Army rabbi gave out hate leaflet to troops

Ah, my mistake, I thought you were denying that Hamas used human shields. There have been some problems with Israel using human shields, although not to the degree that I heard about it before today.
Ah, my mistake, I thought you were denying that Hamas used human shields. There have been some problems with Israel using human shields, although not to the degree that I heard about it before today.
You gotta love the mainstream media...
The one that's bashing Israel left right and center?

Speaking of which, I've never known you to have a beef with Jews. I thought killing Muslims would make them okay in your book.
He hates Jews as well. Although it would be interesting to discover exactly where you fall on this issue Panny? Who do want killed the most?
Speaking of which, I've never known you to have a beef with Jews. I thought killing Muslims would make them okay in your book.

He's a hatemonger, of course he's gonna hate the Jews. They're like the go to race for any bigot.
**** religions. Even Buddhism.

No. No. How about the people that take it too far? Sports and politics do their share of violence and death too and don't say one is more deadly than the other 'cause that's not the point.
He hates Jews as well. Although it would be interesting to discover exactly where you fall on this issue Panny? Who do want killed the most?

It's a totem pole of untermenschen. I like to lean back in my chair and chuckle at it.
He hates Jews as well. Although it would be interesting to discover exactly where you fall on this issue Panny? Who do want killed the most?
I don't want anyone killed, I'm a christian. But I have a right on my opinion, and I think that the stuff that happened in Gaza is not O.K. And I believe so because I'm against killing.
Funny how you say that I hate muslims, but when all that crap started in Gaza, dozens of posters here had a very gruesome ideas about handling the "Palestinian question". I don't like islam, that's true, but I don't want to kill or hurt muslims.
I am not a hatemonger. How come the people who oppose my ideas rarely come up with any better arguments than he is a hatemonger or a white supremicist.

should we go into why the philosophies you subscribe to would be best exterminated?
A lot of Nazis are big on the idea of "their land" refering to specific ethnic groups, particularly the new Nazis who like to use SEGREGATE EVERY GROUP as a substitute argument for to make hating all the darkies more acceptable.

Incidentally, Stormfront mostly sides with the Palestinians in the Arab-Israeli conflict, seeing the Israelis (ok, the JOOS) as racist interlopers taking "Arab land".
A lot of Nazis are big on the idea of "their land" refering to specific ethnic groups, particularly the new Nazis who like to use SEGREGATE EVERY GROUP as a substitute argument for to make hating all the darkies more acceptable.

Incidentally, Stormfront mostly sides with the Palestinians in the Arab-Israeli conflict, seeing the Israelis (ok, the JOOS) as racist interlopers taking "Arab land".
Because it worked out so fantastically well in South Africa, do doubt.

Seeking alliances where they can. Many Neo-Nazi movements are apparently actively seeking collaboration with Al-Qaeda.
I'm believing you, even though that would be utterly unimaginable for German Neo-Nazi movements.
The Nazis aligned themselves with Slavic regimes in Croatia, Slovakia and elsewwhere, and Anwar Sadat was arrested by the British for being part of a plot to help Rommel 'liberate' Egypt. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a maxim these people are familiar with.
We also have crazy religious fundamentalists.
I never liked to army rabbinate too much. Good thing they barely have any influence in the military (not much except for making sure the food is kosher).
We also have crazy religious fundamentalists.
I never liked to army rabbinate too much. Good thing they barely have any influence in the military (not much except for making sure the food is kosher).

Is that any reason why the ultra orthodox types not required to join the IDF?
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