a night patrol , a guard , warden might have been used maybe . A bekçi would most usually go around the streets at night with a whistle . Let the thieves hear him coming and they will be deterred . At least in the old times where the Bekçi would be one lone guy . They are like two or three on patrol these days as the thieves might be like many more , too . Bekçi Amca is also phrase from older times . When the kids misbehave , crying too much or demanding mothers to buy some more candies and whatnot Police or the Bekçi are good weapons to threaten to use : "Behave or I'll give you to the Police" , more effective if there are any within sight . That ı am ugly has no relevance , any lack of Police within sight will cause any stranger to become the object of threat , as ı have been a couple of times in my almost 50 years . A better thing than "I'll take you to injection" a medical office , maybe for vaccination where you get this needle stuff that becomes more threatening as the age goes lower ... But this is not exactly a good thing . The concept of policing stuff involves a certain level of trust , that the kid should like respect when the Police guy tells him that smoking is bad , instead of a chase a couple of years later as the kid has become a street peddler of drugs . Fear does not always create respect . Or something might have happened and the kid should be able to point which direction the people have run to , critical information that might actually save lives . So , the Police or Bekçi , by State decision , has become Amca , the brother of father . Just like ı have a niece and a nephew and so am an amca to two , but ı have been described as such many more times on the street , because kids also need to learn that not all strangers are threats and so on and a mother or a father would describe me as such , even if ı would never see them again .
the issue of a bekçi previously being unarmed is wrong . ı certainly remember them with pistols regularly on them . When the "period of anarchy" was on , there would be one standing at the gate of the Police Station with a MP-5 , which they kept until they were abolished in the early 1990s . Think them as lower paid hot bodies to keep guard and stuff , while the Police would half keep guard and half do office work with better pay , creating tensions . The elderly were retired , the rest were made Police . The current thing arises from the inevitable requirements of hardliner states . When ballot is negated and the replacement at the top is limited only to bullets , there will always be a need for more armed groupings . To divide and rule those who might take arms ... Also the Police has been turned into almost racists arguably in its entirity since the times when there were a Leftist and a Rightist Police union before 1980 . The Congregation has been "removed" , replaced by countless other congregations which might or might not support a given faction within the Party , but almost racists outnumber the newcomers and would be expected to act in unison in a crisis , adding an ace in the sleeve to A-K-P's spare wheel , better known as MHP . That the secretary of internal affairs of the palace cabinet is always involved in verbal spats with the traitors -real or imagined- is a solid work to that end ; he is like apparently blamed that the officials from treasury (run by the son-in-law of the PM) were given no cakes during the 5 hours they spent in the PM's palace ... More likely a rumour started by the troll farm of the secretary of internal affairs of the palace cabinet , he is very active in creating impressions for times when the PM is no longer there .
so another armed force is deemed necessary , especially a local thing , because the Police force -needed by the almost racists for domination of the political scene- has obviously no place for Kurds . Kurds are essential for Party to win elections , congregation work because Arabs will someday invade this country and the oil rich Saudis and Qataris would need boots on the ground and Police are on rotation , some years in the West , some years in the East and they will need some time to learn whom to oppress and whatnot while those living in the same neighbourhood would know what to do right from the start . Accordingly the first Police-Bekçi clash was in the East , when this possibly Special Forces level Police beat up the local Party footworker Kurd given an uniform and future prospects of guns and stuff . The Police knows this game very well , they were specifically armed and given SWAT teams and eavesdropping capability for blackmail to fight the now dead National Army , commanded by Officer cadres that would be amenable to listen to undesireable people , because they once followed Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk , through all his phases and with him actually foreseeing that these days might come , internal footwork in the name of Counter-Revolution . The same cadres commanding an almost genuine breakdown of the Nation's Peoples because conscription brought Alevis and Kurds and Leftists into service and entrusted them with G-3s . They know the coming Bekçi force is a Party army to come . ı hear there already has been a gunfight somewhere .
