy friend here. This is about your real best friend in your real life. Would you prefer to loose him forever instead of telling someone a lie? In that case you are not much of a best friend yourself, I think :p

I actually have been a good friend to many people over the years. I've been there for people, when they needed it. That's friendship. I refuse to be used.

However, I must admit that I am shocked that Akka and I agree. :eek:
Pikachu said:
How important are your friends to you? How far would you be willing to go to help your best friend if you had to? Let’s say that if you failed to do it, there would be no way to restore your friendship.

Edit: The question is not why you have to do it, but if you would do it when the alternative would be to give up your friendship.

I only have one good friend. He's been my best friend since I was 12. We've been friends through all sorts of ups and downs, and were out of contact for some years when I was in medical school. Nevertheless, we've always kept in touch enough to find each other. Those years have made me realize that friendship is important and I would do just about anything to keep that friendship. Recently, he announced that he'd probably be moving to a city far away. We both said that we would still visit, even to spend obscene money to fly.

I wouldn't commit outright criminal acts, though, or quit my job that I've worked very hard for.
I can't answer hypotheticals like this.

Anyway, I am a pretty loyal if critical friend. I don't let my friends get away with much, and although I never get genuinely angry at them, I try to point out their faults. There's not much a friend can do to make me cut off our friendship; I assume he can correct his mistakes.
The Last Conformist said:
Anyone who didn't check 'lie' lied.
Or maybe they didn't read the poll carefully like me. :)
Zarn said:
I actually have been a good friend to many people over the years. I've been there for people, when they needed it. That's friendship. I refuse to be used.

However, I must admit that I am shocked that Akka and I agree. :eek:
Well, it's neither a political nor a religious subject, so it is bound to happen once in a while :D
Zarn said:
I've been there for people, when they needed it.
Fortunately for them they have only needed you at your spare time because if they need you while you are supposed to be at work you would refuse to take a day off or two?

Imagine if your best friend was in an accident for example and all his family and friends except you died in that accident. He is seriously injured and has to go through some dangerous surgery to survive. Then he asks you to take a few days off from work and be there with him at the hospital. Wouldn’t you do it? I think it is fair to assume that your best friend would have a hard time to ever trust you again after such a betrayal, and your close friendship would effectively be over.

:dance: :banana: Ah, finally I came up with a good example :D
Sophie 378 said:
How exactly would dying help your friendship? :hmm: Just imagine it. "Hi fellas, this is my best friend, he's been dead a few years but he's still the one I hang out with and talk to..." *everyone else backs off* :dubious:
I have a few freinds i'd do anything for, heck were all like brothers!
Help him/her with his/her housework
Take a few days off from work/school
Cancel a date

the first one I'd do for anyone if I was at there house and making a mess of it. the occasional white lie doesn't bother me, taking a few days off if something serious has come up seems ok, and while I'd be very reluctant if the issue was big I'd cancel a date. If a friend asks me to do serious crimes or give my life for his he's already doing something that will terminate our friendship
furthest i would go is acts of vandalism. i have type AB blood so even if i did donate a kidney, he probably cant accept it. but screw it, i'm not giving up my health for anyone outside of blood related family. i didnt build up my health by staying away from doing dumb stuff like skating without a helmet for nothing! but a lot of the options have nothing to do with loyalty to a friend. a friend needs to be treated like a friend, not like a god that u would sacrifice everything for.
If any of my rocker friends turned against Metal or turned religious, I would disown him for life.

Done it several times already, for one or two of these reasons.

I don't keep real friends. I keep people around who I consider useful in some way. Be it for their intellect, money, contacts etc....
The Last Conformist said:
Anyone who didn't check 'lie' lied.
Liar! :mischief:
silver 2039 said:
I don't keep real friends. I keep people around who I consider useful in some way. Be it for their intellect, money, contacts etc....
True true, but I have realized having some real friends plays an advantage, namly to stop a bullet ment for me.
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