Are you religious? If so does it influence you on logic and science?

Does religion make you deny certain truths or obvious things in science or in general

  • Yes, im not sure about evolution or the earth or other things.

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • No science is the only way!

    Votes: 20 54.1%
  • Indifferent.

    Votes: 14 37.8%

  • Total voters
aussieboy said:
Science explains the physical world, while Religion describes the spiritual world. They are two sides of the coin of knowledge.

I am a devout Catholic, but I also believe in reason to find the facts. The only exception is to do with matters of the divine.
So Science can be compadible with Roman Catholicism so long as it does not conflict with matters of God? :)
Poll's kind of biased. ;)

I keep Religion and Science seperate. Religion tells you "Why", and science tells you "How".
CivGeneral said:
So Science can be compadible with Roman Catholicism so long as it does not conflict with matters of God? :)

Yep. As Chieftess said, Science asks, "How?", while Religion asks, "Why?"
That's an interesting way of looking at it, CT.

I learned evolution in school. Catholic school.
Xanikk, to put it bluntly, that poll sucks. I refuse to vote in such an obviously biased thing.

Anyway, as to the thread title question: Yes, obviously. Religion is the largest part of your worldview, the lens through which you see and interpet everything. Only people without navels can see things without any coloring from their past or religious beliefs.
aneeshm said:
Can you not conceive of a religion which is not at odds with science , or which does not concern itself with science ?
Deists like Voltaire have generally considered their religion to be irrelevant to their scientific views.
Science asks, "How?", while Religion asks, "Why?"

I'd argue that Science asks "How?" and makes a decent attempt to answer it logically, Philosophy asks "Why?", but do not try to pretend it's answered it, but rather to clarify that it's possible to live with doubt, and Religion has all the answers already, but without any logical basis to back them up, and therefore they can only ever be applied subjectively.
That's called saying "But", Corlindale. :p

Let me add my voice to those others saying the poll is horribly biased.
I am sorta religious, more than other people anyway ...
And acording to many, i am waaay too rational at most times, although on ... several situations :mischief: :
Friend: Why are we taking this road ?
Me: Huh ?
Friend: If we go that way, we'll get there a lot faster ?
Me: So ?
Turner said:
Xanikk, perhaps you should come up with some better poll options.

:eek: What the! Most of my polls are great!

This one is crummy as i said before but i dont know how to change it after you already have done it.

So if the mods want to redo the poll options thats fine with me. :)
I accept what science teaches and still believe in religion. I don't believe in anything that is unscientific but I do believe in a few things that are not shown to be true by science. For example, I believe that a small group of Israelites immigrated to the Western Hemisphere about 600 BCE. There is no scientific evidence for this, but I can still accept it as true. There is also no real scientific evidence that says that it is completely impossible.

Science does modify some of my religious views, however. The Book of Mormon is not clear whether this group of Israelites became the entire ancesters of all American Indians, or only a very very small part of the gene pool. DNA evidence, however, makes it quite clear that there is no significant contribution from the Middle East to the American gene pool. This leads me to accept that these Israelites were only a small community, and that the rest of the American Indians were already here.
Xanikk999 said:
:eek: What the! Most of my polls are great!

This one is crummy as i said before but i dont know how to change it after you already have done it.

So if the mods want to redo the poll options thats fine with me. :)

I'd be more than happy to change the poll options.

But you need to come up with better options. Then I'll change it.

Probably better to close this thread down and start with a new one.
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