ah yes , the Spitfire in question . This one is like in Egypt in 1943 or 44 , training for deployment into Aegean islands . Which is of course the current problem of New Turkey , like because you know they were surrendering one or two to the Greeks when they were brothers with them ...
the goal posts has indeed moved . When ı was being mobbed and whatnot and the very public manifestations was noticed by person A who told person B which then met person C who then took it to Lady Vader who then told Lord Vader to act , because Lord Vader is a good boy who always behaves ...
to end up in this perfect storm when seperate stuff gets joined in the hip for increased effect . Am an eternal fool , always laughed at but there would be moments people would suddenly feel unease , because ı was like 10 years older the rest and actually kinda better read because in my teens you could still read books . Which they transferred out as a joke that ı gotta be a spy , which became a running joke of citywide proportions . Lady Vader and et al knew America would declare open season on them during the destruction of Republic . Congregation (trying to control everything) knew the great city nearby would sooner or later win the football championships because Congregation would make it so and they needed closer "interaction" because of the Big Four , which were the teams that had previously won and they might have been harder nuts to crack . ı was like filmed and footage transferred to Ankara to learn whether ı was a spy , that ı was to be left alone created an illusion that ı was a Beşiktaş fan , which ı am not . ı am a Civ fan , actually a fanatic because ı play Civ , but never had any success in football . In my like 7 years of Anatolian High times you had to attend PT classes and football was almost required and ı touched the ball like four times , disrupting an attack once , stopping a goal because the opposing player most probably took aim at me , hitting the ball so wrong that it so beautifully curved through the window of the girls restroom on the first floor and scoring an own goal , if you believe an opposing player . It was actually an out , meaning the opposition would take a corner shoot , people mostly blame a blonde that was around . But apparently the person who forwarded that statement was a family friend of Süleyman Seba who had run Beşiktaş for a while , and Beşiktaş supporters and nearby city fans had fought running street battles with one killed ... so , Congregation added that to the mix .
and yeah , people think this is preparation against them , linking stuff with stuff , unaware how explaining stuff like makes it easier for them ...
just like management books talk of making a team of workforce and laughing at r16 was a team making experience because it obviously was so right , making a city enemy of r16 would unite people for further purposes . Explains why people who would have never interfered in my stuff (because it would only make a mess of my life) made me their retirement hobby , because ı was already in the war .
moving goal posts ? When ı was like noticed , America had already fallen behind in its original plans of invading a Middle East country every two years , Syria blamed but not yet processed for supporting troubles in Iraq . An Algeria type Civil War in this country was being abandoned . Democracy instead was going to be the thing , with the original invasion date of 2009 still being adhered to . As in the world changes but evil Kemalist Regime refuses to follow heed and blames America for supporting an Islamist Goverment which only wants Freedom and investigations into past crimes are stalled and then finally crushed by bloodshed which then requires bringing Democracy to Turkey . Those who think the election of Obama , a totally fresh person , bringing so much hope to the world that he was immediately awarded a Peace Nobel was an accident , a random event , raise your hands . Because we are talking about the invasion of a country within the NATO Alliance , every crime of which was readily ignored so long ... Obama was like relaxed because the 2007-8 Ergenekon conspiracies had proven the feared Turks had no teeth , so the first thing he did was coming here to tell us Turks to roll over and die . We Turks were told we would destroy all enemies of the West in the Middle East and get destroyed in return and be happy about it , too . We Turks is a figure of speech , because ı am not real and nothing and the old gang between pangs of laughter (which included me laughing too / because it was so outrageously funny) decided ı would be the Baghdad Bob , the Comical Ali , the person to tell Americans they would be lost in the deserts (in the age of GPS and all that jazz) because they had never ridden a camel .
the Algeria type Civil War , with election results ignored this way or the other and "Muslims" forced into open rebellion in alliance with seperatists was changed into New Turkey , impressing all Ihvan with a brother or two in charge . To which Saudis objected and an Arab Alliance to invade Iran was converted into colour revolutions in stages , getting bloodier in time so that public pressure at the injustices would negate any Kemalist attempt to check and balance New Turkey's invasion of Syria . Kaddafi was lured out of resistance that he could keep up for the next 50 years (if he lived that long) by Hillary Clinton with a promise of peace talks and stuff because he had to die ugly , to scare Beşar Esad . So that he would resist instead of calling it a day and calling for elections and moving back to London . He would still try to do that , leaving the war to his more warhungry relatives and stuff , so much that the SAS was announced to be supporting the Irresuction with a specific mission to locate him . To kill directly if Esad could not be turned over to the Sunnis in a timely manner for sexual abuse during death . We are like at 2011 now ... With all the smarties on TV talking of how it is happening again after a century , the West invading Libya 100 years after 1911 . 2012 would see Balkan War III (but for the thing that the Greeks had been like bankrupt by some accident) so people had to behave . So , a Phantom of the now dead Turkish Airforce was set up to be shot down by Syrians to lead to calls for revenge . Except Americans were utterly spooked by Russian stuff . New Turkey eagerly waited in 2013 for America to invade after Obama's redline of chemical stuff was crossed , PM waving a finger at Obama in the very White House . You know there is this Seymour Hersh guy who claims it was a New Turkey attack with incredibly poor supposed proofs and claims ... It would have been a bigger scoop than My Lai if things had gone that way . Instead Obama chose the photo op talking to the PM on the phone with a baseball bat in his hand , a thing the whole world knows why he is called a spineless jerk . With one of the old gang being famous with a preference for this most American symbol and being like 70 or more at the time and Obama calls for order or else . In a way people were famous when Obama was still in short pants ... like from a distance of what , 7000 kilometers and whatever or more ? And the accident of Gezi Events and stuff and somewhere along all this mess , the great city nearby becomes a duty spot for a career US Diplomat , because there is this thing called plans of mice and men . Which might go wrong , like suddenly ...
iran plays the time and opportunity typically well . Because Obama can not play its trump card , sending the now dead Turkish Army into war in places , there has to be an ever more deadly threat , Armageddon lunatics that will scare us to fight Iran after loosing control here or there or somewhere or only God Knows where and bringing America and Iran together , too , because why not . You know , the mighty powerful ISIL . Which fizzled against the glory of seperatists which were then abandoned to be killed whenever New Turkey needed to win an election or two ...
ah , the Mediterranean . Ah , the reason for Brexit . Ah , the current manifestation of the glory of New Turkey . You see , when that explosively formed projectile went through some M-1 and another took off the legs of the driver of that British tank in Afganistan there was this suspicion of Iran being farther along the route of copying the greatest achievements of the US Defence Industry in 1970s . During an Arab-Iran war there would be no oil exports from the Straits of Hurmuz with the Saudis using Red Sea ports . Which might come under attack in persistent scale to close them for global financial meltdown . The natural gas reserves of Mediterranean by 2009 had been simply a carrot to dangle in front of us Turks to accept Ihvanisation , because there were Ihvan in Egypt who might like us . New Turkey being far more interested in Kerkük and its long lost Kurdish brothers . 2011 Libya involves so much of killing a competitor of the Saudi/UAE/Qatari hydrocarbon sales . EPFs flying around and "OMG, Iran can now do 1970 stuff in addition to 1960 stuff!" explains the French and UK Special Forces almost coming to blows in Libya like ı don't know in 2014 ? Because if the Saudis are knocked out , with Venezuella accidentally knocked out by American hate against Castro's Cuba and Russians will be massively sanctioned to stop them rashly providing Iran with 1980s stuff , anyone who controls Libya can suddenly make a huge amount of money ...
take a deep breath . Copy past this post into some programme to read each sentence one by one . Tell no one if you make sense of it .
new Turkey was supposed to love Peace , as they peacefully ignored the Greeks planting a flag and people on a couple of new islands each year . We might have killed lranians too fast , so the now dead Turkish military was not supposed to be that modernized . Gezi Events proved the Police was not that mighty ; this blossoming of drone capability is an American permission for more active people control , you know by blowing people up . Defence projects was wealth transfer , tax payer money to "Muslim" companies , the current rapid development is a British requirement to let their proxies fight and defeat France/EU's proxies in places like Libya . Russia came and practically made it impossible to conquer Syria . Kurds proved they run whenever they meet a properly equipped army without embedded American advisors , so there is no conquering Iraq either .
ah yes , we are finally in the Med . Development of gas projects and whatnot is a sure sign that Iran will be invaded . New Turkey will do its best to join and even if fails , the Kurdish problem will be raised again and it will be our turn to be attacked . Those who accuse me of betrayal (which happens every year on a different subject) are of course not afraid of fighting everyone in the world , ı just don't know why they don't just go and do it . New Turkey was specifically attacking the now dead Turkish Navy in Western plots they were not fully privy to , to prevent becoming more of a threat to the utilization of the gas reserves to supplant Iranian/Saudi supplies , with F-16s being easy through means we surely wouldn't know and so on . They haven't captured oil to justify to official dissolution of the Republic of 1923 by its centennary , to be replaced by Ihvanistan . Which would destroy the economy , however its being fake already , because the professionals and stuff wouldn't be able to handle the suffocation as it is a Saudi thing that there will be Assimilation . Which is actually part of the Brexit deal agreed , with people going to Germany and money ending up in the UK . The rest needs to live in heaven which then needs oil proceeds . Oh-kay , we had huge successes in the Black Sea , let us live with that . Uhm , that would make us unavailable to fight UK's enemies in Libya ... That's why the mighty 800 billion cubic meters of whatever of reserves recently discovered was declared as 320 and has already gone down to 270 , which will in a couple of months will decrease to 0 . (That ı was not surprised they have just discovered another trillion in the Black Sea is a given ... on the very day this was being written at home .)
yeah , our rights in the Mediterranean . Immoveable object mode , our rights stays right there and there will be no pipeline either . What's so hard to understand in that ? We discovered gas in the Black Sea !
because we gotta die to give A-K-P a victory so that they can match the war of 1920-22 . Giving them the right to call the War of Liberation null and void , as much as the Republic . Considering the mighty victories they have gained every week , nobody understands why they need that ...
so , now they want our righteous rights , half the Aegean . Which is actually a bad word now , being of Greek origin , so they want half of the Sea of Islands or Archipelago or whatever . Guess who gets to get that half ...
this much of a post like takes half a day to write ... But nobody in the world is ever surprised to see me defending the name of Americans whom ı certainly reject to meet ... Once again the one on duty is defined as craving sx so much that begging me non-stop ... So , a little word to the girls and whatnot of the big city nearby ... Once again am fully aware am being used as a ploy to score , one fool coming all the way from America and rejected by another fool who is nothing , actually way below of nothing when compared to the virility of people ! Who make you laugh with my ineptitude . Laugh at me ı don't care . Laugh at the one on duty she won't care for you , because why she should ? Nobody cares about what you do , what you decide , whom you give ... uhm , your love . But the thing is that a country of 328 millions has dispatched them with a belief that they will not cause shame and disquiet and embrassment when they are finally accepted by the old gang as speakable and whatnot and everybody will forget stuff about r16 . They are not here for me , but your boyfriends might suddenly feel dejected , because obviously the the phrase "donunda sallar" will be relevant . Meaning rocking someone inside the underwear , it might not be fully acceptable in wider society , because the only time ı have heard that , it was an all male situation where some guy talked bad of women and the response was like the guy was so "small" that it would be possible for him to be put to sleep with you know what . ı think , no idea on the phrase otherwise . If this was to become known , girls of the big city , you might think it as funny to remind your boyfriends and stuff on what they were once saying and you might end up as a statistic . Beaten up or even more up . Don't blame me then , OK ?